
Cookies Office

Jasmine only wants to work comfortably without any gossip and drama in the office. She’s a fresh graduate from the Department of Communication, who was able to become a permanent employee at the fourth largest company in Indonesia, BRAGA GROUP. Jasmine's job as Customer Service runs smoothly until Narendra, the new CEO who was appointed by the president, arrived at the holding company in Jakarta, where Jasmine worked. Narendra has a different work system that makes Jasmine overwhelmed. Meanwhile, there is Sagara, a Director, who is ready to help Jasmine when she’s promoted to be secretary of CEO. Will Jasmine be able to face Narendra as the new CEO?

titiksua · Urban
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4 Chs

Arrival of a New CEO

Monday is a busy day for everyone, including Jasmine. Moreover, today the new CEO of BRAGA GROUP will arrive at the main office, in Jakarta. All workers have received instructions to work as perfect as possible because reportedly their CEO is very perfectionist, does not tolerate any mistakes. Moreover, the position of the Jasmine's team as frontliner requires them to work harder than usual.

From the rumors Jasmine had heard, the new CEO was the grandson of the president who had studied abroad and was serving as a director for his second year after graduating from the Texas branch. Because his performance was perfect and the company in Texas was growing rapidly, he was transferred to the holding company. In addition to a brilliant career, Jasmine's friends are also excited about rumors saying that their new CEO is very handsome, a typical Asian and European man.

"Is he really handsome? After all, it's the first time you've come, it's already complicated here and there," grumbled Jasmine, who was getting into the elevator to go to the lobby. Jasmine's room is on the 15th of the 68 floors. The 10 floors of this company were developed as a hotel during the last two years. So there was no way for Jasmine to go down the stairs to get to the lobby because it was tiring. Unfortunately, when waiting in line for the elevator, Jasmine forgot the name tag left on the work table. As a result Jasmine returned again to take the name tag while his teammates and people were already down. Jasmine went down the elevator alone.

There are greeting words that must be memorized by all employees and those are those that Jasmine memorized in the elevator while on her way to the lobby. Something unexpected suddenly happened while Jasmine was busy memorizing. The elevator light flickered abnormally and the elevator stopped abruptly which made Jasmine flinch forward, almost falling. Jasmine swiftly pressed the emergency button.

"Could the elevator have broken? Oh my god!." Precisely than being afraid of being in a stuck elevator alone, Jasmine was more afraid of being scolded by her team leader. Jasmine repeatedly pressed the help button and also checked her cell phone, but there was no signal at all. From starting to worry about getting angry, Jasmine started to worry about her safety.

"What if no one knows I'm here? What if everyone is busy welcoming the new CEO?" The panic finally triggered a feeling of tightness in the chest, a feeling that had disappeared for a long time since Jasmine went to therapy. Jasmine has a history of Claustrophobia from childhood and much better when she went to therapy. Jasmine also admitted that she was careless when she entered the elevator alone without thinking about the risk that the elevator would get stuck. The reason was that something like this had never happened before, so Jasmine ignored it.

Jasmine's ears were ringing. It had only been five minutes but it felt like Jasmine had been cooped up for the whole day. Jasmine's body slumped huddled in the corner of the elevator, she was terrified. Even when her phone was dropped Jasmine didn't notice. What was currently on Jasmine's mind was whether or not there was anyone who would take her out in this situation.

Just as Jasmine was filled with hope, the elevator doors opened slightly. "Ma'am, can you hear my voice?"

Jasmine could only nod while still ducking to protect herself. A technician got in with the help of a ladder and helped Jasmine get out. When she managed to get out of the elevator, Jasmine's life seemed to be restored again. She took a deep breath while trying to calm herself down. When she felt better, Jasmine intended to continue to the lobby. However, when she took just one step, Jasmine's body already swayed as she lost her balance. But Jasmine strangely didn't feel the cold of the floor, but Jasmine felt herself being enveloped by something warm before Jasmine's consciousness faded away.


"Welcome, Mr. Narendra Shankara Alsaki."

The news of an employee being stuck in the elevator had spread throughout the office until everyone in the reception room was discussing it. A technical glitch like this has never happened before, because of maintenance. Moreover, the problem existed when their perfectionist CEO had just arrived at the office.

Narendra, the new CEO of BRAGA GROUP who will be staying at the holding company in Jakarta, stepped up to the podium to give a short speech that he didn't really want.

It's Narendra's first day visiting the company but already greeted with a technical glitch. Even though it wasn't the elevator for the board of directors that was broken, it still ruined the atmosphere that Narendra had built before he entered the office. Small things like this shouldn't bother Narendra, but the employee who suddenly fainted in front of him made Narendra even more furious. How can sick employees come in? That's what Narendra thought. It was only the first day that Narendra wanted to create new rules to this company.

"Good afternoon. I am Narendra Shankara Alsaki, the new CEO of BRAGA GROUP. Starting today I will work in this office, and I hope for cooperation from all parties. And I hope that all employees who come to this office are in good health. If you are sick, you can apply for a sick letter because I don't want you to hinder the company's work, thank you."

The speech was short, solid, clear, and made the board of directors bite their nails. Narendra is different from Naddlyne, their leadership style is different. If Naddlyne is a figure who implicitly warns, Narendra directly warns. For that, everyone is shrinking their guts because of their new CEO.

Before Narendra got down from the podium, he remembered one sentence he wanted to say since setting foot in this office. "Wouldn't a lavish reception like this cut the budget even further? I appreciate your good intentions but I don't want things like this to happen again."

The committee in charge of making the reception went awry. The board of directors wanted the reception of the new CEO to be very lavish, while the CEO himself did not want a lavish reception.

Narendra stepped down from the podium followed by his secretary who was also one of the secretaries of the directors. Meanwhile, Narendra does not yet have a new secretary he can recruit.

"Okay Mr. Narendra, please follow me to your room." The secretary directed Narendra to his room which was on the top floor. The floor was filled with Narendra's rooms, secretaries room and a large meeting room.

"If there is anything you need, please call me on this phone. In the meantime I will be your secretary before the new secretary starts working."

"I'd like to see the new secretary candidate."

Narendra quickly handed over a tablet containing the data on the new secretary candidate proposed by the department Human and Resources. But of all the secretarial candidates, none were interesting and could meet Narendra's criteria so he handed back the tablet.

"I want a new candidate. Make sure she's someone who doesn't ask too many questions."

"Ok, I'm sorry Sir."

Finally after the secretary left, Narendra could breathe a sigh of relief. This new office is indeed much more comfortable than his old office in Texas, but Narendra already has an uneasy view of the people who are here. Especially the incident in front of the elevator, it really bothered him.

An employee came out of the elevator unsteadily and almost fell if Narendra didn't catch her. Not only that, the employee also toe Narendra in high heels.

"Jasmine, customer service?" Narendra twirled a pen in his hand before pressing the telephone button on his desk. "Nominate one potential candidate from each division of this company for the CEO secretary position."