
Curse of the Dark

The day when the sun vanished, the world died with it. Animals were the first to perish. Their life force diminished, and they lost the will to eat, drink, or even reproduce. Then came the crops and vegetation, withering away in the eternal darkness. And finally... 'They' emerged. Within two weeks of the sun's disappearance, society collapsed entirely. But humanity is tenacious. We endured. At least for now...

DarkTree · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Hunter Academy

"Congratulations, Ash, you've become an Enchanted Human."

Ash stood there for a second, before a small grin began spreading across his face.

Enchanted Human... him?

Nodding to the doctor, he was led out of the room through another corridor, however, his mind wasn't fully present.

Looking at the pristine-white walls as he walked, he caught a reflection of his own face in one of the hallway mirrors. Everything seemed normal at first glance, but what shook him to the core was the subtle glimmer in his eyes.

It was a strange glow that seemed to emanate from within.

'I look... different.'

Ash thought.

"We are here."

Suddenly, a voice of the doctor interrupted his thoughts. Slightly, startled, Ash turned to face the doctor who was gesturing towards something in the middle of the room.

Confused, Ash cautiously took a step forward. Although he didn't trust the man, he knew that if he didn't comply, he would be forced to do so.

As he reached the part where the doctor was pointing before, bright green lines began to materialize on the floor, forming a circular pattern. Before he could even dash away though, the green lines formed a circular shape, enclosing him within its borders.

Panic spread on Ash's face as he realized he was trapped. His inner voice screamed at him for trusting the letter and showing up at this place.

Lifting his eyes from the floor, Ash met the gaze of the doctor, who had a flat expression on his face.

"This is a portal that will transport you to the Hunter Academy. If you don't want your fingers to be chopped off by the closing gateway, I suggest you do not touch the borders."

The man explained in one breath, his voice devoid of any emotion. After making sure that Ash understood what he had said, the doctor stepped back and slightly nodded his head.

"On the other side, there will be a guide waiting for you. Contact them, they will explain everything to you."

Seeing that Ash understood the doctor pressed a button on the wall, triggering the activation of the portal. At the last second, Ash could see the man's face morph into a small smile.

"I wish you luck, Ash and may the Light guide you through the Darkness."

And then everything went black.



Groaning, Ash slowly regained his senses, his vision swimming back into focus. It felt like someone had hit him over the head with a sledgehammer.

Disoriented and slightly confused, he blinked a few times, trying to gather his bearings. Then, slowly, he lifted his head and looked around.

The very first thing he noticed was that he appeared in what looked like a wooden gazebo. It was adorned with flowers and plants, their fragrance mingling with the soft glow emanating from lanterns attached to the top of the trees, projecting dim light everywhere.

The lanterns cast dancing shadows on the ground, adding to the otherworldly atmosphere.

'That's... spooky.'

Ash muttered to himself, still slightly dazed from the portal journey.

Shaking his head, he leaned against the gazebo's wooden railing, taking in his surroundings.

Around him, he saw dozens of such structures, each a bit different from the other. He didn't know why that was, but he guessed it served as a symbol of the 'Garden' from which the students came.

Gardens are massive Fortresses spread throughout the world, the only safe havens humanity has against the Darkness and what lurks within it. Ash, himself, is from the Garden of Eda, overseen by a Duke, Dart. Although he lived in the streets and alleys of the lower district, he is still its resident.

Absent-mindedly, Ash ran his fingers along the smooth wood of the gazebo railing and gazed out at the forest that blocked his view beyond. The dim light from the lanterns struggled to penetrate the dense foliage, leaving the interior an inky black.

Noticing a lone path leading into the greenery, he sighed and began to move.

The doctor said that there was supposed to be a guide waiting for him, but Ash didn't see anyone in sight.

"Was he lying?"

Ash muttered to himself, however, soon dismissed the thought. There was no reason for the doctor to lie about the guide.

With measured steps, he began to approach the path when suddenly, under the faint glow of a nearby lantern, he noticed a strange glint near the entrance to the forest.

Curiosity piqued, he veered off the path and cautiously approached the source of the glint. As he drew closer, a sight both chilling and fascinating unfolded before him.

It was a graveyard. Not of people, but of weapons. Spears, swords, bows, and even stranger implements like glaives and scythes were thrust into the ground, their forms outlined in the eerie lantern light.

One thing they all had in common was that they all were in pristine condition, as if they had just been forged.

"Do I have to take a weapon?"

Ash hesitated, his hand hovering over the smooth hilt of a nearby sword. The metal felt cold and unfamiliar in his grip. He wasn't a fighter, having spent his life navigating the treacherous alleys of Eda's lower district with his wits and agility. However, this was a Hunter Academy, and weapons seemed a necessity.

Looking at the forest before him, Ash made up his mind. The weapons were probably given because the forest held dangers that required them. If he didn't take it, he'd be dumb.

'Damn it...'

With a deep breath, he reached for the sword.

As his fingers brushed the handle, he felt a surge of energy course through him, as if the weapon recognized him. Then, alien energy began to flood his veins, making Ash collapse to his knees.

Within a matter of seconds, an immense amount of information flooded his mind.