
Court Predator

A world filled with anime characters focused on Basketball.

JunBlossom · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
20 Chs

First Match (2)

Btw I'm writing this all at once for the game, So tell me what is good and what should be better since I don't particularly know if it is too much or too little.


The game resumed with Kamata in possession, Jun stared at Sota who wore a smile on his face. ''We will show you why we are one of the best teams in the Junior scene'' Sota spoke as he stared at his brother, who held the ball. 

Sota received the ball and different from the other times he did not try to go through Jun, He positioned for a shot as he winded up, and Jun got ready to block. 

Contrary to his expectation he didn't hit the block since Sota delayed his release of the ball, Sota proceeded to make contact with Jun and fell to the ground dramatically, while groaning. 

Jun seemed confused as he stared at the youngster on the ground. He then heard someone complaining. ''Hey referee, you saw that contact? That was a hard foul.'' Jun thought as he heard Shota make a scene 'Is he dumb?'

Contrary to his expectation Jun heard the referee whistle. ''Basket count, Foul Number 7 1 free throw.'' 

Meanwhile, Jun narrowed his eyes as he stared at the positioning of the opponent team. 'The referee couldn't see clearly, probably...' 

Jun marveled at this dramatic duo. Sota made the free throw. (18-15) Sota had a big smirk as he seemed to be mocking Jun who tilted his head. ''Take that.'' He heard a low voice it was Shota who closed in with his brother. 

Faced with the double team Jun didn't panic, but Yoshi seemed to panick as he began to feed the ball to the other teammates. 

Yoshi passed the ball to Yanagihara who couldn't shake off his mark, the possession time was running out so he threw a shot toward the basket. He failed miserably. Meanwhile, the ball fell on the hand of Kamata Center who passed the ball to their Point Guard, who passed the ball to Shota who ran toward Kibito's Hoop. 

As he grabbed the ball Shota jumped as he was under the basket, he was facing Yukio who towered over him, but he released the shot while making contact with Yukio's sturdy body, faced with the contact he just wailed downward, he didn't land the basket fortunately, but the referee whistled. ''Foul Number 8, 2 free throws.'' 

Yukio who had slowly built his confidence seemed slightly shaken by this as he ran toward the referee. ''Sir I didn't make illegal contact, how is this a foul?'' Yukio questioned the referee, Yoshi got near Yukio and dragged him away. 

But unfortunately, the damage had been done, the Referee had none of it as he heard Shota wailing on the ground. ''Technical foul number 8.'' 

Jun shook his head as he saw Yukio's frustrated expression. (18-18) 

The game proceeded at a fast pace, with Kamata riding the momentum they had created. Meanwhile, Jun didn't have the opportunity to do much during this quarter because Yoshi seemed hell-bent on not passing the ball to him regardless of his movements.

Kamata overtook the scoreboard leading by 12 points. (28-40) 

Demoralized the Kibito players walked into the court for the 3rd quarter. Jun was annoyed at this point. 'What is this coach, and what the hell are these simple instructions.' 

Jun hadn't heard anything productive from anyone through the half-time as they seemed more reliant on indulging in their feeling. And wailing about whatever they had in mind. 

The start of the 3rd quarter was as awful as the 2nd, with the Kamata twins making their signature move, again on Yukio who scored himself the 3rd foul. 

Jun stared at the bench and asked the coach to do a 30-second time-out as Shota landed the first basket. Once he landed the second basket the referee called for a time-out.

With Jun already beside the bench, once everyone approached. Jun heard Yoshi's voice. ''What is it Jun why did you ask the coach for a timeout.'' 

Jun's eyes sharply went around the players on the team. ''We might lose this game if this goes on. And do you know what I hate the most?'' Yoshi shook his head. 

''To lose. Let's change things, Yukio.'' Jun stared at the dejected Yukio. ''Take the opponent center who is marking you out of the baseline. I'll take over that spot, keep throwing the shots like you have been doing.'' 

Jun said as he heard the ring, meaning that the time out was over. Jun walked to the court. ''Take the game seriously and stop whining about your thoughts, basketball is a team game, so play as a team. I don't care if you have to grab the opponent's shirt or anything, just do your part to help the team.'' 

What Jun said widened the eyes of everyone on Kibito's bench. No one said a word as they solemnly walked inside the court. 

It was Kibito's possession, and Yoshi dribbled to the half-line, there he saw the twins marking Jun under the baseline. One restricted Jun's movement while the other was cutting the pass. 

Yoshi passed the ball to Yoshiro who released a shot right as he made contact with the ball. The ball hit the rim and fell to the side. 

Jun who was being pushed and shoved by the twins, wasn't affected in the slightest, as he jumped in his timing and tipped the ball in. (30-42)

''Nice, let's close the gap.'' Jun clapped his hands as he said out loud. Pumping the teammates. 

Kamata went through their possession and faced with the newfound motivation of the Kibito players they were slightly taken aback. A benched player who had subbed in for Yanagihara threw himself with all he got toward the ball, the point guard of the Kamata side who was paying attention to Yoshi who was guarding him didn't see this outrageous move. 

What matters is that it worked. Jun burst with speed as he saw the youngster who coincidentally was the only 1st year to join the team today approach the PG. So once the ball was tipped away Jun was already ready to touch it for a fast counter. 

Jun who left Sota in the dust. Has he was within a few feet from the basket, Jun grabbed the ball with both hands and soared to the sky, although he was only 173cm his jumping power was no joke, he had done weighted jumping exercises, to enhance his core leg muscles. His vertical leap was no joke. 

And it was shown today as he soared and landed a two-handed dunk. Everyone was silent as the sound of the creaking basket resounded. Jun was balancing on the rim slowly letting go of it. (32-42)

''Oi oi, what did I just see?'' someone in the sparse crowd spoke. ''Man I don't know, pinch me 'cause I think I'm still dreaming.'' 

Murmurs like this were heard each one with their expression.

Amidst the silenced gym, a Kamata player passed the ball absentmindedly toward a teammate, unfortunately for him, Jun extended his arm and blocked the pass. The youth which the pass meant to go to quickly tried to defend trying to prohibit Jun from progressing into their Midrange. 

But Jun just did a between-the-legs and took a big step backward. Landing himself in the 3-point line. Then it was simply a perfect ball arc that made a swish as it made contact with the net. (35-42)

The game resumed with Kibito players desperately trying to defend and with the dominant Jun under the rim and in fast breaks. Kibito quickly caught up to Kamata. (49-52) 

Kamata players seemed restless as the game progressed. Thankfully for them, the 3rd quarter ended while they were still ahead. 

Jun arrived on the bench and wiped the sweat on his head. He was thankful he had reserved his strength in the 1st and 2nd quarters. Because if he was that intense with all the running he wouldn't be able to last the entire game even with the endurance boost. 

Everyone looked at him as he regulated his breathing. Jun who felt everyone staring at them, tilted his head. Everyone seemed to be expecting something. ''Good job.'' Just said as he drank a little bit of water. 

He closed his eyes for a while to get into the best condition he could. No one said a word on the bench. 

''Let's do what we were doing. If anyone is tired change, and go through that, give your all inside and pass your baton to the next one. Every bit of energy you consume makes the team closer to winning. By the way Isao, nice defending.'' Jun complimented the first year.

''Oss!'' The youngster brimmed. 

''Let's win this game. Ah! And pay attention to those twins. They will try to draw more fouls now.'' Jun warned everyone as he walked to the court stretching his body. 

The beginning of the 4th and last quarter was as predicted by Jun, unfortunately, Yukio's stature was a bad thing for him, he was inexperienced and the forced contact coupled with the drama play, proved to be a weakness to Yukio a very nice guy, fell for it regardless. 

3 minutes into the 4th quarter Sota, was the one who forced the foul. 

''I didn't initiate contact ref.'' Yukio ran up toward the Referee, he was fuming. A round of complaints followed but the decision had been made, Yukio dejectedly walked to the bench his eyes reddening. 

The score was very close (57-60) and Kibito Junior High would play without 1 player for the next 2 minutes before being able to place someone in Yukio's stead. 

This is a very exclusive rule, as they wanted to get the rules as close to the NBA and Pro-leagues. Once you hit the marked personal fouls which in this case is 4. You get ejected from the game, are not allowed to join again, or be replaced in the total player number count. Each quarter has 10 minutes, especially now that the game is picking up the pace and playing without one of the key players within the roster things were bound to be tricky. 

Jun shook his head. 'Well, change of plans...' Sota hit the free throws, and the gap widened to 57-62. 

Jun had previously disregarded the build-up because they had a okay game maker, which is Yoshi decided to pick the pace up. He gas in his tank. And the next couple of minutes would be crucial. 


Do note that Yukio supposedly never played basketball in Ahiro no Sora, he plays but it is his 2nd year. The reason why he is captain is because last year he was the best player regardless of size, while his good personality helped in bond with his teammates. His mental state is very influenced by his helplessness against the MC. You know one time ur being showered with praise other your being railed by someone younger and shorter than you.

So the fouls major part of his clumsiness while he still isn't in the right state of mind. Both matched together and for someone like the twins is a major thing. Sounds reasonable enough no? Or is it too forced?