
Curse devourer

Finding himself in the body of a doomed side character that is fated to die from a curse in a fantasy novel, the mc now needs to find a way to survive in a world where anything has a good chance of killing him.

alex_bal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
24 Chs

Back at the academy

"I can't believe I actually spent a month's worth of my savings."

On the way back to the academy, I stopped by the market to buy some ingredients used in making potions. Since it was still at the start of the story, the great alchemist would still be some inexperienced student, so decent potions wouldn't be available yet.

"Do you perhaps know how to make potions master?" Velris asked as we arrived in front of my dorm room.

"Not really."

The moment I stepped into the room. A message appeared in front of me.

[Your actions have changed the story of an arc]

[One time reward will be given]

[Eye of analysis will be upgraded]

"What?" I glanced at the mirror.


Raveil Gray

Duelist rank 1 level 8 (Aura)

Race: Human


Demonic master contract

The power of demons flows through your body.

Demonic energy control increased by 100%

Fire magic resistance increased by 50%

Dark magic resistance increased by 50%

Ego syphon

Strikes infused with aura absorb a small portion of the target's Aether


Grave of swords - Mastery level: 5 (12%)

Intermediate rank sword mastery

Blade flow

Unleashes twelve sword strikes that is infused with aura which is boosted by 500%

Parry – boosts durability by 500%

Counter – boosts speed by 500%

Strike – boosts strength by 500%

Curse devourer – Mastery level 8 (0%)

Curse nullification

Any curse inflicted on the user does not have any effect.


Consumes any curse and strengthens the user.

30% of the curse is instantly converted, while the other 70% is slowly consumed to prevent overload.

Ego extraction

Converts any high-level curse into an ego after combining with the required material.


Aura rush - Mastery level 9 (0%)

Shrouds the user in aura and increases their movement speed by 500%

Speed is increased by 200%

Eye of analysis EX

Reveals the targets abilities to the user.

Perception is increased by 500%


"I don't know if knowing the numbers is much help."

Not a lot of useful information was added, but that only applied when using the skill on me. Turning to Velris, I saw the real benefits of the skill.



Race: Demon

Duelist Rank 2 level 3

Archdemon (Unawakened)


Demonic dominion (Inactive)

Absolute command over any demon weaker than herself.

Demonic energy control increased by 1000%

Natural enemy (Inactive)

When facing a divine being all stats are increased by 200%


"Damn... Velris, do you have any gifts?"

Velris looked at me in confusion. "No master. I was born with no gifts."



Walking through the school hallway became quite an annoying task with every single person looking at me like an exotic animal. But the thing that annoyed me the most was the message hovering over my head.

[Major changes have occurred in the story]

Once I reached my dorm, I found Velris in the middle of clearing. I remained here at the school grounds for two days. I didn't attend my classes and only focused on resting and gathering supplies I needed for my next plan.

But before I proceeded with my next plan, I needed to make a note of the story's progress. Considering that it has been more than a week, the protagonist should have already interacted with the main characters.

"It always bothered me how the prince fell in love with her."

In the novel, the prince liked her fiery personality but that led to both of them always arguing over how to handle things. Especially when Kara refused to back down and always got into trouble.

"Master, something is happening outside," Velris informed.

I approached her and looked outside the window. A crowd of students were gathered by the garden, and it didn't take long to figure out why.

The second prince of the kingdom of Vespride, Leopold was strolling through the garden with his classmates.

"They look like plastic dolls."

Leopold had crimson red hair that was let down like a fiery mane. He was dressed extravagantly, that it almost looked excessive to look at. The people around him were no different but considering that they are said to be the future leaders of the kingdom, I guessed they wanted to gain people's attention early on.

"Your highness."

"Agh!" I felt a terrifying amount of pressure wrap around my body as if it was trying to turn me into juice.

I turned to the source of the voice and saw a gorgeous blonde woman approaching the prince and his group.

"Catherine, what are you doing here?"

Looking at the cliché standoff, I couldn't help but cringe. The prince was clearly acting cold, but I could still see his nervousness.

"We had a meeting agreed upon, but since you did not show up. I came looking for you."

A few people stepped back as Catherine stared coldly at Leopold. If I remember correctly, this was the part where the protagonist stood up for the prince. Earning his affection even more and making an enemy out of Catherine Slywood.

"Stop this!"

"There she- huh?" I stared at the scene in confusion.

Standing in front of the prince was not Kara Vanguis. Instead, a short blonde woman stepped up.

"The fuck?"


Ashley Morie

Race: Human

Duelist rank 1 level 1 (Mana)


Rejuvenating touch

Restores anything to its healthy state by injecting mana


"Who the hell are you?!" I yelled out.

Everyone glanced in my direction. But that didn't last long as a chilling amount of mana began to leak out from Catherine.

"Watch your actions Catherine," Leopold warned.

"I would like our engagement to be cancelled."

Catherine suddenly announced.

"W-what?" Leopold had the look of shock on his face.

Catherine looked down at the blonde girl. "I don't know who you are, or care enough to find out. But you could have this pathetic man."

Catherine walked away, leaving everyone shocked.

"What the fuck?" I scratched my head at the scene.

Where's the confrontation?

The drama?

The yelling?

The threatening?

"Where's the god damn conversation?"