

Axel and Alexa whose father was killed 10 years ago were now living in the wild. They were waiting for the moment they could activate the gift that they received from their father that would help them in this Cosmons Taming System Era and also taking revenge on the one who killed their father. This era was Cosmons Taming System Era where people now were using system that they got for taming Cosmons or Cosmic Monsters. In this era all people could become a Cosmon Tamer and could get a Taming System by sacrificing their first contracted Cosmon. Hello This is Chaoz, the writer of this Novel. You can comment if there are some errors and also I am a new writer. I hope you can enjoy my novel. Thank you.

chaoz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

35. The Auction Begins

The Bear had also exhausted his energy, but the Bear was still standing. Vincent didn't think that the Panther could fight with his Bear to this extent. Vincent secretly was very happy with this outcome. Vincent put the Bear back to the Cosmon space and walked toward Alexa, Axel, and the Panther.

"Dear Miss, The Panther, has used all his energy to fight with my Bear, and I am very happy with the result. Let me take the Panther to the hospital to further healing, as you can see up there. The people have long arrived here and are watching the battle just now."

Alexa and Axel directly turned their sight on the podium. There they see numerous people have been seated there. It seemed that they had watched the match just now between the Panther and the Bear. They had inspected the match.

Vincent then continued to talk, but he spoke to people on the podium. "This is the match between my Bear Cosmon and the Panther Cosmon, which I bought from Eternal store. As you can see, the Panther is only at Gold level where the Bear is at Diamond level, but this match can happen. Now I must leave and tend the injury of my Panther. I hope you can get a good Cosmon here from Eternal."

Vincent said the words before going somewhere to tend the injury of the Panther. After he left, everyone on the podium was still quite taken aback when he said that the Panther was at gold and the Bear was at diamond levels. They never think that the Panther was that good.

All the people at the podium were now whispering among themselves. They couldn't believe that the Cosmon that eternal store sold was this good. The people on the podium are all noble class families, and after some conversations, one member of each group proceed to leave the podium.

"The Panther is very good. I never think that the Panther is this good when I first see it. The Panther is only at the gold level where the Bear is in diamond level, but the Panther doesn't falter one bit, but he is brave in facing off the Bear." Said one of the families head that were attending the Auction.

All of the family heads were thinking the same thing when they saw the fight. They were just too surprised when they saw the Panther. It made them tell their member to go out and brought more resources. At first, they only brought some resources, but after seeing the power, they absolutely needed to get the Cosmons.

Seeing that the Audiences were still discussing among them, Alexa directly went to the center and announced the start of the Auction. "Dear Audience, I will now begin the opening of the Auction now. Firstly, I say before on the website that there are 10 Cosmons for sale, but one of them has been bought previously by the chairman of the Cosmon association. There are still nine remaining Cosmons to be sold, and for the first one, here it is."

All of the audience's sight directly turned to Alexa in the middle of the ring announcing to them about the Auction's opening. In the middle, they saw that the announcer was a young woman with a very sexy body. She was wearing a white dress, but she wore a mask on her face making it impossible to identify her, but still, her way of walking and move was so elegant.

Alexa then took one of the Cosmon rings she had and unleashed a big lizard that had a size similar to a tiger or a lion. Its body is light blue in color, and some Frost aura could be seen oozing from its body. This thing means that it is at least an ice type, and also one of its unique characteristics was that its eyes were blood red.

Alexa also brought out a stone from her inventory. The people who saw the stone immediately what it was. It was the rating stone, the one who could check a Cosmon current rating. Alexa directly took the lizard's blood and instantly put it in this stone, making it shone. But the moment the stone shone, the families up there suddenly in an uproar. The stone shone in yellow color, making this Cosmon at S rating.

"What the hell! The lizard is actually at freaking S Rating. When does S Rating become this common? I heard that to achieve S Rating. The Cosmon is so powerful that it can defeat even one stage higher than it. It must be the reason that the Panther just now is so amazing." One of the Families said out loud.

The other families were also too shocked when they saw this. Even the head of the Hensley family, Thomas could not do anything except left his mouth gaping wide. He was the one that said this Rating was too challenging to achieve, and it was hard to see them in your life, but here they saw three of the Cosmons that were sold by eternal was at S Rating or above.

Alexa saw them still discussing and was shocked when they saw the Cosmon began to set up a projector. This projector was commonly used in the Auction to show the status of the Cosmon on a widescreen. The seller could also show the information that will be shown on the projector.


Cosmon Species: Blood-Eyed Frost Lizard

Cosmon Level: Gold (Low)

Cosmon Grade: Perfect

Cosmon Element: Light

Secondary Elements: Ice

Cosmon Rating: S

Evolution Ways: 2

Skills: Paralyzing glare, Ice Breath, Ice claw, Etc

Profile: A frost lizard that lived in an icy plane and had a very sharp ice claw in its feet. Their signature move, ice breath, can instantly freeze its opponent and also kill it now. This frost lizard had mutated its eyes to become blood red in color, giving it a unique skill that could paralyze its opponent when he saw it.


The data was shown directly to the Audiences. The people who saw the information were shocked when they saw the data. The data was quite good for them, but the most important data is the Rating. Rating is the only data that can show its battle power. Before they could say anything, Alexa directly stood in front of them, saying something else.

"As you can see, This is the data of the Cosmon we are going to sell you, and I will explain each data for you. I do this to clarify the importance of each data. I will now begin the explanation before continuing the Auction."

"Firstly about the species, This one is pretty straightforward telling you about its species, secondly, the level is telling you what level it is in. This one is also pretty straightforward. Thirdly, the grade. This one is really important. This one will tell you the future of your Cosmon and also somewhat telling your Cosmon battle power. The grade is usually dropped by one level each time it reaches a new stage of the level."

" The fourth data is the elements. This data shows what element your Cosmon possess and what sort of attack it may learn in the future. The fifth one is the new data that can only be checked with this stone here. I know that the association has released its meaning, but we also have our explanation about it."

"The fifth one is Rating. The rating data explanation that I believe is the current Battle power on that Cosmon. The battle power data is calculated from the average level that Cosmon possesses. If the gold level Cosmon has a battle power stronger than average Cosmon, its Rating will be higher than C. I also believe that Rating can also change when Cosmon has undergone hard training."

"The Rating is the data that shows its current battle power, so you can use it to determine the strength of the Cosmon just now. for the remaining data, I think you know about it, and now I will begin the Auction right now."

Kaiser had told Alexa to explain all of the data to enlighten the buyer. Kaiser had received more information about the data just now, and also, Alexa and Axel's data had been renewed just now. Before, its Rating was only shown as EX Rating, but now it has been changed to S(EX). It means that the current battle power of Alexa and Axel just now was only at S, but the real one was EX Rating.

When the Auction began, Alexa stood in front of the crowd and put up to 5 tables in front of them. This was because the Auction is a bit unique. After all, the one that will be traded for the Cosmons was not money but Material instead. Some of the materials were even unknown, so these tables are placed for the buyer to put his treasures and pit them against other people.