
Curse devourer

Finding himself in the body of a doomed side character that is fated to die from a curse in a fantasy novel, the mc now needs to find a way to survive in a world where anything has a good chance of killing him.

alex_bal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs


"Here I come!"

Aura engulfed Kara's sword like majestic flame, then she dashed towards me with her sword raised to the air. It was an obvious sign that she was going to swing down, but I already knew what she was planning. Instead of blocking or counter attacking, I jumped back and stabbed my sword onto the ground.

Kara slammed her sword on the ground, creating a shockwave. Then before she could get up, I charged, and shoulder tackled her.

"What the hell?" She staggered back but didn't fall.

A small audience began to form around the battlefield, and I noticed one of them was the prince. "Pouring that much aura on your sword is a dead giveaway."

Kara narrowed her eyes. "Hmmmmm...."

The aura on her sword changed form. The flowing flame like effect was replaced by a blazing force similar to a blowtorch. "This was never mentioned in the novel," I muttered as I narrowed my eyes.

In the novel, Kara's aura is described as an inextinguishable flame. But what I'm seeing in front of me is something different. "I developed this just for you!"

She smirked as she dashed towards me. A trail of green light was created with every swing of her sword. From a spectator's point of view, it must look like she was dancing. But none of them would realize that every hit had the power of a raging bull behind it.

It felt as if my sword would shatter at any moment. "Come on!"

The difference in rank was absolute. "So how the fuck am I losing," I grumbled as I blocked another powerful attack.

[Revenant has ascended to Rank 3 level 2]


Having Revenant join the fight would secure an easy win, but revealing a powerful trump card would be too risky this early. And another thing, that message reminded me of my aura's attribute.

"Let's keep this going!" No longer caring about defense, I began recklessly clashing swords with Kara. She easily defended against my attacks, but every clash of our swords resulted in Revenant getting a bit stronger.

"This is the best!" Kara's aura exploded like an inferno. "Aura cycle!"

Kara became even faster. She turned into a green blur and rushed all the way around me in the blink of an eye. I barely got the chance to block her attack before she followed up with a kick to my stomach.

"Fighting the protagonist is just unfair..."


A visible crack appeared on my sword. As much as I wanted to continue this fight to reap the benefits, I won't last any longer with this sword. "Grave of swords!"

Upon activation of my gift, Kara was immediately overpowered by my attacks despite how strong she was right now. The backlash was still unbearable, but not to the extent that I would be immobilized anymore.

"Not this time!"

Unlike our first duel which Kara couldn't even handle the first strike of my gift, this time she managed to last until the last strike. But that alone brought her to her knees, unable to continue any longer.

"The speed of your growth is unfair," I mentioned as I approached her.

"I don't want to hear that from you of all people."

She pouted.


"Thank you for coming Count Gray."

Catherine greeted the man the moment he stepped into the establishment. Argonius looked around the lavish restaurant that was oddly devoid of any other customer.

"Refusing an audience with a Duke is something difficult even for me."

Argonius studied Catherine Slywood with his eyes. At such a young age, she had already inherited the title of duke and achieved rank 6. Her potential as a mage was unrivaled, and to this day, nobody knows her secret to success.

"I'm well aware that you despise pleasantries, so I will get to the point."

Catherine snapped her finger, and a magic contract was formed.

"The curse on your son. I will remove it," Argonius's eyes widened.

"Do not jest with me Duke," His aura began to flow. "I will not tolerate it."

"I have the ability to dispel any curse, though it comes with the risks of my mana core overflowing."

Argonius narrowed his eyes at Catherine. There was not a single servant in sight, and even Argonius's enhanced sense could not feel any hidden presences.

"What I want is simple. Raveil Gray is to become my husband," the magic contract began to write the contract. "If I succeed in removing the curse, he shall become my husband."

The magic contract hovered in front of Argonius. What she said was already written along with conditions that she will guarantee Raveil's safety and support his growth. More conditions were included, all of which benefited Raveil specifically.

"You want my son and not my name," Argonius figured out.

Catherine smiled. "Certainly. You may see it as me, picking up what you have abandoned."

Silver aura erupted. "Watch your words, Duchess."

Catherine did not even flinch at the threat. "Do you think I am not aware the Raveil Gray has been revoked of any inheritance from you?" Catherine's smile grew even wider. "What little he would have gotten was even given to your first wife instead."

"What?" Argonius said through gritted teeth.

The building began to shake from the aura overflowing from Argonius.

"It may not be your doing, but my dear, dear Raveil has already been abandoned by his family," Catherine stood up. "I did not need your approval. I'm doing this out of courtesy to you, the Silver wolf of the kingdom," the magic contract rolled itself up before disappearing. "This contract was not for you to sign."

Catherine walked past Argonius and left.

At that moment, every object inside the restaurant was crushed by the pressure of Argonius's aura.


"I suddenly have this odd sense of satisfaction."

I was currently being healed after my spar with Kara as my body was littered with small cuts and every muscle in my body was strained.

"You got lucky," Kara grumbled. "If I went all out, you would have lost."

"Don't be a sore loser. You'll get your chance."

Kara huffed. The healer had finished treating me, and left the room, leaving me with Kara.

"For now, it's two to nothing."

Kara lunged at me. "Screw you!"

As Kara was trying to murder me, a sudden sound of glass shattering caught our attention. At the doorway was Asha, standing frozen in shock.

When the healer was treating me with healing magic, I needed to remove my uniform in order for her to see if the healing had been working, leaving my upper body exposed. It was the same for Kara, but she still wore a top.

Another thing to consider was that as Kara was trying to attack me, she was also on top of me.

"W-what is the meaning of this?" Asha pointed an accusatory finger at us.

Kara smirked. "You're so cute when you're flustered Asha," Kara said before licking my cheek.

I immediately pushed her off and jumped away. "What the fuck?!" I wiped my face with a towel. "That's disgusting!"

"Don't be such a baby, Asha does it for me all the time."

"K-kara!" Asha exclaimed in embarrassment.

I had the look of both shock and confusion.

"The fuck?"