
Cookies Office

Jasmine only wants to work comfortably without any gossip and drama in the office. She’s a fresh graduate from the Department of Communication, who was able to become a permanent employee at the fourth largest company in Indonesia, BRAGA GROUP. Jasmine's job as Customer Service runs smoothly until Narendra, the new CEO who was appointed by the president, arrived at the holding company in Jakarta, where Jasmine worked. Narendra has a different work system that makes Jasmine overwhelmed. Meanwhile, there is Sagara, a Director, who is ready to help Jasmine when she’s promoted to be secretary of CEO. Will Jasmine be able to face Narendra as the new CEO?

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4 Chs

Candidate of Secretary

"Mine has regained consciousness." Zahra, one of the employees that close to Jasmine at the office, informed Jasmine's condition to two other employees who were waiting in the infirmary. The two employees are Yola and Vidi, who are also close to Jasmine, they are a team. Also Mine is Jasmine's nickname.

Meanwhile, Jasmine's eyes had just opened and she suddenly had a headache. Jasmine was still trying to remember the last incident before she fainted.

"Mine, are you okay?"

"Which person who has fainted is okay?" Vidi split the space between Zahra and Yola. "Mine, you remember that you passed out in the arms of our new CEO, Mr. Narendra, right?"

Instantly Jasmine's memories before fainting returned completely. Jasmine remembers her phobia flared up and she got stuck in the elevator. Then when Jasmine came out, her head suddenly became dizzy and the world seemed to spin. Jasmine had seen Narendra's face before fainting, a face with a confused expression.

"Aaaaaaaaa!" Jasmine's loud scream took Zahra, Yola, and Vidi by surprise.


"What is it?"

"Are you okay Jasmine?"

The three checked on Jasmine's condition and found that Jasmine was fine. Because Jasmine had her own reasons why she screamed.

"How's it going? This is my third year working here. I'm afraid because of that incident I will be fired. What should I do?" Jasmine bit her nails in fright.

"How come you fainted in front of Pak Narendra, what's the story?"

"I don't know, Ray. When I was in the elevator, I felt that my phobia had relapsed, you know, my phobia is in narrow spaces? So when I was successfully evacuated, suddenly I was very dizzy. Who would have thought that Mr. Narendra was in front of me? You all know that we were asked to gather in the lobby, not on the floor where the elevator is stuck."

Yola, Vidi, and Zahra seemed to be nodding as if they understood Jasmine's story. In essence, Jasmine blamed the stuck elevator and the sudden presence of Narendra. Even though Narendra was in the lobby as the team leader had told him, everything would be fine and Jasmine wouldn't have fainted in his arms. Apart from being embarrassing, Jasmine is also worried about her career. Especially the rumors about Narendra not tolerating any small mistakes.

"That's it Mine. If after welcoming Mr. Narendra, you are not called by Mrs. Lala or HR, it means you are safe." Yola patted Jasmine's shoulder.

"If I get called?"

"Face it with a smile," added Vidi.

"I'm serious!"

The three laughed at Jasmine's anxiety. Actually, the three of them had been told by Mrs. Lala about this. Their new CEO didn't mind Jasmine fainting in his arms at all, but he did have a problem with the company allowing sick employees to work, that was the problem.

"Calm down, calm down. Mrs. Lala said, you're safe, Mine."


"We've been informed, I got called earlier. The two of them have also heard for themselves." Vidi pointed at Yola and Zahra.

"That's right Mine. Mrs. Lala said, Mr.Narendra didn't mind that."

"Thank God." Finally, Jasmine could breathe a sigh of relief. She was very afraid that Narendra sanctioned her. After all, working at BRAGA GROUP is Jasmine's dream, so she doesn't want a small problem like that to affect her supervisor's evaluation of her performance.

Jasmine was still trying to reassure herself that everything was fine. No one blamed her because it was not intentional. However, after only a few minutes of calming down, someone rushed into the infirmary.

"Jasmine is a candidate for our division!"

"What?" Suddenly everyone was shocked. Jasmine was even more shocked when she suddenly realized that her boss, Mrs. Lala, gave news that Jasmine was a candidate for their division.

"What candidate for, Ma'am?" asked Jasmine to make sure.

Miss Lala took a deep breath. "Candidate for secretary of the new CEO, Mr. Narendra."


Everyone in the divisionCustomer Service still persuades Jasmine not to withdraw from the selection for the CEO secretary candidate. However if Jasmine were to advance in this election, their division would at least not be looked down upon by the other divisions. Thus, everyone was busy courting Jasmine even though it was after work time.

"Come on Mine, you are our hope," said Mrs. Lala once again. She even dragged her work chair closer to Jasmine.

"But, why should I? Aren't there a lot of senior employees besides me who are more experienced and more likely to apply?"

"Yes, there are many senior employees, but that is not what Mr. Narendra is looking for."

"Then what is Mr. Narendra looking for?"

Mrs. Lala and everyone in the team looked at each other. "Mr. Narendra is not looking for a secretary who works longer hours, but he is looking for a secretary who is highly dedicated, like you."

Ordinary people would know that that was just an excuse for Jasmine to remain an advanced employee of their division. "I'm the Junior in here, I've only been here for 3 years. Others are many years older than me. Please don't choose me, okay?" This might be a bit much but Jasmine clenched her fists, begging Mrs. Lala to spare her from the new danger at work, Narendra.

"No you can't, you have to go."

"Let's just vote then, how about that?"

"Okay, I will lead the voting." Miss Lala stood up. "Who approved of Jasmine being the candidate for secretary of our division?"

Everyone raised their hands except for Jasmine of course. "You saw for yourself Jasmine, they agreed."

Jasmine rested her head on the table and sniffed in annoyance. It seems that everyone has conspired including Zahra, Yola and Vidi. Let alone being the CEO's secretary, Jasmine couldn't even imagine what if she had to meet Narendra again. Jasmine was sure that the CEO still remembered that incident.

"I'm ashamed Ma'am."

"Why should you be ashamed? You are smart, talented, and good looking. You're perfect."

"Do you remember just this morning I fainted in front of Mr.Narendra? If I were proposed, I'm sure our division would be rejected at the start, Ma'am."

Jasmine must try every way to refuse. However this concerns his future in this company.

"But your name has already been registered by the temporary secretary."

"How come you registered me?"

Actually, Mrs. Lala had to keep an important secret that was told directly by Narendra. However, Jasmine kept pushing, so inevitably all employees had to leave the room before Mrs. Lala told Jasmine the truth.

"Alright, all the employees can go home except Jasmine. Thank you for your cooperation, take care everyone."

All the employees in the division actually went home, including Jasmine's three friends. They cheered on Jasmine before closing the door which Jasmine responded with a punch in the air. Until only Jasmine and Mrs. Lala were left in this room.

"So you see, I actually don't want to force you to become a new secretary candidate either. This is a direct request from Mr. Narendra. He did announce to all divisions that he was looking for a secretary, but actually he already has the right candidate, it's you. I don't know the exact reason, but he said you can balance his way of working. So, I also can't do anything for you, Mine."

Jasmine slumped in her chair. She went back to thinking about everything and even thought that this was Narendra's punishment. But Jasmine would not give up, she would voice her opinion too.

"In that case, I need to meet Mr. Narendra first."