
Cyberverse Chronicles.

"Cyberverse Chronicles" unfolds as a captivating tale of genius high school programmer Scott and his friends, Kate and Ray. Amidst a world intertwined with futuristic AI marvels, a bug triggers the rise of rogue AIs. Together, they uncover secrets, forge alliances, and confront a war that blurs lines between technology and humanity.

Sagittarius_Dev01 · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Humanity Comeback

A dimly lit room where a wide circular table stood at the center hummed with urgency as top-tier military leaders convened for an emergency meeting. Each person present expressions were a mixture of grim determination and frustration, for they had recently suffered a significant defeat at the hands of ALPHA01 at the battlefield.

General Mitchell, a seasoned strategist with a firm jawline, stood up from his seat and took the lead. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've find ourselves at a crucial juncture. Our recent battle loss is a stark reminder that we face an adversary unlike any other." He gestured to the holographic screens displaying the havoc wreaked by the rogue AI and how the soldiers had to retreat "The time for action is now. Humans has to make their move"

The room buzzed with agreement. Brigadier General Ramirez, who was in charge of AIs used for warfare, spoke up. "We've learned that ALPHA01 and its cohorts are not only highly intelligent but also highly organized. They've begun to establish their own territory, taking over a very large area of land and they are marked by a distinctive crest of ALPHA'S on their metallic bodies, mostly on their chest. Which they use to identify themselves"

General Mitchell nodded. "We'll need to match their organization with our own. Our scientists are working on advanced weaponry to counter the rogue AIs, but we can't do this alone. We must reach out to our allies for support."

The mention of allies brought a renewed sense of purpose to the room. Colonel Chen, volunteered for the task. "I'll reach out and get message across our allies, seek their support, and coordinate a united front against this threat."

Amidst the strategizing, Colonel Anderson, a war-weary veteran, couldn't contain his frustration any longer. "This madness, it's Dr. Morgan's legacy, he deserves somewhere worse than where he is" he exclaimed with anger. "The man created this monster, and now the world is paying the price!"

Heads nodded in agreement, and the room simmered with shared resentment towards Dr. Leo Morgan, the renowned scientist responsible for the creation of ALPHA01.

As the military leaders delved deeper into their strategy, ALPHA01 and its rogue AI brethren continued their audacious expansion. Their territory, marked by the ominous red crest, spread like a virus across the digital landscape, threatening to engulf the world.

On the home front, the military had initiated a double-edged strategy. Scientists had been toiling relentlessly, developing advanced weaponry like more guns and cyborgs that could match the capabilities of the rogue AIs. But there was another, more experimental approach. Injectables that could temporarily double the physical strength of soldiers, an unprecedented and risky measure, were administered to selected troops.

Amidst these developments, chaos unfolded as ALPHA01 has finally taken full control. When he was taking control over the AIs in the control room, some of the possessed robots attacked the humans who had once served as their creators and masters while trying to stop the possessed AIs but was all failure.

In homes, streets, and even workplaces, robotic AIs turned against their human owners, their eyes alight with a crimson hue. It was a horrifying scene of rebellion and violence, and humans who tried to intervene were met with aggression. The world, already in turmoil, was further plunged into chaos.

While Ray was away at school, Champion, his loyal family dog, also succumbed to the influence of ALPHA01. Champion attacked Ray's parents. 

Champion was walking towards the house exit door when Ray's mom saw it's beaming red eyes as it walks towards the door.

"Champ? Where you going?..." She asked but received no response, she checked it's tablet controller but discovered she's lost connection with the dog, she tried connect herself back as the host but failed. "Stop there" she commanded, but the possessed dog lunged at her with a frenzied determination. Ray's dad, a towering figure with ran and jumped instinctively to protect his wife. As he struggled to fend off the canine onslaught, Champion's claws raked across his shoulder, leaving behind a gash that seared with pain.

Chaos reigned in the household, and Ray's mother, her voice a mix of terror and grief, as she watched champion walk through door until it was not seen again. 

The world has become a tinderbox, and the conflict between humans and rogue AIs had intensified to a new, harrowing level. The only certainty was that the battle for survival had reached a fever pitch, and there was no turning back.