

Axel and Alexa whose father was killed 10 years ago were now living in the wild. They were waiting for the moment they could activate the gift that they received from their father that would help them in this Cosmons Taming System Era and also taking revenge on the one who killed their father. This era was Cosmons Taming System Era where people now were using system that they got for taming Cosmons or Cosmic Monsters. In this era all people could become a Cosmon Tamer and could get a Taming System by sacrificing their first contracted Cosmon. Hello This is Chaoz, the writer of this Novel. You can comment if there are some errors and also I am a new writer. I hope you can enjoy my novel. Thank you.

chaoz · Fantasi
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45 Chs

36. The First Cosmon Sold

All of the family heads themselves went toward the tables that Alexa prepared. The family heads there were going there are five people, the same amount as the tables themselves. All of the people that were going to the tables brought out their items from their space ring.

Unlike Alexa and Axel, who were using the inventory from the system, These people used space rings to store their belongings. The items that were brought out from their space rings are a lot. Fortunately, the tables were big enough to hold the things that the people brought out.

All the items brought but them are mostly rock and some kind of equipment. Even though among them. There was high-grade equipment, but the thing that Alexa needed now was blood, according to Kaiser.

"I have obtained these treasures from the gold level rift another day. Take a look. My treasures will mostly be better than them. Just look at how good they look. They will mostly worth so much." said one of the participants on the first Auction.

His name is Bryan Bowes. He is the head of the Bowes family. He had a big build for his body. He was pretty domineering, but Thomas still was the more domineering one. Nonetheless, Bryan did quite a stir there.

His talking made many other families' heads agitated, and also, when I looked at his items, only some of his things were good for me. not all of them were beneficial to me.

One of the agitated people that also brought his many things out replied to Bryan. "You think only your things that worth many. Take a look at mine. Mine is better than yours. Just take a look at this stone her. You can feel a very strong aura from this one. We still haven't found what it is, but it is better than yours."

They continued to quarrel among themselves. The other two families also joined them in quarreling. They badmouthed each other and compared their good things, but one family was not joining them.

He was the head of the Linard Family. He looked too young to be a family head. He was Raphael Linard. Many of the family heads were older men, but he seemed so young and looked quite handsome.

He also brought only one thing, but he got an enormous crimson stone mixed with a different red color. But the thing seems kind of attracted to her. Alexa immediately continued her way to him. She stood directly in front of him, inspecting the stone that he brought.

Raphael seeing that Alexa was coming to his way directly, opened his mouth and said to Alexa a few things about the stone. "This one is my family heirloom. This thing is founded by the family head when he goes to the Diamond level Rift years ago. This thing is very mysterious, but I am certain that this contains some of the Cosmons DNA because of the feeling of aura that it emits out."

Alexa was stunned when she heard him. He said that this thing was from a Diamond level rift. It was no wonder that It felt extraordinary when she walked near it. Suddenly Kaiser in her head called her directly. Kaiser was never this nervous when he called her, but it seemed that something was wrong.

"Alexa, You have to get this stone as soon as possible. I have felt that this stone contains blood from a very powerful Cosmon. I cant even estimate what the power level is, but it is powerful. You have to get it no matter what you do." Kaiser said to Alexa.

Alexa never expected that Kaiser could be this nervous. When he said that this thing was powerful, it must be very powerful, and our first Cosmon will be very good. Alexa then began to start a conversation with Raphael.

"If it is your family heirloom, Why do you want to sell it? You know that my Cosmon is only at the gold level, right? This heirloom must be good for Platinum or even Diamond level Cosmon if this item is researched further. I just want to know the reason." Alexa asked Raphael.

Raphael sighed when he was asked that question. Before he talked suddenly, Bryan from the Bowes family talked, cutting through Raphael.

"It is because his family head and the only Diamond level Tamer of his family is dead. His family head dies when he returns from the rift years ago with many grave injuries, and the only thing he brings out from there is that stone. Because of that, his only son is the one who becomes the family head now." Bryan talked directly to Alexa.

Thomas, who was at the podium, also opened his mouth when he saw Alexa was talking to Raphael. "Dear Miss, Raphael is once the most genius among his peers, and this made his family become a very high status, but when his father died, he took the band for becoming the head of the families. Because of this, his drop-in family status, and the only thing they can do is now search for a strong Cosmon and become stronger. That is the reason even he dares to bring out his family heirloom."

Raphael, after hears that, looked down and prepared to leave the stage feeling that he didn't worthy enough to get the Cosmon from eternal. People also thought it was a waste that a genius like him was born in the Linard Family.

He is even called the genius born in once a thousand years. He even had reached Platinum (Peak) when he was 25. He was a true genius. It just felt a little pity for him, but suddenly Everyone was surprised, and even Raphael himself was surprised.

Alexa suddenly called him and said. "I will trade the Lizard will your stone. Your stone seems to have a good benefit for me, so I am willing to sell the Lizard. Come here, Let's settle our deal."

Alexa was saying that instantly shocked everybody on the podium. They couldn't believe that the thing that Rapahel brought was the one that won the Auction as everybody knew that the item was only one massive stone.

Bryan directly protested against this outcome. He couldn't believe that his items were worse than him. "Miss, I believe that my items are worth more than him, and can you take a look at this. This armor can even guard you against a Platinum (peak) level Cosmon. Why do you think that his item is better than mine?"

All other families are also protested against this outcome. They also couldn't believe that their Things were losing to Raphael's thing. The family on the podium also felt something was very strange here.

Alexa looking at them, instantly talk to them with a low voice. "What I want is not armor or any treasure, but what I want is Strong Cosmon DNA. Even though this stone here is pale in comparison of price to your things but for me, it is worth more."

"I have told in the website for the things that I want, but you brought these things instead. As for the families on the podium, I hope you understand when the next item is being Auctioned." Alexa said to them all.

Bryan felt that he didn't want to lose this Auction and brought everything inside his Space ring and talked to Alexa. "I have brought out anything inside my space ring. Are these enough to trade the Lizard."

Alexa directly looked at the items, but she directly shook her head, indicating that was not enough. The other families also brought all the things, but Alexa still shook her head. Finally, no one left wanted to challenge the outcome, and then Raphael walked toward Alexa.

Alexa happily received the stone, and she brought out the Lizard to Raphael. Raphael was very happy when he won the Auction and preparing to sign the contract directly to the Lizard.

All the families felt jealous when they saw that Raphael was the one who won the Auction, but there were still some Cosmons left yet to be sold, so they weren't felt so bummed when Rapheal won it.

They even directly contacted their family to bring more treasure that had a very strong relationship to Cosmon DNA. All the families instantly worked fast the moment they heard the order.

Raphael, when he contracted the Cosmon, suddenly felt something weird and asked Alexa. "Dear Miss. Why do I think that this Cosmon is becoming stronger and stronger? I am happy that it has become stronger, but I just feel weird."

All the families were also curious about it. They never saw very many strong Cosmons in one place, and Raphael said that the Lizard was becoming stronger, so there was something was going on.

Alexa heard what the questions that were asked toward her. Alexa directly smiled and answered the question with a very relaxed sound. "It is easy, This is because its mutation is not finished and it is still in verge of leveling up so the gold (low) level is only temporary before they reach their real level."

All people suddenly were shocked when they heard her.