The surprise attack by the Avenger, Edmond Dantés, took an unpredictable toll on Chaldea. Jeanne and the other Heroic Spirits needed some time to properly recuperate after being exposed to the dark servant's miasmic darkness. The abrupt changes on the Japanese Peninsula with the golden radiance also raised causes of concern heralding the endgame of the King of Magic. Planning out how to best approach the situation in a war against two other factions was not easy. Regardless, the heroes had to take their time to plan their next move. In addition, Raizo needed proper time to rest and recover after losing his fight against the Count of Monte Cristo. All of these events occupied the duration of 3 days.
Presently, Francis Drake's Golden Hind led a small fleet of ships crossing the world through the skies as the faction led by the Holy Maiden advanced towards the island nation. With the final battle looming over everyone's minds, now during this gradual journey, was the time for the heroes to rest up as much as they could.
Down in the crew section of the ship, Akaro was currently holed up in his private chambers lying upon a small bed. The Red Knight slept soundly in bliss; his mind began to process many different recollections of his past as his subconscious seemingly floated endlessly above a dark void. It was here that the various memories passed by in rapid succession before his dream would take him to a memory from a long time ago.
"Geez Leon, I can walk you know?" the voice of a younger Akaro echoed whilst the subconscious of the Red Knight linked to his past self, the world filling his then youthful, eager eyes.
Before him was the figure of man who appeared to be in his late teens to early twenties. He repeatedly pushed Akaro along as if the two were good friends; however, the foggy nature of the dream obscured this individual's face. The present day Akaro could only recall his name—Leon. As the pair approached the doorway of another area, the man gently shoved young Akaro through the threshold. The haziness of the memory removed the clarity of the vision that filled Akaro's subconscious but given the arrangement of a few couches and a large television set, it was concluded that this location was a living room of sorts.
For a small instant, Akaro felt his mind recall an important fact:
These damn memories are so fragmented…that First Primordial War really did a number on me
But that sentiment was then interrupted by the current scene unfolding before him as Leon's voice called out to the would-be Red-Eyed Hero.
"Akaro! Meet Misaki Sin, the first assassin to train under our sensei!" he enthusiastically introduced.
"Huh?" the Akaro of the past as well as the conscious of the present Akaro reacted in unison.
Turning around, a black-haired girl with dark eyes devoid of life was seen standing beside the male holding the visage of a puppet or doll. However, the strong contrast between her appearance and the childish smile she sported was far too terrifying for a 'toy' to have. Unlike Leon, there was no way that the red-eyed male could forget that girl.
"Misaki, eh? Look your guess is as good as mine when it comes to why your teacher thought it'd be a good idea to make me her successor, but I'll do my best to honor her decision," the young Akaro said whilst looking at the girl eye-to-eye.
"I'm not a trained killer like you guys, never was…probably never will be; but for the strength I lack, there's at least some heart to make up for it," he added earnestly.
"Heart? That's ironic that someone with a kind heart inherits the demon blade," Misaki responded coldly.
"I know right? The universe really has a sense of humor, but hey! I promise you I'll do whatever it takes to become a symbol of justice for the people, just like Akame was back in her time."
"A symbol of justice, huh? Thought someone like you would want to be no more than some kind of hero…"
"I get that…but a hero is nothing more than someone who helps other people in need. Anyone can be a hero. A symbol, however…now that is everlasting, ain't it? I guess it may sound silly, but I want to inspire others to do better; a symbol or a legend can do just that."
"Hm, I can respect that," Misaki concurred, "Very well, welcome to Night Raid. Hopefully you'll last more than a week."
"Don'tcha worry, okay? I happen to be as tough as a pillow," Akaro tapped his chest with pride.
That memory then became a scrambled haze as the present Akaro's consciousness was thrust into a new memory, one that was much darker and gruesome. He now found his hands, chest, and face covered in warm pools of blood. He didn't feel any injuries or anything upon his body. That was when he heard a coughing noise ring in his ears. The visage of Jeanne D'Arc being impaled by his sword, the blade protruding from her back had filled his eyes as that horrible memory came back to him from the Second Primordial War. The light was fading from her eyes as tears of sorrow streamed down her face coupled with anguish but she still had the strength to speak.
"I wish…I…never trusted…a beast…like you. My death…is on your hands…and I pray…that my blood…is all you see…every time…you embrace someone…you love," she cursed before taking her final breath.
After that, the memory dissipated before he even had a chance to utter a word in protest. As he floated in the endless void, another voice called out to him but not from a memory.
"When you first picked up that sword you swore a personal oath to inspire others, to not only be a killer who acts in the shadows, but a symbol of justice itself. Nevertheless, you're here in the end. You became nothing more than a defeated shell of a man who's stuck trying to do his best to atone for his failures."
In the face of the Red Knight, the man stared at the shape of an old familiar adversary that he thought he shut away a long time ago. Ashen charcoal hair, scarlet eyes, but the same military uniform; her attributes may have been altered but how could he forget the sight of the woman known as Esdeath?
"How can you be here?" he questioned in disbelief, shocked at the very idea of seeing her again.
"Does that really matter? Whether or not I am real, as long as you remember…I'll be here. You can never escape who you are—a monster, a weapon of destruction, a creature given the likeness of a human. No matter how much you hide beneath that cool guy attitude, you'll always get your loved ones killed in the end."
It was here that Akaro's eyes shot open breaking away from his sleep. Still lying on the bed, he raised both hands above his head staring at them for a second before sitting up and relinquishing a deep sigh.
"A monster…huh?" he mumbled quietly to himself before maneuvering his body to get off of the mattress. Now standing up, he stretched his arms and his neck before donning his Red Knight armor with his scarf-cloak hanging around his neck.
Pushing aside the nature of his dreams, the Red-Eyed Hero made his way out of his cabin and up to the deck of the ship. As he walked along eventually making his way topside, he was immediately greeted by the dullness of the sky. He couldn't remember the last time the blueness of the atmosphere revealed itself along with the brilliance of the sun; in spite of this, the weather was at least pleasant and the winds were calm and breezy. As the crisp freshness of the air washed over his face, he looked around the deck of the ship seeing his comrades in action.
"Oi Altera, how's it lookin' up there?!" shouted out the clear-headed Captain Drake as her blue eyes stared above her towards the center mast of the ship.
"Clear for now, land hasn't come over the horizon yet!" the dark-skinned female responded back.
"Artoria, how's the ship lookin' over on the starboard side?" the pirate projected to her right.
"Clear, cannons are locked and loaded as well," the King of Knights reported.
"And the port side?"
"Exactly the same over here," Jeanne added in coming from the left.
"If anyone is feeling seasick, please let me know. I'll punch you in the stomach so you can overcome it," Nightingale chimed in from the stern of the vessel.
"Nightingale-san, I'm pretty sure that is not how that is supposed to work," Jeanne sighed heavily."
Hearing the enthusiastic shouting of the women on deck gave the man a bout of relief. Their interactions seemed to completely deny the fact that they were all at each other's throats just days ago.
"Ahoy Nii-san!" Drake called out happily as her eye caught the man emerging on deck. The other three females waved toward him as well.
"Ahoy everyone," he replied. It was then that Kimiko had casually strolled up to him from behind him nudging him in the side.
"Did you sleep well?" she asked with a small glance.
"Heh depends on what ya consider the definition of sleep," he chuckled to himself whilst scratching his cheek.
"You'll get through it, don't worry about it."
"Right, anyways, how's the kiddo?" Akaro shifted his tone changing the subject.
"He's doing well. You can find him on the bow of the ship with Lucy. She hasn't let him out of her sight since that incident occurred."
"I don't blame her. That's her son after all."
"Yeah, Avenger picked the wrong kid to mess with. I haven't felt Lucy go off like that in a long time."
"True enough. Well, lemme go check on my lil' bro," Akaro said that before walking to the front end of the ship. Kimiko merely sighed quietly and leaned back against the wall next to the doorway.
I'll let you sort this one out, Raizo. Akaro needs help too.
Meanwhile, Lucy was hanging out with her son wearing his fully activated armor. Since they were headed into enemy territory, the Stormbringer wanted to be sure he was ready at a moment's notice. The Heroic Spirits they would be up against could easily be as fast as the dark vessel of vengeance that he fought so he wanted to be ready. After all, the last thing he wanted to feel was useless. However, his mother wanted him to relax which is why she was encouraging him to do something.
"Okay kiddo, now that ya got that sweet lookin' guitar scythe out…play me that song I let ya listen to while you were restin' up," Lucy grinned enthusiastically.
"But…Mom, I only listened to it once and I'm not even all that familiar with that kind of music. I mean, I didn't even understand music too much until I visited the Symphogear universe," the boy protested shyly whilst holding Nirvana in his hands.
"Oi, don't be doubtin' those speedster abilities again, ya have that memory of yers. C'mon now, just give it a try. I'm sure ya can do it."
"You can do it, my master," Nirvana echoed in his mind causing the youth to sigh.
"All right, here goes nothing…"
From there, the former blood wolf began to play the song that his mother desired to hear. It was a lengthy melody that was composed in a style of music that the modern generation of humanity referred to as "power metal". During his recovery, the blonde swordswoman never left him alone for too long and began to introduce him to some of the pop culture she knew of whenever he wasn't resting in the infirmary. They talked about a myriad of topics, especially his engagements over this path of "judgment" so far. From the different experiences he had in the unique universes to the things he's learned about those unique societies, the conversations they had between one another never seemed dull for a moment over the past 3 days. For the time user, it was a joyous occasion even if it was brought about by unfortunate circumstances.
Raizo recalled the details of the song in his mind and worked his fingers across the fretboard of his weapon strumming along the way. The notes flowed like water as rapidly as heard in the original song which had the message of overcoming trials and tribulation, carrying on through strife and torment. As he continued playing his cover of the song, the sound echoed across the deck of the ship drawing the attention of those present. A subtle crimson flame danced around his body signifying how the youth was in sync with his instrument. If he was around the girls he met when he fought against Tiamat, the phonic gain he was generating would be boundless for their abilities.
"You mean to tell me you got my lil' bro playing DragonForce up in here?" Akaro called out with a chuckle approaching the duo.
"Ya damn right! 'Through the Fire and Flames' is a classic track that never gets old and that band is straight lit!" Lucy replied in earnest wearing a fangirl expression.
"She let me listen to them on this…playing device thing while I was in the infirmary," Raizo tacked on when he stopped playing for a moment.
"Master don't stop now, I love this aggressive fingering technique. I'm hitting such high notes right now, more! More! Kaka," Nirvana echoed in his mind with a lewd tone in her voice meant to tease the man.
Tch…N…Nirvana, really? Don't fill my mind with those kinds of thoughts!
The Stormbringer sighed heavily allowing the weapon to disappear back into the dimension from whence it came. Once more he was glad for the mask covering his face; otherwise his flustered expression would be seen by his big brother and mother.
"Hm…now that I actually take a look at it, that armor really suits ya, Raichu," Akaro complimented observing the layers of the sleek design that covered the man before him.
"Yeah well, fortunately it can regenerate since you know…you shattered it to pieces when we ran into each other here. Then Onee-sama did the same thing while we were training," the Crimson Harbinger sighed.
"Hey, hey, ya gotta let that one slide kiddo. I wasn't payin' attention to that energy signature and ya looked a little too dangerous to my liking at the time."
"Gotta say though, Alex did a good job on that armor. Ya really are emanatin' more and more of yer father day by day, son," Lucy smiled proudly.
"Yeah, ol' Mercer would be proud. But how are ya feelin', bud?" Akaro asked.
"I'm fine. Good as new, like I didn't get my ass handed to me in the first place. I'm still embarrassed over how that fight went. I can't believe I dropped my guard like that. I really need to stop being so careless," the youth sighed.
"Hey lil' bro, a lot of unexpected shit happens from time to time so you can't beat yourself up over it," the Red-Eyed Hero advised whilst reaching out and patting the cloaked warrior on the shoulder.
"Ya win some, ya lose some but ya never give up kiddo. Besides, ya got family to back ya up at any time," Lucy agreed.
"Land ahead!" Altera shouted aloud interrupting the flow of the conversation going down below.
"I see it. Damn, I can sense that mana from here. Oi Nii-san! Which way? Towards Fuyuki City or that Seki-ga-whatzit?" Drake called out.
"We'll head for Fuyu--…"
"All hands brace for impact!" Artoria interrupted as a massive shadow descended upon the proud fleet.
In the sky just above them, the large disk-like fortress that was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon descended like an omen of death ready to wipe out anything in its path.
"It's Scathach's Faction! Looks like they decided to make the first move, eh? Alrighty, bring the ship down to half sails and all ships fire at will!" Drake yelled out.
From there, the Golden Hind and the various vessels in her fleet began opening fire from their cannons as plumes of clouds began wafting through the air. Deep, bellowing echoes of artillery fire filled the atmosphere. The weighted ammunition fired at ridiculously high speeds assaulted the vessel as much as possible. However, that seemed ineffective. It was then that black silhouettes poured down from the looming vessel as countless ghouls and skeletal familiars dropped down on deck. In addition to them, powerful individuals followed suit
Grouping together, the Heroic Spirits on board the Golden Hind—minus Francis Drake who was directing the movement of the fleet—drew their weapons ready to fight. Raizo, Akaro and Lucy stood together on the opposite side watching everything unfold while Kimiko didn't bother moving from her spot. Stepping forward from the crowd of enemies, the woman in the purple body suit and black armor emerged holding two crimson lances.
"Hello Jeanne, it's about time we have our battle don't you think?" the warrior called out aiming her weapon at the Holy Maiden.
"Scathach, you of all people launching an ambush is something I never expected," the Ruler/Saber class woman stepped forward drawing her blade ready to take on the challenger before her.
"Well Avenger's efforts were thwarted so I figured it was time to take a personal touch on things."
"That shall prove to be your greatest mistake."
"We shall see," the Lancer responded before looking over her shoulder, "all units charge!"
As the ghoulish minions rushed towards the heroes, the battle began. Jeanne and Scathach dashed across the deck of the ship straight toward one another causing a loud explosive sound to echo atop of the deck. Meanwhile, other Heroic Spirits in the form of a Fox Goddess and other servants that were a little too obsessed with Indra came face to face with Red-Eyed Hero and company.
"Long time no see, Tamamo. Are you still suffering from a broken heart after being left behind for Nero?" cracked the Red Knight with a slight smirk.
"Mikon, you're still as cruel as always! Why do you have to be so mean to me, Red Knight-san? Mou, Master would have been mine if it had not been for you and that cursed Red Saber. You ruined my fortune, baka-san!" the fox-eared female complained puffing her cheeks out while her tailed flailed around behind her.
"Still the melodramatic goddess even after all of these years, that's quite sad if you ask me."
"No one asked for your opinion! But no matter, you shall fall here and I shall have my broken heart finally mended by the sight of your broken bones."
"Yeah okay…hope your friends are top-notch especially since you're not the strongest Caster around."
"Hey…Aniki, hate to crash your reunion here but who are those three behind the fox? They've been staring at me this entire time," Raizo whispered to the man casually pointing to the silhouettes behind the Caster.
"Huh…looks like you got on someone's radar lil' bro."
"Yeah well I ain't likin' it. Nobody's gonna touch my kid while I'm around," Lucy boasted before pulling out her holy blade.
The impending confrontation between the two was swiftly interrupted as the struggle between the two leading women of both factions intensified in the middle of the ship. Even the minions that were serving as nothing more than just useless toys to be knocked aside by the might of the heroes aboard the vessel had stopped their rampaging assault in deference to the fight erupting on the ship.
Scathach jumped in the air using both of her lances to rapidly stab at her target in a series of blurred motions. Jeanne merely wielding her great sword with one hand concentrated her focus and tucked her head down low before bringing around the blade to parry the oncoming onslaught. She then supported the weapon by grabbing onto the sword with both hands and began waving it from left to right in a hemispherical motion to protect herself. From there, she pressed her left foot forward thus briefly dashing towards her target as the Celtic maiden descended. It was at this point that Jeanne used her speed to close the gap.
Relinquishing a battle cry, Jeanne brought the blade down upon her target from up top threatening to cleave her in half. However, Scathach managed to quickly react thus crossing her spears in an X-shape. This allowed the woman to block the strike but the force of the attack and awkwardness of the angle caused the Lancer to hardly hang onto her posture. As the battlefield maiden applied more pressure on her blade, the self-proclaimed God-slayer leaned back a little more. It was here that she forced her body to angle up and over thus performing a backflip in which knocked Jeanne off balance. As the armored saint was thrown off balance and stumbled back, Scathach quickly landed. Without a second's delay, the Lancer had closed the distance again charging dark, crimson energy around her tools of war.
"I'll end it all with one strike," she uttered in a determined voice but before she could do anything, the ship buckled.
The sounds of cannons raging echoed in even greater number than before but the Hanging Gardens spawned glyphs of magic and were firing beams back at the fleet sinking ships left and right.
"Scathach, withdraw everyone…I'm tired of that bitch firing her cannons on my beloved fortress," Semiramis advised as a small magic circle appeared by the Celtic warrior's right ear.
"Tch, just when the fight was getting good. No matter…" the woman grumbled, "Retreat at once!"
"Mikon! Just when the fight was about to start, we wind up having to retreat. No matter, we shall meet again soon enough!" Tamamo responded before leaping up into the sky with the three silhouettes behind her.
"We shall settle this soon enough, Holy Maiden," Scathach added before disappearing as well.
Leaving the fodder minions behind to cover their retreat, the major parties of the faction left as swiftly as they came. However, their method of transportation still loomed overhead.
"Why would they leave if--…" Jeanne pondered.
"Ah shit, brace yourselves everyone!" Drake hollered out interrupting the hybrid servant's words.
A colossal magical seal opened above the Golden Hind. The seal then multiplied in number as the violet-blue radiance increased in light intensity as if it was charging something. The fortress operated by the infamous poisoner unleashed a devastating pillar of pure magical energy blasting the flagship of the fleet completely down the middle. Another set of beams reciprocated this same action thus obliterating the support ships behind it. The cataclysmic force sent everyone aboard the ship flying off into different directions save for the enthusiastic captain whom held onto the vessel's steering wheel for dear life. As the Golden Hind descended from the sky in smoldering flames, Scathach merely cast a judgmental gaze from atop the perch on the edge of the stone fortress.
"The blast only scattered them in groups it seems. We shall split up here and chase them down. The maiden belongs to me, the rest of you may choose your targets of your own accord," the Queen of the Land of Shadows commands before dashing off in the direction where Jeanne was sent.
The incarnation of Amaterasu chased after the four-person female group that was headed towards Sekigahara. The trio whom sought after Indra chased down the trail of Raizo and another person whom was sent hurdling towards the southern lands near Kyushu. As for the woman behind the controls of the Hanging Gardens, she took her fortress and descended down towards the ground to find out whether the daring captain that tried to wreck her beloved creation was still alive.
"Tch…damn, that was unexpected," Raizo grunted shaking his head after flying hundreds of miles away from the Golden Hind.
The youth recalled what occurred. That giant stone fortress unleashed a powerful attack that blew away the ship he was on then the resulting impact sent him flying. Given how far he traveled, he surmised that the attack was clearly meant to end the team's participation in the final battle.
Though all they did was just delay our arrival to the fray…
Standing up in the middle of the crater he created by his body's impact into the ground, the Stormbringer dusted himself off before walking out of it. He had to get a better idea of where he was currently located so that he could track which direction to go in order to reunite with his comrades and family. As he scanned over the vacant horizon, he did not see any significant landmarks; it was just a barren wasteland devoid of life in the form of an ashen desert.
Great…looks like I'm all alone out here…
"Raizo-senpai?" a voice called out from behind the Crimson Harbinger. This caused the young warrior to turn on his heel to investigate the source of the voice. His eyes soon beheld the visage of a woman with dark skin and red eyes.
"Altera? You're here as well?" the former blood wolf inquired with a hint of surprise in his voice.
"Yes, it seems that attack blew me away in the same direction as you; however, I do not sense any of the others nearby but…"
The ground shuddered underneath the pair of red-eyed individuals as the air became filled with the density of two colliding auras. Turning to face the direction from whence it was coming from, the pair was able to gaze and see a scorched field of grass and ashen forestry. Despite one direction containing a desolate desert, it seemed that this area was home to some form of vegetation; that was the case a short while ago that is.
"Whatever it is, it's nearby," Raizo surmised.
"We can use that area over there to obscure ourselves and investigate," Altera stated while pointing towards a small rocky formation just a few paces nearby. Exiting the impact zone, the two headed over towards that location almost instantly. From there, they peeked through the cracks of the stone structure to grasp what was going on.
The area ahead was filled with rolling plains passing over various small hills. What once were green grasses and trees standing tall amidst the vast area that thrived due to the King of Magic's influence of creating a pseudo-Eden had become burning fields spread as far as the eye can see. The cause of this transformation of the land was from the battle of two high-class Heroic Spirits from opposing factions in this war—Gilgamesh and Ozymandias.
For the past three days, the King of Heroes and the King of Pharaohs battled against one another in a blazing show of strategy and skill. The battle only lasted this long since both kings shared something in common besides a mutual history of rule and that was arrogance. Neither of them dared to unleash their true potential during this 'struggle' but only just enough to make it entertaining. However after 72 hours of constant tug of war, it seemed that both men were reaching the limits of their patience for the other's antics.
"Gate of Babylon!" cried out the Golden King of Babylon whilst floating listlessly in the air by about 30 feet or so. Behind him, the air had distorted into transparent golden and red waves in which countless numbers of weaponry appeared thus consuming the horizon behind him. With a simple nod, the portals vomited a tsunami of blades towards the man's foe.
"Mesektet: The Solar Ship of the Dark Night!" Ozymandias invoked as he summoned a legendary Egyptian vessel which was one of his Noble Phantasms.
A golden sail barge emerged over the battlefield simplistic in design without any fancy sails aboard it, yet divine as clearly marked by the Eye of Ra on the bow of the show. Its smooth golden finish with numerous oars over both sides of it signified its nature as a holy relic. This was the same boat that carried the Egyptian God of the Sun, Ra, through the sky. Being one of his incarnations allowed Ozymandias to summon it at will. Its majestic luminescence was referred to as Uraeus, or "the serpent that slaughters serpents", the embodiment of the might of the sun. The pharaoh unleashed a ballistic wave of light projectiles while standing on the deck of the vessel.
In the air, the missile-like energies collided between the two kings in a seemingly never ending barrage. Both onslaughts had the power to kill servants where they stood in high numbers but being matched against one another seemingly caused the attacks to cancel out. However, Gilgamesh's attacks did break through penetrating the vessel causing it to sink in the air sending the tanned male to the ground.
"Interesting!" Ozymandias grinned haughtily whilst dusting himself off.
"You managed to sink the great vessel that carried my brother, the Sun! Such a feat is worthy of praise, King of Heroes!"
"It's a shame that I had to sink such a simplistic work of art but given how it was used to carry one of the gods, I hold no regrets over its eradication," the affluent Heroic Spirit spoke dismissively.
"Ah yes, the man who dares to scoff at the gods, there is that pretentious attitude I have longed to bear witness to. You should be careful on the use of your tongue, Archer. You never know when someone will be prepared to shut it."
"You have my permission to try. I am willing to give the chance to do in case you have something worthy of note to display."
"Then behold the might of The Sphinx of Abu el-Hol: The Lion-Bodied Beast of the Hot Sand!" the Egyptian echoed thus activating his second Noble Phantasm.
It was here that giant Sphinxes spawned from fire and wind had joined the fray, Divine Beasts that were loyal to the legendary figure. Each of them possessed the ability to adjust the temperature of their claws through their own magical power to increase the cutting potency; in addition, their roars could cause flaming tornadoes. These beasts could render entire armies to ash with ease. Their scarlet flames were hot enough to instantly melt mostly anything that came into contact with them. The ground melting away underneath their feet was a testament to this fact. They numbered three in total, one of which being vastly different from the rest.
Unlike the other two, the leader of the trio was the strongest. Its complex feline body appeared as if it was composed of the celestial bodies within the universe decorated with gigantic, golden wings, and a gold and blue headdress akin to what the pharaohs wore. This was the king of all Sphinxes under Ozymandias' control known by the Egyptian ruler as the "Cosmos Sphinx", Sphinx Wehem-Mesut.
"So King of Heroes, allow me to show you the very pinnacle of Egypt's might defined by the power contained within my beautiful children!" Ozymandias boasted; his arms were spread out as the three holy monstrosities bellowed deep cries. Funnels spawned before then as the sweeping infernos began to drag across the ground headed towards the other king.
"Yet another fantastic trick performed by the Great Pharaoh of Egypt. I could say that I am impressed but those beasts will never reach me," Gilgamesh responded after a small sigh.
"We shall see."
The Sphinx trio charged after that crossing the space between the two kings leaving molten rock and soil in their wake. Led by Wehem-Mesut, the feline-like creatures stormed across the fields intending to rid the Babylonian of life thus fulfilling their master's intent; however, something stood in their way.
A lone homunculus with long green hair appeared seemingly out of nowhere, this being Enkidu. The silent yet most trusted confidant by Gilgamesh merely placed his palm against the ground.
"Age of Babylon: Wisdom of the People," the 'genderless' being spoke uttering the name of his Noble Phantasm.
In that instant, golden gates opened up from the ground spreading out like a massive puddle of water engrossing the area in which the beasts marched. Out from it sprung an innumerable amount of chains that grabbed the legs of the divine monsters binding them without delay, however, this only served to reduce their movement speed to a certain degree. Much to Enkidu's surprise, the beasts continued to advance as the dense infernos around their bodies tried to melt the chains. Seeing this, another batch of portals opened behind Enkidu just like with Gilgamesh. Out from the hidden treasury shot hundreds of thousands of swords, axes, spears and the like assaulting the creatures. Wave after wave washed over the great Sphinxes including the Cosmic King that boasted the most strength of them all only serving to halt them in their place for a time.
"I see your retainer is quite resourceful like you are. I am quite surprised that you possess the ability to suppress the might of my Sphinxes," Ozymandias gritted his teeth whilst acknowledging the ingenuity of the situation.
"Once more you prove to me that you are unable to touch me. When will you learn?" Gilgamesh spoke unamused.
"This would not have to happen if you would but understand your place before me, King of Heroes."
"I am the one known as the King of Kings, the sun made flesh upon this world. All show marvel in my glory and kneel before my feet in reverence of my splendor. The King of Knights, the King of Conquerors, the King of Destruction, and even you, the King of Heroes, may all bear the titles of kingship; however, I being the God-King, hold dominion over you all. Won't you realize the folly of your ways and let me lead you into a Golden Age?"
The Mesopotamian has his crimson eyes twitch in irritation over the man's words. He could not help but to reach the very end of his rope that represented the limited amount of patience he carried within himself. Folding his arms over his chest, the levitating individual merely cast his gaze down upon the Egyptian like a lower being.
"You dare to claim yourself to be greater than me? I, the oldest hero among all Heroic Spirits? You should be prostrating yourself before me humbled that my eyes even register the very essence of your existence. You should be grateful that I even recognize your legend as the King of Pharaohs, but your foolish speech only proves to me that you are just an overly glorified mongrel. You are hardly any better than any other insect that has come into my presence."
"So you will not relent to me? That is quite a pity," Ozymandias sighed disappointedly not even taking offense at the spew of insults that were thrown his way. The Rider class hero merely shook his head knowing that there was nothing else to do.
"I suppose it is time we bring this fight to its bitter end. With this grand finale, we shall finally see which one of us is destined to reign supreme!"
"I would not have it any other way. Come then, King of Pharaohs, no…God-King, Ozymandias. Show me everything that you have to offer before my greatest treasury!"
"I shall give you a reward, King of Heroes. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and bow down! My infinite brilliance, the sun descends here! Ramesseum Tentyris!" cried out the legendary Egyptian as he became enshrouded in gold whilst rising into the skies unleashing his true Noble Phantasm—Ramesseum Tentyris: The Shining Great Temple Complex.
The entire battlefield became immersed into another plane that was like a reality marble created by the caster of the ability. The world around those present was brought to a place that looked like the very definition of Egypt's splendor. This was the glory and might of Egypt's greatest pharaoh—Ramesses II—and of how he contains the gods within his body, embodied as this Noble Phantasm. This giant complex that was too large to exist within the confines of reality at once was composed of many temples, complexes, and mausoleums such as: the Great Karnak Temple Complex, the Great Dendera Temple Complex, the Great Temples of Abu Simbel, and so on. All of these structures were centered on the Ramesseum Temple Complex which served as the throne room of this place.
Ozymandias controlled everything in the complex while sitting on his throne just like someone sitting in the captain's seat of a starship. Acting as the core, the man could provide magical energy for the massive lightbulb-like object that powered the structure. By doing this, he could also empower certain aspects of the complex by diverting magical energy wherever needed whilst shutting down other sections. In addition, he could convert the very Saint Graph contained inside of him into magical energy to provide a greater source of power.
Going back, one of the most important functions of this temple is the Dendera Light Bulb, or the "Great Light Bulb Amon Ra"; this was classified as an Anti-Fortress attack and is the primary offensive measure within this place. A long distance artillery mechanism said to be as powerful and devastating as a solar flare, this device would be used as a means to call upon the might of the gods to unleash Ozymandias' Divine Judgment. That very same item had been charging almost immediately after reality shifted to this plane due to the King of Kings wanting to end this fight putting everything on the line. This was the gift he would present to the King of Heroes. It was here that the Great Light was unleashed threatening to wipe away all of the Great Pharaoh's enemies in one fell swoop.
"I expect nothing less of you, Ozymandias. Such power could be considered the essence of beauty; however, the wrath of the gods is something I could not care less about. Though, since you have offered such a show for my eyes then allow me to reward you in kind," Gilgamesh uttered before looking to his friend.
Without saying so much as a word, Enkidu doubled back to the King's side in preparation for what was to come never once relinquishing the bonds that held the Sphinxes in place. As for the King of Heroes, he ascended further into the sky when a small portal opened before him. Out from it came a sword whose red blade with a black pattern along it took a conical shape. It began to spin like a drill when the golden-haired man grasped it and turned it towards the heavens gathering a tremendous amount of power from the heavens itself.
"I shall offer this one strike as the ceremony of separation! I speak of the beginning. Heaven and Earth are divided and nothingness celebrates Creation. My Sword of Rupture rends the world apart. The vortex that turns the stars, this heavenly hell signifies the end of the eve of Genesis. Subside with death! Enuma Elish!" The Babylonian ruler declared as he discharged the blade's energy towards the entirety of complexes within this pseudo world.
"That won't be enough!" Ozymandias responds directing parts of Ramesseum Tentyris to fire like projectiles in order to push back the might of the blast.
Unfortunately, it would not be anywhere near enough as the mighty concussive blast that would easily tear the fabrics of the time and space to bits broke through the Great Light Bulb Amon Ra. However, the destruction did not stop here. The decisive move was so overwhelming that it erased the entire fortress as well as the Sphinxes and ultimately, Ozymandias himself.
As quickly as the battlefield shifted becoming the very concept of Egyptian culture was how fast it all disappeared. In the end, all that remained was the burned landscape that served as a reminder of the battle that took place here. The Battle of Kings ended with Gilgamesh as the victor.
"Alas, that 'struggle' has come to an end. Come Enkidu, let us fallback for now before we meet up with the others," Gilgamesh calmly said descending back to the ground before walking away.
"Yes Gil," Enkidu responded before following behind the man. They then disappeared into golden particles of scattered light.
That entire confrontation left the two red-eyed individuals hiding behind the rocky formation in awe. Was that a battle or a deadly performance? It was hard to tell. A duel between legendary kings of such a grand caliber was something that was a once in a lifetime experience which both Raizo and Altera had the privilege of watching. For the Stormbringer, he was analyzing everything that he saw using his special ocular technique—which he still did not have a name for—in order to understand the nature of everything he saw. But that final move left him particularly perplexed.
"What the hell was that sword?" he asked before leaning back against the stone wall.
"That was the Sword of Rupture, Ea. Otherwise known as the "Sword that ripped apart the world", it is the ultimate Noble Phantasm of the Gate of Babylon and Gilgamesh's most powerful weapon. Unlike the countless other Noble Phantasms within his treasury, which were passed onto countless wielders after his death and took on many forms, it is a sword that only he possesses.
The sword is crowned with the name of the Great God Ea, who was said to have cultivated the primordial world by separating, crushing and moving the world's surface. He is even said to have created world itself but that's obviously a lie. Regardless…given its standing as the most powerful treasure the King of Heroes possesses, it is a considerable threat even to someone like you, Raizo-senpai," the Great King of Destruction explained casting her eyes over the masked man beside her.
"Duly noted…but I've faced far worse."
The brief stint of peace that the pair shared was instantaneously interrupted as three individuals dropped down from the skies before them. One being a man with a golden glove that sparked electricity appearing like a mad scientist, the other was a dark-skinned male wielding a bow, while the final one was a woman being at least 7-feet tall that was well-endowed and had a curvy body.
"Who the hell are they?" Raizo stood up immediately ready for a fight supported by Altera at his side.
"They are Nikolai Tesla, Arjuna, and Minamoto-no-Raikou of Scathach's faction. It seems that the Queen of the Land of Shadows wants to make sure each of us meet our end before we have a chance to regroup."
"Masked stranger who is not born of the grace of the grail, we have come to face you. You are outnumbered and outclassed, I hope you are prepared to surrender or fall where you stand," the genius scientist boasted. His aura would then gather around his body whilst the man himself stepped forward towards the pair.
"Great, one of the boisterous types…just my luck. I'll take care of this Altera," Raizo stated as he walked towards the group.
"Senpai, you've seen how powerful Heroic Spirits can be. Let me help you fight against them to at least balance the odds," the red-eyed female pleaded.
"Don't worry; I can iron out those details right now."
Failing to convince him, the woman watched as the armored assassin continued walking towards the group of adversaries. Tesla would be the first obstacle to overcome as he marched towards him.
"I sense that you are not the one who likes to surrender even when the odds are clearly against your favor. You are quite the interesting one. Perhaps you might be able to provide some entertainment before your departure. Now then veiled mystery that bares the might of thunder, give me a show. Let's see you handle the might of my Noble Phantasm! Here exists god's thunder! Come now, please try to pay attention! System Keraunos: Legend of Mankind – Advent of Lightning!" The Archer class scientist uttered.
Arcs of purple and blue electrical energy welled up within him before being discharged by his golden gauntlet. It was then that the man released the concentrated flow of energy in the form of a widespread beam directly upon the Crimson Harbinger.
Seriously, this is becoming an overplayed joke.
Raizo did not waver in the sight of the attack coming directly at him. Instead, he just stood there and embraced it. He accepted the entire fury of it openly. As the laser consumed him, Tesla just began to laugh.
"Is that truly it? All of this excitement over the mystery of some stranger and he was just blasted away in an instant! Repent of your weakness in the next life! Yet another falls before-…" Tesla bragged before he was interrupted.
"You seriously need to shut the fuck up," Raizo said as he popped up right in front of the mad scientist's face, his garnet eyes glimmering underneath the mask.
"Using lightning attacks on someone who is a lightning user is really stupid for someone who boasts about being a genius."
"I-Impossible, how can you withstand the lightning of the heavens? That's impossible!"
"Please, that wasn't even on the scale of a lesser god. Do me a favor and just disappear already."
In one fluid motion that was untraceable to the human eye, Raizo gathered crimson electricity in his right fist and swung his arm backhanding Tesla across the face.
"I don't feel so good…" Tesla muttered before his entire body just dispersed into dust.
As the mad scientist obsessed with lightning faded from existence, the odds became balanced.
"Now then, since your numbers strategy is gone. Perhaps you two are ready to meet the same end like he did? We've got a schedule to keep," Raizo remarked folding his arms and glaring at the two figures before him. It was here that the dark-skinned Archer class figure stepped forward.
"That aura that emanates from you may be considered foreign to a degree, but to one with trained senses like me, understanding its origin is simple. Father, it truly is you, correct? Do you not recognize me, your own son? It is I, Arjuna," the Awarded Hero proclaimed, placing his hand upon his chest.
"Wait…what? What the hell?!" Raizo voiced with shock, "Eh?!!"
"S-Senpai, you're a…father? I never would have guessed this," Altera pondered for a moment signified by the placing of her finger under her chin.
The Stormbringer immediately flipped back his hood and hit the switch to remove his armor's mask and encompassing helmet. His face was then revealed to all those present as the flustered expression became known.
"D-Don't get the wrong idea about me, Altera! I'm only 19 years old okay?! There's no way I could have a son especially one who is in the Throne of Heroes or whatever that thing is called."
[Boy, he's referring to me…]
A familiar voice rang out within Raizo's mind in a surprising twist. The Red-Eyed Stormbringer knew exactly who the source of this voice belonged to, but he found himself in disbelief after going without hearing his words for so long.
"Indra…where the hell have you been? You just dropped off the face of…well I can't say the Earth since you only speak to me in my head."
[I've been around but I figured you could use the privacy given your status as your Onee-sama's pillow.]
"Tch…d-don't suddenly speak to me now only to poke fun at my private life…rustic bastard."
[You have been quite the adventurous one as of late, but I digress. The man and the woman before you are my children. Though they do not share any blood relation to one another due to having existed in two separate countries and grew up in different cultures. My son grew up in the nation of origin that worshipped me. In this world, that nation would be called India. Whereas the woman was raised on this very island during the Sengoku Period of its history, Japan.]
"Wait, what poor unfortunate souls did you persuade to bear your children?"
"Consider that payback for the joke about Onee-sama."
[Duly noted. But you should know that my son is…quite the spoiled brat. Many of my brothers and sisters bestowed gifts and blessings upon him so that he would never go without in life, whether its conflict or otherwise. In fact, the weapon he uses is a gift from Agni—whom resides within your beloved Adena.]
"Is that right? Seems like fate is playing its games again."
[It would appear so, though I am shocked that Karna is not around.]
"Who's that?"
[Arjuna's older brother and rival, child of the Sun God, as well as the child I gifted my spear to. He was known as the Hero of Charity, one who bore the strongest code of honor even when his younger brother killed him in a most cowardly fashion. They are always fated to fight each other regardless of the life they were given.]
"I see, and anything I should know about the tall girl over there?"
[Minamoto-no-Raikou is….different. Even though she is a fearsome foe to face on the battlefield, she has a complex about her that makes her the overly doting mother figure. And…ironically she is my dearest girl. Perhaps she would have been different if I was more proactive in her life.]
"I…don't want to know what kind of woman this chick is…hell, her physique alone intimidates me."
[Don't tell me you're scared of a taller woman with curves like hers. Do my daughter's assets not stir your hidden passions?]
"Wh…what the hell? I am not trying to think of that…"
[Boy, you are truly amusing.]
"Well sorry to boast your bubble but your children are my enemies so I'm going to have to take them down."
[I know. Although part of me understands the necessity of it all, my deep laden instinct as parent wishes that you would not harm them.]
"I'm afraid that won't be possible."
After a moment of silence or so that passed while Raizo was conversing with the deity in his head, the male took a deep breath before looking up at the individual before him.
"I had to take a minute to consult with my inner sanity so you'll have to forgive me. Arjuna, I'm not your father per se but I do have him within me. You are referring to Indra, right? Well the thing is, his power flows through my veins since I drank his blood once upon a time. I got the interesting ability to converse with him too so he was just telling me about you and the lady standing behind you. You're both his children yet you are not siblings due to different eras in time. That's quite the complex relationship. Anyways, sorry to burst your bubble but your father doesn't run things here. I do."
"I had suspected as such," Arjuna sighed, "So my father lives on within you…someone whom has no name among us Heroic Spirits, yet boasts the capacity to eliminate one. Your mastery over the powers of my father is impressive. Haha…perhaps you are the one then! Perhaps you shall fulfill my longstanding wish of a rival truly worthy of being my equal! Ha ha…hahahahahahaha!!"
The Archer laughed maniacally abandoning his well-mannered demeanor in almost an instant. His magical aura boiled out from his body as the density of his energy began to fill the air. Sensing the change within him, Raizo pulled Vajra from his side on reflex readying himself for battle. His crimson eyes ignited with the garnet hue of his developing Mystic Eyes whilst cautioning himself for what would come next.
"Altera, I'll leave Raikou to you…I'll face Arjuna head on," the Stormbringer uttered.
"Senpai, be careful," the alien Saber said before drawing out her Sword of Mars only to then rush over and stand face to face with the giantess.
"Oh my, Arjuna-san is going to fight against our father…no…the misguided child whom bares his power. Arjuna-san, please…he…he looks so precious," the bizarre female muttered placing both hands against her cheeks twisting her body from side to side like an infatuated lover. Raikou was so caught up in her own delusions that she did not even take notice of the dark-skinned female before her.
"Berserker of the Scathach faction, Minamoto-no-Raikou, I shall be your opponent," Altera stated with boldness aiming her blade at the woman.
"No…no…no, I do not wish to fight you…I'm only interested in that child there…I want to be closer to him, even if he is supposed to be my enemy," the tall, mature beauty responded with an entranced tone as if she was captivated by the very presence of the Stormbringer.
"Actions speak louder than words. Just because you express that you have no desire to do battle does not make you any less of an enemy."
"As you say…but I shall not move."
As the women merely stood idly by, the two males were about to begin their battle. Arjuna pulled out his longbow as the look of bloodlust and the thirst for battle entered his eyes.
"Raizo, that is the name I recall when I think of how Scathach addressed you. Bearer of my father's strength, I normally choose to hold back against my foes since most fail to meet my expectations but for you, I will not hold anything back. Show me the ecstasy of battle and prove to me that you are worthy of being my rival! Now release, Agni Gandiva: Flame God's Yell!" the Awarded Hero called out the name of his Noble Phantasm.
The mystical bow became enshrouded in flames as the man knocked his first arrow coated in the same dangerous plasma energy. The density of his energy registered in Raizo's eyes. The immense strength gathered around him proved that the Archer was not lying about his intention of not holding back. As such, the divine son of Indra would receive a kind response.
"Heart of the Storm!" Raizo called out boosting himself immediately to his mastered state with his transformation proving by the miasmic inferno nature of his amethyst aura.
In that moment, both men blasted off into the sky countless of times faster than light could keep up with. From there, arcs of electricity seemed to dance across the dismal atmosphere as blue flaming projectiles blazing back in response. Arjuna's arrows were akin to high-powered missiles. The objects soared across the empty space towards their target homing in without fail due to the Awarded Hero's pinpoint accuracy. However, that precision was failing before the Stormbringer. The youth's garnet eyes traced the flight path of each oncoming arrow in which he hurled bolts of electricity in response to nullify them. After a few thousand shots were fired off by the Archer and instantly cancelled out, Raizo dashed in using his speed to take the offensive.
Bringing Vajra to bear, the male swung the blade with one hand across in a sweeping motion before Arjuna could fire the next shot. At that point, the dark-skinned Hindu legend had no choice but to guard by using the Agni Gandiva as a shield. The resulting clash between these holy objects rang out like a high-pitched bell, the soundwave rippling through the air like an oceanic wave. Regardless of the perfect guard, Raizo continued to assault his target with a series of swings with his sword while flying through the skies at high speed.
With each movement, Raizo saw how Arjuna would guard himself. Picking up on a pattern, the Stormbringer waited for the right moment when his opponent would drop his guard. The first few hundred collisions that passed by in seconds allotted the Crimson Harbinger to analyze the effective angles in which that bow would protect the Son of Indra's body. Dancing to the side of his guard, Raizo would then switch Vajra from his right to his left hand and bring the blade down in a perfect diagonal slash. As the man who sought a rival protected himself once more, the armored Son of Mercer stabbed his right hand into his foe's blind spot about 15 degrees south of the right shoulder. In that instant, the Stormbringer's mind quickly rummaged through his memories.
He recalled the one known as Black in the future world line of the Saiyan Trunks' Earth. In this memory, he saw how the false god projected energy around his hand in the shape of a blade. Mimicking that very sentiment, Raizo did the same thing to Arjuna. A violent-blue hue discharged from his right hand and penetrated the Awarded Hero right underneath the ribcage.
"Indigo Rain!" the Stormbringer called out using the miasmic, poisonous application of thunder taught to him by his father.
The blade pierced through the man flowing straight out his back. Gasping in pain, Arjuna dropped his guard which gave Raizo the point in which he would swing his blade in a 6-pointed star formation before knocking the man away with a kick. The Hindu archer went hurdling down towards the ground impacting against the dirt with Raizo hot on his tail.
That could be considered a dirty move, but I don't have time to waste on some delusional brat with daddy issues.
Raizo's mind was focused on the greater task at hand—reuniting with Akaro, Kimiko and the rest of the faction before they would be caught off guard by other adversaries. With each passing second that he wasted dealing with this man, he was unsure of how the other enemies were moving. Thus, he needed to be quick about his battles.
And I can't afford to be caught in this losing streak.
Memories of his past confrontations came back to him for a split second ranging from the humiliation he suffered at the hands of Tiamat as well as the embarrassment from Dantés. Even though the Demon Goddess was defeated by "his" hand, Raizo didn't consider the out-of-body experience he had featuring the God Killer as a personal victory for him. And he only held the first round win against the Avenger spirit; his mom had to take care of the rest.
Getting my ass handed to me by Onee-sama was probably the best thing for me. I know my flaws and I want to make a conscious effort to fix them. I have to if I want to be of any help during this war.
As the Stormbringer loomed over Arjuna's location, he peered over his shoulder to check on his companion. To his surprise, Altera and Raikou had not even begun their battle. Instead, they were just standing there watching his fight. He did not understand why the taller woman did not take the opportunity to fight against the Saber but she didn't move a single inch. Worrying about that situation would have to come later though…
"You bastard…how dare you defile me in such a humiliating way?! You dare use underhanded tricks to get the better of me?" Arjuna shouted with anger in his voice.
"That's really ironic coming from the guy who used a cowardly trick to kill his brother. Daddy told me about that. I'm just giving you some much needed discipline that clearly your parents never bothered to dish out," Raizo shrugged with a smug expression on his face.
"Joke all you want vermin, but I shall be the one with the last laugh!"
Arjuna, gripping onto his side as blood poured out onto his clothing from where he was stabbed, began to levitate into the sky. Even with the wound that did not heal, he still refused to back down from this fight. The bow disappeared from his right hand as he put the left one over his forehead rising up into the sky once again, this time surrounded by a spiraling tornado of pale blue energy.
"Holy Ground Expansion, Space Fixation, Divine Punishment Enforcement Period Establishment…All Clear. By Shiva's wrath, your life ends here. Pashupata: Raised Hand of the Destruction God!" he echoed out.
A crystal orb of sorts was generated in the hand that he used to cover his face. That orb shot up into the heavens straight out to the void of space. This was Arjuna's true Noble Phantasm, a Divine Construct given to him by Shiva—one of the Trimurti of Hinduism and the one who governs destruction and creation.
[Boy, watch out! That object was given to my son by my brother, Shiva. It will judge anything caught within its range and…]
"Say no more…"
Raizo looked back to Altera and her opponent, Raikou. He wasn't sure what was going on between them but since they weren't fighting, he'd have to find a way to protect both of them. Even if Raikou wasn't on his and Altera's side, no ally should have to be unjustly murdered by their comrades. It wasn't right in the least.
"Altera, grab Raikou now!" the Stormbringer yelled out.
"Do it!"
Nodding in agreement, the dark-skinned swordswoman reached out and wrapped her arm around the taller servant. Seeing this, Raizo stretched his arm out to them.
"Enter, Cosmic Foundry!"
Encasing both women in his multiverse reality marble, Raizo would face whatever this thing was on his own. He wasn't going to let them get caught up in the face of this monstrous attack. As the women disappeared from sight, the Stormbringer stared at the skies seeing beams of light fire down upon him. Instantly, he was hit by it. His body in his current state could survive the destruction of the multiverse so surviving this attack shouldn't be any different…or so he thought.
As Indra told him, Pashupata judges those caught within it. Effective against those with divinity, the item tested the youth. In the eyes of the construct, the youth failed both tests and in that very next instant…he was delivered what was called "Moksha" meaning liberation. By this liberation, the male's life was forfeited.
The radiance disappeared and Raizo's body collapsed onto the ground. In the background, Cosmic Foundry shattered around Altera and Raikou whom peered out to see the armored male lying on the wasteland. The devilish laughter of Arjuna filled the air as he gradually descended back to the Earth.
"Hahaha…hahahahahahahaha….hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! You fool! You failed, completely at that! Enjoy repenting for your sins for eternity in Hell where you belong! And may my father keep you company!" Arjuna boasted proudly.
"SENPAI!!!!!" Altera hollered out in rage and despair. She drew the Sword of Mars out and aimed it at the skies as a giant beam of crimson light was sent down to charge her weapon.
"I'll kill you where you stand, Awarded Hero!" she gritted her teeth in anger and hatred preparing to release her Noble Phantasm but…something was happening that she did not know about.
[Boy…is this really the end?]
Raizo in the midst of limbo of his fading mind faintly heard the voice of the old god.
Shut up…
He couldn't mutter the words aloud but in the recesses of his mind, that's what he felt.
Once again…I find myself in this position…of weakness. Is this all I have? Is this…truly the limits of what I've gained so far? I don't understand. What am I doing wrong? What the hell is this?
His soul felt like he was sinking into the abyss of the sea. Gazing up, he could perceive the light fading as he sank deeper and deeper into the depths that was his harsh reality. It was too late for him to change at this juncture. Drastically increasing his strength and completely making over his fighting style was easier said than done. Trying to do it in the middle of a war wasn't a good idea because he was unprepared.
The Stormbringer turned to his right fighting off the gradual erasure of his consciousness. His eyes beheld an illusionary vision in a hazy cloud that seemed to be following him. In it, he made out the figure of a woman with long, white hair and rosy, pink colored eyes that possessed powers much like his own.
The name of the girl whom was his counterpart or "sister" from another universe stood over him saying something:
"I still remember the feeling of your blades cutting through my flesh, those blades gifted to us by Assana—our only memento of our days as Blood Wolves. You and your family were the ones who freed me from the shackles binding my true self. I know I'll never be forgiven for what I've done and that no matter where I run to, regret will always follow; however, please accept this display of power as my way of thanking you for saving me. Observe my Heart of Eternity."
It was then that the female Stormbringer became engrossed in a silvery white aura layered over the amethyst color that was similar to his Heart of the Storm state. From that point, the speedster zipped through the skies slaying countless monstrosities that were exact copies of the God Eater, Leviathan, whom Raizo battled long ago.
I remember now…this was back during the Pandora Conflict. That was when Vesta appeared before me and saved my life, even though we were once enemies.
Then his mind emphasized the word she said to him—Observe. That word was paramount. To notice or perceive something and register it as being significant, that was one definition for that term. Raizo recalled how he shared a connection with Vesta through their bond as Stormbringers akin to a 'Bleeding Effect'. The vision of the girl enshrouded in that aura burned into his mind once again.
You'll always be a better Stormbringer than me, Vesta…however…
The youth seemed to cease his sinking into the oceanic depths by cutting off that descent in that moment. He corrected his body and began to climb up towards the water's surface.
I can't afford to stop now. Forget that bullshit defeatist attitude that's been trying to shackle me as of late.
The Crimson Harbinger ascended higher and higher towards the light before hitting the precipice of the surface. When he was about to break through for air, he felt like he reached a glass ceiling that was cutting off his escape. The male began to bang on the solid surface.
I'm sick of these damn limits. I'm tired of feeling powerless and weak. To hell with what I think is my cut-off point. I refuse to let myself be stopped here.
He pounded the glass.
And again…
And again…
I said break. No matter what it takes, I will break through it all!
It was here that the "glass" began to crack before inevitably shattering allowing the youth to gasp for air.
Give me the power, even if it's just a taste, of the purpose that I am made to be!
"So you wish to join this unworthy trash in the grave as well? I am more than enough to rid this world of your existence, Great King of Destruction! Come to me, Agni Gandiva!" Arjuna called out with his bloodlust summoning the flaming bow once more.
"I won't forgive you for what you've done. Vanish into nothingness and be stripped from this world!" Altera shouted out, the energy being imbued in her blade rising in potency.
"S-Saber-san, wait…look there…" Raikou spoke hesitantly pointing at the body of the Stormbringer.
"Berserker, do not forget that you are still my enemy even if you did not raise your sword against me. Senpai saved your life for whatever reason, so I would appreciate it if you did not distract me right now."
"Silence or you can be destroyed along with this bastard…."
"Altera…you don't have to worry about a thing," the voice of the once lifeless assassin rang out. This broke the concentration of both Heroic Spirits preparing for an epic death match.
"S-Senpai?" the dark-skinned women questioned in shock as she watched the armored male rise from his position dusting himself off.
"This battle between me and this ungrateful brat is far from over," Raizo uttered, the burning glow of the amethyst aura radiating around his body once more.
"H-How is that possible?! My Noble Phantasm should have eradicated you! My power is unmatched…unrivaled even! It surpasses all of my brothers and even the likes of my father!" the Awarded Hero complained, his eyes widening in disbelief.
"Yeah…probably but you see…it helps when Death is literally your older sister and your aunt is an Archangel who guards the gates of Heaven. Plus, my father is the leader of all Primordial Gods and…well you get the point. I could go through my family tree right now listing all the people who I'm related to that serve as reasons why you killing me are a massive joke, but I'll make it short and sweet. You played yourself."
"As if you bare more claim to a divine hierarchy than me. You're just a half-breed swine. Your power isn't enough to kill the likes of me!"
"Aha…you see that's where you're wrong, Arjuna. I have more than enough power to fight you; I just needed a little waking up. Thanks to you hammering in the final nail on that coffin, I just buried my doubts. So let me show you what I'm made of…"
The ground began to shake in the general area where everyone stood. Pulses of electricity sparked across the scorched Earth colliding into Raizo's body. The youth's garnet eyes began to glow brilliantly in intensity while the hue of his aura began to split. The amethyst color bound itself closer to his body as a silvery-white essence began to overlap it slowly but surely. The purple sparks of light in his hair began to turn white as well. In that moment, a giant pulse was released as an explosive pillar of purple and white light surged towards the sky. After a brief moment, that light faded revealing the male's form.
"Behold my Omen of Eternity…" Raizo stated in reference to his new form.
Thank you for showing me the path I needed to take even though it took me way too long to figure it out, Vesta.
"What is this? What is this sensation?! You…you can't be normal!" Arjuna gasped in fear.
"Of course not, I'm just a guy who came from nothing trying to leave hope in my wake."
"To hell with you and your hope, I'll wipe you off the face of this cursed planet! Pashu-…"
"Kamui – Sundering Strike…"
It happened faster than anyone present could perceive. One instant, Raizo was standing in the midst of the location in which he was original wounded. Then the next, the purple and white empowered assassin had his blade spiraling with crimson and indigo electrical energy impaling the Archer-class servant. Altera and Raikou were rendered speechless while Arjuna lost all sense of respiratory function as life drained from him rapidly.
"During your little tirade sentence, I managed to take an entire trip from the farthest point of this universe and back to this point transferring all of the momentum gained and strength that I currently possess into this one attack. It's not my strongest technique but it was suitable enough. Now fall, Arjuna…like the short-sighted and cowardly fool you are," Raizo scorned mercilessly ripping his blade out of the opponent before tucking Vajra back into its sheath.
The Awarded Hero then disappeared into dust much like Nikolai Tesla returning to the Throne of Heroes. With that blow, the battle was over. Well, technically it was. Raizo turned on his heel and saw the tall woman standing next to his ally witnessing the expression of awe alongside the tanned girl over what just took place. In a flash, he appeared before the both of them.
"Are you okay, Altera?"
"Y…Yes Raizo-senpai, I'm fine but…how are you…" the Saber servant was about to ask before the male just looked into her eyes and smiled a bit.
"Like I said to that idiot archer, I just needed a little bit of a wake-up call. Don't worry, I'm perfectly fine now."
It was then that the male turned his gaze towards the curvaceous beauty that towered over him by a foot.
"So…what to do with you?" he asked with a light sigh unsure of how to tackle the situation with her. He could easily dispatch her, but she didn't exactly do anything during this entire encounter. As opposed to being an enemy, it felt like she was just on the wrong side of the spectrum and just got caught up in the flow of things.
"Daddy…er…no, that's not right now is it? Forgive my rudeness. Raizo-sama, I surrender," the voluptuous female bowed as her assets dangerously swayed close to the male.
"Wait…what?" Raizo tilted his head.
"Senpai, I think she's being serious. I don't feel any latent hostility emanating from her," Altera added.
"Please, I'm being serious. If you wish to execute me…then so be it but…I have no desire to continue with Scathach-san's visions. I was never really committed to her to begin with; I only went along with her since I was openly accepted. That and I shared a connection with Arjuna-san because of the fact we shared the same father," the woman explained sincerely.
"I've…never really taken a prisoner before but…if you're surrendering to me without a fight then, I guess that's okay?" Raizo scratched his head whilst returning to normal from his ascended state.
"This is seriously awkward; I'm not sure how to take this."
"I…I see, then…perhaps I should show my surrender by giving you my body as well?" Raikou proposed leaning over the shorter male threatening to press herself against him.
"E…Eh?! W-wait, hang on that's a little unnecessary don't you think?" Raizo panicked.
[Boy, you not only killed my son but now you are trying to take advantage of my daughter?]
"Indra, you're not helping," Raizo responded to the god's sudden tone in his mind.
"Berserker, get your hands away from my Senpai before I erase you," Altera uttered with a menacing tone.
"Ara…I am Raizo-sama's prisoner now…he can do with me as he pleases."
"This is not the surrender I had in mind! M-mou…"
"Do not bully my Senpai…overgrown woman…"
"Ara, jealous now?"
"Would both of you calm down? Goodness," Raizo sighed, backing away from both women to gather his thoughts.
"We need to contact Aniki and the others before things get even further out of hand. But how…"
"Kakaka my master, why not use my power to contact everyone via the Astral Plane?" echoed the voice of Nirvana, casually communicating with the male in the same way she proposed.
"You can do that?" Raizo inquired.
"Of course, just leave it to me."
"Let's find a place that we can tuck away for now in case the enemy is out looking for us. Altera, I can trust you to keep an eye on our guest without wanting to kill her right?" Raizo inquired.
"Yes Senpai, as long as she doesn't try anything lascivious again," she replied.
"Ara, as Raizo-sama's prisoner, I will do anything he requests no matter what," Raikou declared taking the Stormbringer's right arm.
"Hands…off…my…Senpai," Altera countered whilst taking the youth's left arm.
"Jeez, this is going to be awkward…."
With a hefty sigh, Raizo just reluctantly walked along with the two females on either side. The trio headed off to somewhere safe so that Raizo could enact his call.