
Convict to King

Arell Rose, finds an unexpected path to redemption in a mysterious RAPPER System that grants him a host of different abilities and challenges to overcome. The system's main goal? to create the best rapper alive. Can this troubled teen navigate the obstacles thrown in his way and truly become a legend in the music industry?

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Later that night, Arell and Geoffrey found themselves at the airport, waiting to board their flight to Austin for SXSW. The bustling terminal was alive with the energy of late-night travelers, but the two were focused on their conversation, still riding high from the success of The Breakfast Club interview.

"Man, that interview went better than I could've hoped," Arell said, a hint of disbelief in his voice. "I thought Charlamagne was gonna tear me apart."

Geoffrey nodded, a satisfied smile on his face. "You handled yourself well. That snippet of 'Fair Trade' was a smart move. It will do well for promotion. Now you just need one more interview and that quest will be finished as well."

As they moved forward in the boarding queue, Arell's excitement about SXSW began to build. "So, run me through the schedule again. Who am I meeting?"

Geoffrey pulled out his phone, scrolling through the itinerary. "Craig Kallman's set up quite a few meetings. You'll be rubbing shoulders with some big names. You'll get to meet your favorite rapper, ASAP Rocky, Chance The Rapper's going to be there, J. Cole, Big Sean... Oh, and there's talk that Drake might make a surprise appearance."

Arell's eyes widened. "Damn, for real? This is gonna be wild."

"As for your performances," Geoffrey continued, "you've got a slot at Stubb's BBQ on Thursday night. That's a prime venue, always packed. Then on Friday, you're doing a showcase at The Mohawk."

Arell nodded, taking it all in. "What about the events? Any I should be focusing on?"

"Definitely hit up the Atlantic Records showcase," Geoffrey advised. "Craig wants you there to network. Oh, and there's the Fader Fort - that's always a hotspot for industry folks."

Geoffrey continued scrolling through his phone, adding more details to their packed schedule. "There's the SXSW Interactive conference too. Janelle thinks it would be good for you to attend some of the talks. Elon Musk is giving a keynote, and there are panels with tech leaders like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey. It's a great opportunity to network beyond just the music industry."

As they boarded the plane, Geoffrey continued to brief Arell on their plans.

"Alright, so we land in Austin early morning. We've got a room at the Four Seasons downtown, Craig hooked us up. We've also got a rental car waiting, so we can move around easily," Geoffrey explained.

Arell nodded, settling into his seat. "Nice. What about the music video shoot?"

"Right," Geoffrey said, "We need to finish that before the festival kicks off. You'll meet up with the film crew and Travis tomorrow afternoon to wrap up those scenes. It's tight, but we'll make it work."

"Got it," Arell replied. "Anything else on the agenda?"

Geoffrey leaned in, lowering his voice slightly. "Yeah, actually. We're also here to scout potential talent for Infinity. I've got a few meetings set up with some promising local artists and designers."

Arell's eyes lit up. "That's dope. Expanding the brand even here, huh?"

"Exactly," Geoffrey nodded. "Speaking of which, I've also got some contacts down here who might be able to help us market Infinity more effectively. They've got some interesting ideas for getting our stuff into local boutiques and events."

"Smart move," Arell said, impressed. "How's the latest drop doing, by the way?"

Geoffrey grinned. "First day sales hit 6,000 units. It's not as big as our last drop, but it's still solid. People are loving the brand."

Arell leaned back, a satisfied smile on his face. "Man, that's great to hear. Can't wait to see what we can do with the Puma deal. Designing that sportswear line and getting my own colorway... it's gonna be next level."

As they settled into their seats on the plane, Arell decided to make the most of his time before reaching Austin. He pulled out his phone, opened the system interface, and navigated to the challenges reward section.

"Might as well work on my skills during the flight," he thought to himself.

He quickly checked his current stats.


Flow: 72

Voice: 74

Lyrics: 67

Production: 82

Performance: 69

Freestyle: 64

Songwriting: 68


Arell felt a sense of satisfaction seeing his production stat had finally crossed 80. "Making progress," he murmured to himself.

As the plane took off, Arell immersed himself in the system's challenges and tutorials that the 'Artist Development Program' offered. He pulled up the challenges and began working through them methodically.

First, he had to in different tempos within. The tutorial emphasized breath control, timing, and enunciation. Arell practiced syncing his words with the beat, adjusting his pace to match various tempos.

The system then generated random words on the screen that he had to incorporate into a freestyle rap. The words appeared at increasing speeds, forcing him to think quickly and maintain his rhythm. He struggled at first but soon found a groove, feeling his flow improve as he kept pace with the metronome.

Then came the vocal training, Arell listened to examples of various vocal techniques, from deep, resonant tones to high-pitched, energetic deliveries. The tutorial guided him through vocal warm-ups, emphasizing the importance of diaphragm control and resonance.

He then had to mimic different styles and voices within a set time. The system rated his accuracy and provided feedback on areas needing improvement. Arell worked on deepening his voice, practicing smoother transitions between different vocal styles, and adding emotion to his delivery.

Next was the most difficult challenge of them all, the system provided examples of complex rhymes and metaphors from legendary rappers. Arell was tasked with breaking down the lyrics to understand their structure and meaning. He then had to write verses based on prompts, focusing on rhyme schemes and metaphorical language. The prompts ranged from personal experiences to abstract concepts. Throughout all of it he struggled a lot but it was a sign of improvement, he thought.

After that was the easist of them all, or so he had assumed. He was given raw tracks and had to mix and master them to create a polished final product. The system evaluated the clarity, balance, and overall sound quality of his mixes, providing tips on how to achieve a professional finish. After he was done with each track, he took pride in what he had created only for the system to give him a low rating each time.

Arell felt a sense of progress as he continued working through the challenges, the plane's hum providing a steady background to his intense focus.

Time seemed to fly by as he focused intently on improving his craft. He estimated he could potentially boost each skill by at least 2 points if he spent enough time doing them.




As the plane touched down in Austin, Arell blinked awake, his mind still buzzing from the intense focus on his skills during the flight. Geoffrey was already up, efficiently gathering their belongings.

The morning passed in a blur of hotel check-ins. The Four Seasons lived up to its reputation, but Arell barely had time to appreciate the luxury before collapsing into bed for a few hours of much-needed sleep.

Midday found Arell and Geoffrey in their rental car, cruising through the sun-drenched streets of Austin. Arell fired off a quick text to Travis:

"Headed to the shoot. You there yet?"

Travis's reply came moments later: "On my way. Bringing Swae and his brother."

"Good," Arell muttered, a smile playing on his lips.

They pulled up to the Driskill Hotel, a historic landmark that oozed old-world charm and new-world opulence. The Morgan family film crew was already setting up, their equipment creating a stark contrast against the hotel's Victorian architecture.

As the day wore on, the shoot took them through a whirlwind tour of Austin's most exclusive spots. They filmed in swanky rooftop bars with skyline views, upscale clubs pulsing with energy even in broad daylight, and chic lounges where the city's elite rubbed shoulders.

As night fell, they found themselves in a high-end sports bar, the cameras still rolling as Arell, Travis and Swae surrounded a ping-pong table. The ping-pong ball flew back and forth, a white blur under the warm lighting.

"So, you ready for SXSW?" Travis asked, his eyes never leaving the ball as he returned Arell's serve with a wicked spin.

Arell lunged for the shot, barely making contact. "Man, I'm hyped. Got some big meetings lined up. You performing?"

Travis grinned, effortlessly lobbing the ball over Arell's attempted smash. "Yeah, got a set at Fader Fort. You should come through."

"Point!" Swae called out from the sidelines, his voice tinged with amusement. "Travis is killing you Arell!"

Arell laughed, retrieving the ball. "Just warming up, man. Just warming up."

As the game continued, the conversation flowed freely, punctuated by the rhythmic ping-pong of the ball.

"So, who else is gonna be at SXSW?" Arell asked, returning a tricky shot from Travis.

Travis grinned, his eyes still on the ball. "Man, who isn't gonna be there? I heard J. Cole's doing a surprise set at Stubb's."

Swae chimed in from the sidelines, "Yeah, and word is Drake might show up too. Austin's gonna be lit!"

"Speaking of surprises," Travis said, executing a perfect backhand, "Kanye might make an appearance. We've been talking about doing something together."

Arell's eyes widened, momentarily distracted. "For real? You and Ye?"

Travis took advantage of Arell's lapse in concentration, scoring another point. "Yeah, man. We've been vibing in the studio lately. He's on some next-level shit."

"Damn," Arell said, shaking his head in admiration. "That's major."

Swae leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, y'all ready for the after-parties? I heard there's this exclusive spot downtown where all the industry heads are gonna be."

"You know it," Arell grinned. "Gotta network, right? That's what my manager keeps telling me."

Travis laughed, "Man, it's not just about networking. It's about having a good time too. You seen the type of bitches that show up at these things?"

Swae nodded enthusiastically. "Facts. Last year, I met this model at the Fader Fort after-party. Fine as hell."

Travis's expression turned more serious. "For real though, how you feeling about your set at Stubb's? That's a big stage."

Arell took a deep breath. "I'm nervous, man. It's one thing to perform in Atlanta, but this... this is different."

Swae nodded sympathetically. "I feel you. My first SXSW, I was shaking like a leaf. But trust me, once you get on that stage, it all goes away."

"He's right," Travis added. "The energy at SXSW is something else. The crowd's there to discover new music. They want you to win."

Arell nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. "I just hope I don't mess up. There's gonna be so many important people there."

"Nah, you got this," Travis reassured him. "Just do what you do. That's what got you here in the first place."

"Thanks, man," Arell said, genuinely touched by the support.

As the ping-pong game wound down, the director, Gabriel, called out to the group. "Alright, guys, let's move to the next location. We're hitting Club Nouveau for the entrance shot."

The energy shifted as everyone began to gather their things. Arell slipped on a sleek, black leather jacket, while Travis opted for a designer trench coat and Swae, a patterned bomber jacket.

As they approached Club Nouveau, Gabriel, the director, turned to address the group. "Alright, fellas. This is the money shot. You're walking into the hottest club in Austin, and you own the place. Let's make it look effortless."

Arell nodded, slipping easily into his performance mindset. He'd done this before, and the cameras no longer fazed him. "Got it. How many angles are we shooting?"

Gabriel grinned. "We'll do a wide shot, then some close-ups. Shouldn't take more than a few takes if you guys bring the heat."

Travis adjusted his designer trench coat. "Man, we always bringing the heat?"

Swae decked out in his vibrant bomber jacket, bounced on his heels. "You know it."

Gabriel called out, "Alright, places everyone! And... action!"

The trio strode towards the club entrance, exuding confidence with every step. Arell led the way, his eyes fixed on the camera, a slight smirk playing on his lips. Travis and Swae flanked him, their movements in perfect sync.

"Cut!" Gabriel called. "That was solid. Let's get it from another angle."

They reset and went again, this time with the camera tracking alongside them. Between takes, the banter continued.

"Man, after this, we gotta actually hit up some of these spots," Swae said, eyeing the club's entrance.

Travis nodded. "For real. I'm tryna see what Texas got going on."

Arell grinned. "True that. But first, let's get this shot done, please?"

After a few more takes from different angles, Gabriel called out, "That's a wrap on this scene! You guys killed it as usual."

As the crew began to pack up, Gabriel approached Arell. "Great work today, man. I think we've got everything we need except for those SXSW performance shots we'll get later."

Arell nodded, feeling satisfied with the day's work. "Thanks, Gabriel. It's been dope working with you on this."

Gabriel smiled. "Always a pleasure, Arell. Your natural ability makes my job easy. Can't wait to see how it all comes together with the SXSW footage."

As the crew began to disperse, Swae suddenly snapped his fingers. "Oh shit, I almost forgot. I gotta go grab Jimmy. He was filming his own scenes on the other side of town. Y'all good if I bounce for a bit?"

Travis waved him off. "Yeah, man. Go ahead. We'll be here."

"Alright, catch y'all in a minute," Swae called out as he jogged towards a waiting car.

With Swae gone, Travis and Arell found themselves alone, leaning against the exterior wall of Club Nouveau. The neon lights cast a soft glow on their faces, the bass from inside thrumming through the brickwork.

Travis turned to Arell, a mischievous glint in his eye. "So, what you thinking? Should we hit this spot for real tonight? Seems like it could be poppin'."

Arell considered for a moment, running a hand through his hair. "Man, I don't know. You got nothing else lined up?"

"Schedule's clear," Travis confirmed. "Perfect time to get a feel for the Austin nightlife before SXSW kicks off proper."

Arell nodded slowly, a grin spreading across his face. "You know what? Let's do it. Might as well make the most of being here, right?"

"That's what I'm talking about," Travis said, clapping Arell on the shoulder. "Alright, let me go grab my security real quick. Can't be too careful, you know how it is."

As Travis walked off, phone already to his ear, Arell found himself alone. The sudden silence was almost jarring after the constant activity of the day. He leaned back against the wall, letting out a long breath as he took in the Austin night.

His mind began to wander, replaying the events of the day. The shoot had gone well, better than he'd expected. But as the adrenaline of performance faded, other thoughts began to creep in. Unbidden, his mind drifted to Kenny.

The memory of their last conversation, tense and unresolved, surfaced. Arell felt a pang of guilt, remembering the hurt in Kenny's eyes.

Arell shook his head, trying to dispel the thoughts. He didn't want to deal with that guilt right now, not when he was on the cusp of something big. SXSW was waiting, his career was taking off. He couldn't afford to be distracted.

Pushing the thoughts aside, Arell pulled out his phone, looking for something to occupy his mind. He scrolled through his apps, finally settling on Crunchyroll. He'd been meaning to catch up on some anime, and now seemed as good a time as any.

He tapped on the latest episode of "Attack on Titan," a series that had been generating a lot of buzz. As the opening theme began to play, Arell felt himself being drawn into the world of giant humanoids and desperate survival.

As the opening theme of "Attack on Titan" faded and the episode began, Arell found himself immediately drawn into the world of walled cities and looming threats. The animation was crisp, the atmosphere tense, and he couldn't help but lean in closer, his eyes fixed on the screen.

As Eren Yeager, the protagonist, was introduced, Arell couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. The boy's passionate speeches about freedom and killing all the Titans struck him as a bit over-the-top.

"This kid's got some serious anger issues," Arell chuckled, shaking his head. "Chill out, little man."

But as the episode progressed and the Colossal Titan appeared, breaching the wall, Arell's amusement turned to shock. His eyes widened as he watched the massive creature tower over the 50-meter wall, its skinless face peering down at the terrified humans below.

"Holy shit," he breathed, his grip tightening on his phone. "That's... that's something else."

The ensuing chaos as Titans poured into the city had Arell on the edge of his seat. The brutal reality of the situation hit home as he watched civilians being devoured, their screams of terror echoing through his earphones.

"Man, this is wild," he murmured, his brow furrowed in concentration. "What would I even do in a situation like this?"

As Eren and his friends ran for their lives, Arell found himself imagining how he'd react if Titans suddenly appeared in Atlanta. The thought was both terrifying and oddly exhilarating.

"Nah, y'all can keep that Titan shit," he chuckled nervously. "But for real, what if I had some kind of superpower? Or what I could change into like… a special titan"

The image of himself running around, punching Titans in the face, brought a grin to his face despite the grim scenes unfolding on screen. But as he watched Eren's mother being eaten while her son looked on helplessly, the smile faded.

"Damn," Arell whispered, feeling a lump in his throat. "That's... that's rough. Poor kid."

As the episode drew to a close, with Eren vowing revenge against the Titans, Arell found himself conflicted. On one hand, Eren's determination was admirable. On the other, the sheer hopelessness of the situation was overwhelming.

"I get why he's so angry now," Arell mused, running a hand through his hair. "But man, how do you even fight against something like that? It's like trying to punch a skyscraper."

He sat back, letting out a long breath as he processed what he'd just watched. The world of "Attack on Titan" was brutal, unforgiving, and utterly captivating. Despite his initial skepticism, Arell found himself itching to watch the next episode.

"This shit is crazy," he said to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "It's like... what if all of humanity was trapped in the hood, and the police were giant naked monsters? That's some next-level survival right there."

With a chuckle, Arell bookmarked the series, making a mental note to catch up on more episodes when he had the chance. As he locked his phone and looked up, he realized Travis and the others still hadn't returned.