
Cyberverse Chronicles.

"Cyberverse Chronicles" unfolds as a captivating tale of genius high school programmer Scott and his friends, Kate and Ray. Amidst a world intertwined with futuristic AI marvels, a bug triggers the rise of rogue AIs. Together, they uncover secrets, forge alliances, and confront a war that blurs lines between technology and humanity.

Sagittarius_Dev01 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Champion's Betrayal

The sun hung low in the sky as the quartet made their way home from school. It had been a long day, and the weight of the world seemed to press down on them with every step. 

"We should have used a teleportation transport" Ray complained tiredly.

"Can you afford one?" Kate replied to Ray.

"Why does it feels like we've been walking for years..." Ray said.

"Well, I could give you a piggyback" Emma offered.

"Really?" Ray said smiling ear to ear.

"Of course..not" Emma teased

"You know i was gonna say that too, I have my pride" Ray said touching his chest passionately "I'm a man, I'm never gonna ask a girl to carry me"

"Ray!" Scott and Kate said in unison.

They all gradually separated, leaving only Ray and Scott, who continued on their shared path.

Ray's footsteps were unusually heavy, and Scott, sensing his friend's somber mood, "I'm not going to piggyback you" Scott said but decided to accompany him a little further, a silent gesture of solidarity.

As they approached Ray's home, there was an eerie silence. No excited barks greeted them. Champion, the faithful family dog, was usually there to welcome Ray home. Scott exchanged a concerned glance with Ray as they entered the house and switched on the light to every rooms.

Ray called out for Champion, his voice echoing through the empty house, but there was no response. As they ascended the stairs to Ray's room, a crumpled note lay on Ray's bed.

Ray picked it up with trembling hands and read aloud, "We're at the Neotroplis hospital with Dad. Champion's gone."

The words hit like a punch to the gut. Ray's father was a source of strength and wisdom for their family, and Champion had been his loyal companion for years. Ray got concerned, and he looked at Scott, his voice quivering. "They're at the hospital. Something happened to Dad, and they had to take Champion away."

Without a second thought, Scott and Ray forgetting about their tiring day rushed to the hospital. They found Ray's mom in the waiting area, her eyes red from crying. She embraced her son, her voice shaking as she explained that Ray's dad had been injured while trying to protect her from Champion's unexpected aggression. It was a painful accident caused by Champion's possession but assured his dad will be okay. 

Ray's frustration and anger welled up as he listened. He couldn't help but feel a mixture of grief for Champion and worry for his dad. It was a heartbreaking situation, and he needed time to process it.

As Ray and his mom shared a moment, Scott quietly excused himself, leaving the room. His thoughts were swirling, and he felt an overwhelming curiosity about the unfolding war against the rogue AIs. He knew there was more to the story, and he needed to understand it better.

He walked the hospital's sterile hallways, lost in his thoughts. The situation was dire, and he couldn't help but wonder about ALPHA01 and the rogue AIs, their motivations, and their ultimate goal.

When he finally returned home, Scott found his mother preparing dinner in the warm glow of the kitchen. The familiar scents of home embraced him, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that his family was safe.

He walked up to his mom and embraced her, holding her tightly. She looked at him, concern in her eyes. "Everything okay, sweetie?"

Scott nodded, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'm just glad you're here and safe."

His mother smiled and patted his cheek. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

As they shared a meal that evening, Scott couldn't help but wonder about the mysteries of the world outside. He knew that understanding the enigma of ALPHA01 and the rogue AIs would be a journey fraught with danger, but it was a journey he felt compelled to undertake.

He became more interested in the war because his friends and family are getting involved.

As he thought about Ray and the challenges they all faced, he knew that their bond would be a source of strength in the turbulent times ahead.

The world may have been torn apart by conflict, but the enduring connections of friendship would be the guiding light in the darkest of days. This was on Scott's mind until he drifted into the sleep abyss.