
Cookies Office

Jasmine only wants to work comfortably without any gossip and drama in the office. She’s a fresh graduate from the Department of Communication, who was able to become a permanent employee at the fourth largest company in Indonesia, BRAGA GROUP. Jasmine's job as Customer Service runs smoothly until Narendra, the new CEO who was appointed by the president, arrived at the holding company in Jakarta, where Jasmine worked. Narendra has a different work system that makes Jasmine overwhelmed. Meanwhile, there is Sagara, a Director, who is ready to help Jasmine when she’s promoted to be secretary of CEO. Will Jasmine be able to face Narendra as the new CEO?

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4 Chs


Jasmine had been staring at the white computer in her room for about an hour. In fact, she skipped breakfast and was willing to get up early to see one new message. But even though it's been an hour of waiting, no new messages. Jasmine has repeatedly refreshed the website page, but the appearance is still the same.

Jasmine received an email from the company she applied for two weeks ago that the final results of hiring would be announced via the company's website today. In that email, the time of the announcement was not stated in detail. So, Jasmine chose to stand by in front of the computer that accompanies her to surf social media during the beginning of college until now she is looking for work.

The door opened and half of her mother appeared peeking from outside. "Not yet?"

Jasmine shook her head weakly. "Do I accept or not, Mom?"

Meera, she's an artist who is famous for her creations in the form of songs and paintings. Meera rubbed Jasmine's shoulder for support while looking at the computer screen. "Mom is sure that from all the effort you have put in to get to this stage, it will produce satisfying results."

Jasmine was born into a well-known artist family in Indonesia. But Jasmine has a different dream from her parents. Jasmine wants to be an office worker who has clear working hours, leaving in the morning and coming home in the afternoon. Even though Jasmine knew it was tiring at times, she really wanted to do it. Therefore, when BRAGA GROUP opened a job vacancy at the holding company in Jakarta, BRAGA MINERALS, Jasmine applied. The position Jasmine applied for was as a Customer Service because that was the only position she could enter as a fresh graduate from the Trisatya University majoring in Communication Studies, the number one university in Indonesia.

"Out of hundreds of applicants, only one person will be accepted."

"Where is my daughter who is usually always confident? Didn't you say that you can pass to the final stage? You have done your best, Mom is sure you will succees. Even if you are not the chosen one, there are still other opportunities in other places, okay honey?"

Jasmine was silently praying for her to escape. Because BRAGA GROUP is the fourth largest multinational company in Indonesia engaged in the property, mining and plantation areas. BRAGA GROUP has 3 overseas branches, namely in Tokyo, Switzerland and Texas.

BRAGA MINERALS is a company engaged in the mining sector with a holding company in Jakarta and a branch company in Texas. BRAGA PROPERTIES is a branch in Japan engaged in property, BRAGA FARM & ESTATE is a branch in Switzerland engaged in plantation and property. Therefore, the competition to become an employee there is not easy. Jasmine had taken a series of tests and competed with hundreds of candidates until she was interviewed. Finally, only three candidates remained, one of them was Jasmine.

Jasmine also knew that the position she was applying for also put forward good looks. Therefore, Jasmine, who has been known by the nickname Princess Ariel because she had red hair in college, was willing to dye her hair black to look more polite. Jasmine, who was freed by her parents to express herself by styling her appearance as she pleased, had to change according to the rules of the company she applied for. It is this high dedication that makes Meera sure that her child will succees.

"Okay Mom. Thank you for always reminding me to stay confident in what I'm trying to do."

When Jasmine and Meera hugged, that's when the company's website auto-updated and a message popped up telling the shortlisted candidate to enter the password. In other words, the recruitment results are out.

"It already has results!"

"Come on honey." Meera is as enthusiastic as Jasmine.

This moment was the same as when Jasmine opened the college selection announcement. Both Meera and Janu, Jasmine's father, also felt the same tension at that time. But now Janu is finishing his tour, so only Meera accompanies Jasmine.

Jasmine returned to praying by placing her hands in front of her chest, one more time before pressing 'submit'. On the count of three Jasmine closed her eyes after she pressed 'submit'.

"Honey, you are the chosen one!"

Meera's loud shout was enough to be a sign and also proof that Jasmine was the chosen candidate to fill the Customer Service position at the BRAGA MINERALS office in the area Sudirman Central Business District(SCBD).

"Oh my gosh, Mom, this is real!"

A small celebration of Jasmine being part of the BRAGA GROUP was held when Janu returned from a music tour. The warm little family celebrates the success of Jasmine, their only daughter who has finally succeeded in the chosen path.


Tension covers the atmosphere of a room in a classic American style house in Cambridge, MA, United States. The all-white room became even more sinister when a 30-year-old woman entered and placed a folder roughly on the table.

"What did I say? It's time for you to continue the BRAGA GROUP."

A young man in a black suit and sleek hairdo looked at the woman who had just pointed at him with the index finger on his forehead. "So what will you do?"

"Enough, Narendra and Naddlyne. Until when are you two going to continue this argument?"

The young man's name is Narendra Shankara Alsaki, while the woman's name is Naddlyne. They are siblings but their behavior does not reflect that. The two of them always argue and only subside when separated by the grandfather.

"Naddlyne, your brother just finished his master's degree and building a career at BRAGA MINERALS."

"He is already qualified enough to hold the CEO role. I even did it at a younger age than him."

"Can you do it for grandpa? Two years, for two years Narendra will learn more and take your place. After that you can choose your own path. You are at a young age different from Narendra. At that time, your leadership soul had emerged, while Narendra still needed to be honed. Can you do it?"

Naddlyne took a deep breath and saw Narendra, her younger brother, who looked more relaxed.

"I will follow what you said."

"Sure, he's the one you care about." Naddlyne left the room.

Meanwhile Narendra stood up from his seat. He also said goodbye to his grandfather. When he turned and walked towards the door, the smile that Narendra had shown earlier suddenly faded to be replaced by a serious and firm expression. He is Narendra Shankara Alsaki, who is willing to do whatever is ordered by Braga, his grandfather, to be able to provide the best life for Greesa, his mother. That is the reason why Narendra survives in the family business circle and accepts the offer to become the CEO of his family's company.