
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

Chapter 19

I walked into the office.

The office had a desk in the back and a chair in front of it. It was quite spacious, since there was not much stuff in it.

"Please sit down." (Victor)

I sat down on the chair that was in front of the desk, and I looked at the guild master, waiting for what he would say next.

"You're probably wondering why I called you here."

I slightly nodded and waited for him to continue.

"I called you here to present you with an offer."

"An offer? What type of offer?"

"At this point, you have cleared every dungeon in the village, and you did so very quickly. I'm guessing that you want to go through harder dungeons, right?"

"That is correct."

"Then how about joining a mercenary guild?"


"You see I've got a friend that runs a mercenary guild in a certain city. In that city portals go up to rank B."

"Why me? You haven't even seen my face."

"You see, you seem young. Despite the fact that you're young, you seem like you are a hard worker. Kids your age though, seem to put more importance in the rank of their skills."

"So the orb that determines my rank, also tells you my age?"


"So why would you like me to go to this friend of yours."

"You've got a lot of potential to become someone great. Letting you stay in this village would be a waste."

After thinking about it for a second I still wasn't sure what to do.

"I'll think about it. I'll take my leave for now."

I stood up from my chair and went towards the elevator.

I stopped walking and looked backwards towards the guild master.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"If I can ask you a question as well."

"Ask away."

"How do you eat with your helmet on."

"Not a question I expected. To tell you the truth, even I don't know how it works."

"It's alright, I was just curious."

"Now for my question. Is there some sort of entertainment in this village?"

"Yes, there is. There is an arcade in the guild's basement."

"This place had a basement?! And you're telling me it also had an arcade?!"

"You didn't know?"

"Of course I didn't. Oh well, I guess I'll go there now."

I went to the arcade and played for a bit.

The videogames were a lot more advanced than the ones I was used to.

Most of them were virtual reality, which I had never had a chance to try out before, but this was certainly more advanced than what I had back in my world.

I then went on to the second floor of the cafeteria and ate a light meal.

I went to the dorm room and went to rest.

I discussed about the offer with Shadow and Kunai.

We all agreed that we should go, since we don't have any sort of destination in mind.

After discussing with them, I went to sleep.