
Radiant Sun - Prologue

*Whoosh" What looked to me a meteorite was shuttling through space a break neck speed. If one could get close enough to observe this so called meteorite, they would be able to tell that it wasn't a meteorite at all but instead it was a baby surrounded by a protective barrier.

This baby was anything but ordinary. He had ears that were longer than normal and came to a point. His eyes were a dazzling gold and he had a head full of hair that was as white as the snow.

*Boom* The "meteorite" broke the sound barrier as it entered into a planet's atmosphere. Countless people stopped what they were doing and turned to face the sky with bewildered expressions while. Inside a nearby kingdom, many people gathered on the street to watch the meteorite descend while chatting amongst themselves.

Inside of the Castle where the king of the kingdom resides along with his family, a young man who sat quietly while meditating suddenly opened his eyes. Upon sending out his perception, black lines gradually appeared on his face. "A baby?" He murmured to himself before vanishing.

*Boom* The ground shook and a loud noise echoed throughout the world as the "meteorite" crashed down several miles outside of the kingdom. Some of the poorly built building and houses could withstand the shaking and quickly collapsed and crumpled.

"Wahhh Wahh wahhhh." In the place where the "meteorite" hit. Sounds of crying rang out.

The young man from the castle got there quickly. He couldn't help but be shocked by the sheer power of that protective barrier when he seen the damage that it had caused and the baby completely unharmed. He himself was certain that it wasn't something they could've penetrated.

He slowly made his way to the crying baby before picking him up and examining him. After he examined the baby he became even more shocked which he didn't even know was possible.

He came to learn that besides the appearance, this child's bones was way more dense than that of a normal baby. While most normal babies would be around 8-10 pounds. This child was roughly about 50-60 pounds. It was completely unheard of. "Just where are you from kid?" The young man question as he looked down at the still crying baby.

Without anymore delay the young man took the baby and disappeared. He knew that the sight and impact of the meteorite at caused a huge commotion. Not just in his kingdom but in nearby ones as well.

It turns out that he guessed correctly because soon after he left many different started to arrive at the place where the meteorite should have crashed. But the scene left them at a complete loss. There was no sign of any meteorite or any object at all. All that was left here was pure destruction. They stayed along time before leaving the scene.

After taking the baby away, the young man didn't return to the castle but decided to take the child somewhere far away. Little did he know that countless years would go back before he would return to the kingdom.

For the baby he decided to take in. The baby with the golden eyes and the the pointed ears. That baby that he named Radiant Sun. Would take him to places that he never thought he'd see on his journey through both the heavens and hell, singing songs of victory and crying wails of defeat.