
Crimson Wolf Zero

Kunaigai · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 18

I first encountered two spiders. I took out a small knife, and then I picked up a pebble near me. I threw it at one of the spiders to get its attention.

Luckily, it didn't alert the other spiders and just walked in my direction.

Once it got close enough, I aimed at one of the joints located on its leg and swung my knife at it cutting the leg off. I picked up the leg and stabbed it on the spider's head.

Thankfully, it didn't make any type of sounds.

I knew that most of its organs were on the back part of the spider so I tried cutting it open with the knife. The back was really hard, so I flipped it over and cut it from the bottom.


Zero made sure to check up on various weak points spiders had. Before this point he had only faced off against humanoid monsters, so it was easy to guess their weak points, but spiders were insects. He had to check how to survive against these creatures a lot more thoroughly.


I managed to find the heart. I also dismantled the rest of the spider's body and found exactly where the brain was located. Now that I knew where these two things were located, I could target them with more precision.

I headed towards the other spider and quickly took it down using a single katana.

I moved in further through the cave and each time I faced against more spiders, they increased by two.

The status window at the start told me to hunt the spider queen. I wonder if I have to wait to face of against the boss once again.

My guess is no, I don't. Last time the orc chief was out hunting, but this time its a queen. The queen should be in the inside the cave, making sure to lay her eggs. So she should be inside the cave.

I walked in further and kept on facing spiders. Once the spiders that appeared reached ten, the number of spiders increased by ten each time.

It went up to fifty and what I believed was the boss room was now in front of me. It's entrance was really small when compared to the rest of the cave, hence the reason why I thought it was the entrance to the boss room.

I peeked inside the room and saw a lot of spiders. My guess is that they doubled once again. Instead of fifty, there were probably a hundred. In the back of the ginormous room was an equally ginormous spider.

Up until now, there was no spider that shot out its web at me, but I don't know if that's going to be the same for the spider queen.

Even if the spider queen doesn't shoot out webs it is really big. Not only that, there are about a hundred spiders.

I took a while to think how I would approach this boss room. Compared to the orcs, I couldn't really hide around while assassinating the spiders, since the space inside was just one giant room.

After thinking for a few minutes, I decided on a plan of attack.


Zero took out his twin katanas and ran directly towards the spider queen. Any spider that got in his way he slashed, but he never stopped running when he did so.

Once the spider queen noticed that Zero was killing the spiders, it started looking in Zero's direction.

Zero noticing this movement, threw one of his katanas at the spider queen's head. Zero slightly missed, since the katana landed on the spider queen's eyes. A bit closer to the center, and he would have hit the brain.

The spider queen brought out one of its legs and tried to attack Zero. Since Zero was still far away from the spider queen, it had to stretch out its leg towards Zero's position.

The stretched out leg allowed Zero to jump on top of it and run along it.

He got closer to the spider queen, and the spider queen used another one of its legs to try to strike him down. Zero jumped over the incoming leg and kept on running.

Once he got close enough to its head, he jumped towards it, making sure to stab the center of the head this time.

The spider then fell down to the ground with Zero atop it.

Many spiders started walking up the spider queen's corpse and started trying to attack Zero. This time Zero applied the electro blades to the swords and slashed each spider as quickly as possible. After a couple of minutes, he had finished off all of the spiders, but quickly fell to the ground as he had used a lot of his mana. He was also tired from attacking all the spiders so quickly.

He took a second to catch his breath and stood up.


I checked the status window, and unlike last time, there were no complications. This time, I completed the quest.

I exit the portal and quickly took a shower. Afterwards, I went to my room to rest.

When I woke up the next morning, a text had appeared on my smart watch. It said to go and visit the guild master on his office, which was located on the fourth floor of the guild building.

I went to the second floor of the guild building and quickly ate a sandwich.

I then went to the fourth floor of the guild building to visit the guild master.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Kunaigaicreators' thoughts