
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs


"What's wrong Alburn?"

"Look, there are new dragons among the world, and their mana traces led directly to the stadium, have you seen-"

"There are four dragons, and three of them are new species. One is a fire dragon mixed with a cat, one is a gale dragon-cat mix, and the third is an burrowing-type earth dragon-cat mix. The last, is a blue dragon that wishes to become a sea dragon. No fairy types or cross breeds. And their magic is strong, even for young dragons"

Alburn puts his hand on his chest, and releases a contended sigh

"Okay, so they're under your protection?"


"So then, where are they?"

"Redemption Beach"

Alburn then backhands the fuck out of Magumarn


"Okay, and that's the last one!"

He used his telekinesis to carefully get all the gunk and such from each creature, leaving them all clean and healthy

[Congratulations! Due to your efforts, you have gained a bit of favourability with ocean animals, and news of your deeds may even reach @%(@^%!$! You have gained the skills Cure and Cleanse!]

"What in the hell? You know what? I'm going to ignore that glitched word"

He walks up to the water on the beach. Upon closer inspection, the water is an unnatural green, almost as if it's glowing. But it's also completely clear of any substances and such. The creatures even refuse to go back into the ocean because of its toxicity

"What? It's completely clean, but it's obviously polluted! What in the fudge? Cleanse!"

He casted Cleanse on the waters. Nothing happens

[You're Cleanse is too low to clean out the mana poisoning of the waters. Gained Cleanse proficiency]

"The fudge? How does that make sense? Cleanse!"

The little dragon would then proceed to repeatedly cast Cleanse, over and over again, but the waters would have no changes whatsoever


He cussed, but he failed to recognize it, and cast it again, but differently. He welled the spell itself in-between his hands and claws. The mass of mana looked as if pure light, leaking in-between his hands

"Nah! Fuck that! MORE! CURE! CLEANSE! CURE!"

He'd start repeatedly cast Cleanse and Cure upon the light, as it would start to shift nature, becoming light, and turning into something similar to a liquid state. It was a ball of pure greenish blue water in a semi solid state similar to goo or such

[You have created a new skill by-]


He would then start collecting the goo in a rough ball shape, and forcing his hands closer together towards the middle, forcing the orb to become slowly solid, and proceed to chuck it into the ocean. The orb would start spinning rapidly, and the waters would create a vortex. At the center, the green water would be glowing eerily as if poisoned or irradiated. But on the edges, the surrounding water would slowly lose their green luster, and turn a pure shade of deep blue

[Congratulations! You have conquered an impossible feat of single handedly repairing an entire ecosystem, and have been recognized for protecting this beach. You have not only created the skill Purify and Heal, you have gained Water Proficiency Level 1 as a reward for your deeds! Keep up the good work!]


He'd fly around and dance midair as the green in the ocean would get filtered into the solid orb. And once it was done, Lunaria went and picked it up out the ocean, and the creatures would rush back into the ocean, eager to spread this news

[You have acquired a Corrupted Ocean Pearl!]

"What's an Ocean Pearl?"

[An Ocean Pearl is an item that forms after a few years within Vortex Clams, or mass amounts of water mana from the ocean congeals in one spot. When it gets to a certain threshold, the mana with compact and congeal forming a Pearl]

"Oh, this one was formed in the ocean, but it was made with corrupted mana. What if I....Purify!"

The giant orb crystal would shake a bit

"Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify!"

He would keep casting it, as cracks would appear on the surface of the pearl. A black goo would leak out, but as soon as it touched the sand it would dissipate into mana. And Lunaria would keep going, until the big ball would open up and reveal a dazzling palm sized gem

[You now have an Ocean Pearl!]

"Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify! Purify!"

Not content with his rewards, a flash of Greed entered his eyes, and he continued, as even smaller cracks appeared on this gem as well. Eventually, it too, would break apart, and it would look beautiful. The gem would look light blue, but as you turned it light would refract and make it look as if the ocean is within the gem

[You have created a Divine Ocean Pearl! Your greed knows no bounds!]

And then, he would eat the pearl. And fall to the sand


He started to feel unimaginable pain, but his body would start to change. His scales became black and smooth. Soft, silk-like coral grew from his head like hair, and his tail grew out. His front feet became webbed and his back feet got smaller. After that, various gems grew off his scale in various places, and the Ocean Pearl grew on his forehead and shined brilliantly

[You have consumed the Divine Ocean Pearl! You have forcefully changed into a Sea Dragon at an extremely young age! However, this comes with drawbacks! You will be penalized for your early evolution, as one can only become an Ocean Dragon after they become an adult, you will forever be confined to your small body, stunted growth]

He just looks like his picture. I got the art a few years ago, but never found a full chance to utilize it. I don't know who the artist is, but whomever they are, I really love it!...

And it was on the public domain of Google so you cant sue!

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts