
Curse of the Dark

The day when the sun vanished, the world died with it. Animals were the first to perish. Their life force diminished, and they lost the will to eat, drink, or even reproduce. Then came the crops and vegetation, withering away in the eternal darkness. And finally... 'They' emerged. Within two weeks of the sun's disappearance, society collapsed entirely. But humanity is tenacious. We endured. At least for now...

DarkTree · Fantasi
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24 Chs

Curse of the Dark

[ This chapter is a cluster of information about the world of the novel ]

-- General Information -- 

❖ The World 

The year 2037. A year etched into memory not for a technological marvel, a groundbreaking discovery, but for the day the sun – our life-giving star – simply blinked out. No fiery death throes, no spectacular supernova. Just a chilling silence in the cosmos, a celestial vacancy where warmth and light once resided.

Panic seized the globe. Experts, their faces etched with a new, terrifying uncertainty, advised a desperate scramble for shelter. The second ice age, they warned, was imminent. But the days stretched into weeks, the weeks into months, and the prophesied freeze never came. Instead, a new curiosity, a luminous anomaly, took the sun's vacated spot. A swirling, enigmatic object, researchers hesitantly called it the "Harbinger." Theories swirled faster than the anomaly itself. Was it the Harbinger that kept Earth from plunging into an eternal winter? Or was it a harbinger of something far more sinister?

Then, a week after the sun's disappearance, the silence was broken by a different kind of horror. The lowing of cattle, the bleating of sheep – all abruptly cut short. In fields and farms across the globe, livestock crumpled, victims of an unseen hand squeezing the life from their hearts. Crops, once vibrant with promise, withered overnight, their leaves turning to dust in trembling hands. The green tapestry of Earth, the very foundation of the food chain, lay in ruins.

Finally, from the cracks in the now-barren world, they emerged. The Phantoms. Monstrous entities, birthed from the darkness, their forms as varied and terrifying as nightmares. Some lumbered, grotesque parodies of forgotten beasts. Others slithered, their movements hinting at an intelligence older than time. And a select few soared, their chilling cries echoing across the desolate landscape. Humanity, once the dominant species, was now prey, huddled in the remnants of a world they no longer recognized. The sun may have been gone, but a new era of terror, the era of the Phantoms, had just begun.

❖ Hunter Academy

A Garden, that is also a mandatory training facility for young adults. Not a lot is know about this place except that the death rates of its students are alarmingly high and that everyone who graduates becomes an elite hunter, prepared to face the Phantoms head-on.

❖ Darkness

The world outside of Gardens' walls. A world plunged into eternal darkness, where the Phantoms roam freely and ruins stand as haunting reminders of humanity's once flourishing existence.

-- Terminology --


❖ Gardens

Massive Fortresses spread throughout the world, the only safe havens humanity has against Phantoms. Some call them 'Light Spots', for within their fortified walls, pockets of light and warmth persist amidst the darkness that surrounds.

Gardens are usually overseen by nobles.

There are more Gardens than one might expect...

❖ Light and Dark

Two types of energy that exist in this world. There is no big distinction between the two, except that Enchanted Humans can only wield Light and the Phantoms can only harness the Dark.

Light and Dark is stored within the Hearts of Enchanted Humans and Phantoms.

❖ Artifacts

Weapons, Tools, Armor made using the bodies of Phantoms. These items, although, very expensive and difficult to create, are more durable and powerful than any other devised by human hands. 

The most important aspect of artifacts is that they are perfect conductors of Light, allowing Enchanted Humans to channel their energy and unleash devastating attacks against the enemies.

❖ Phantoms

Monstrous entities that roam the desolate Darkness, brought into existence following the disappearance of the sun.

These creatures are ranked in grades:

Primal Grade --> Spectral Grade --> Terror Grade --> Apex Grade --> Void Grade --> Quasar Grade 

These grades are further broken down into sub-grades: Low, Mid, and Peak. For instance, a Phantom could be a "Low Primal Grade" or a "Peak Void Grade." The sub-grade indicates the relative power of a Phantom within its grade.

Phantoms advance in grades, evolve into more powerful forms, as they consume hearts of powerful Enchanted Humans.

❖ Enchanted Humans

Humans that are able to harness the power of Light. Enchanted Humans possess a unique ability to channel and manipulate the energy of Light, enabling them to combat the Phantoms and defend humanity's last remnants.

Enchanted Humans are ranked in grades:

Sparkling Grade --> Shimmering Grade --> Luminary Grade --> Radiant Grade --> Ethereal Grade --> Luminescent Grade

These grades are further broken down into sub-grades: Low, Mid, and Peak. For instance, an Enchanted Human could be a "Mid Shimmering Grade" or a "Low Ethereal Grade." The sub-grade indicates the relative power of an Enchanted Human within its grade.

Enchanted Humans advance in grades as they refine and absorb Dark from the Phantoms they defeat.

❖ Talent

The talent is what determines the potential and proficiency of an Enchanted Human in absorbing and utilizing the energy of Light. It is measured by how much % of Dark an Enchanted Human can refine and absorb from the defeated Phantoms. The more talented an individual is, the higher their talent percentage and the greater their potential in harnessing the power of Light.

The highest known talent percentage recorded in history is 5%.

❖ Darkness Anomaly

The Darkness Anomaly is a phenomenon that occurs sporadically, causing a surge in the presence and activity of Phantoms.

There is no known explanation for this unpredictable occurrence.

❖ Guide

An object with a fragment of Light or Dark, containing information or knowledge embedded within it.

❖ Phantom Arts

Combat techniques developed by Enchanted Humans.

Phantom Arts are divided into grades:

Lowest Grade - ★

Low Grade - ★★

Advanced Grade - ★★★

Supreme Grade - ★★★★

Divine Grade - ★★★★★

The more starts the Phantom Art has, the more powerful it is.

❖ Light Control

An ability that allows the manipulation and control of Light. 

❖ Light Ability

A special ability Enchanted Humans gain upon reaching 'Shimmering Grade'.

❖ Light Trait

A special trait Enchanted Humans obtain upon reaching 'Luminary Grade'.