

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
134 Chs

The Chained

Standing in front of me in someone so much stronger than myself that I have to release some of the 1,374 chains I put upon my own strength. Each chain deducts 50% of my strength growing it slowly by pressuring it against the other chains and when I get rid of each chain my strength and magic shall rise. The person in front of me sure they have won says "I thought you would be more powerful after all you destroyed the Demon realm with one strike but you are nothing more than a child in front of true power."

I laugh at the irony of what he says for every enemy of mine has said similar words because I let them think I am weak and relish the fight until my lives in danger then I truly release my power. I then break 3 of the chains and my aura rising startles him so much he says "Why did you HIDE your power Why???" right before I kill him.

"The truth is mister fallen Angel Lucifer I have been growing my power through struggle and you are the only one who has made me break a chain yet on myself except for the true god who I shall go face now." The fallen Angels black wings spread out as he laughs showing me the tattered feathers which bleed. Flames begin to spread across his wounds beginning to melt him and he says holding back laughter "You want to face Him who cast Me out like it was nothing with power barely above mine." His laugh stops being mocking as I break every single chain upon me in my arrogance. I then feel someone glance at me and laugh from above.


When I was a child, I always felt that I could limit myself, so I did so unfortunately doing that unconsciously as a baby made me become quick a sickly child meaning it was a miracle, I survived being a child. when I was 5 I subconsciously released the chains gaining triple the strength an average child my age should have. My parents considered this a blessing of the gods so they applied for the Temple priests to take me in but they detected no Prescence of faith or divine energy upon me so they told my parents it was simply not possible.

This lead to the mocking of the neighbors who spread rumors that my parents staged my illness in a ploy to gain the priests attention. This in turn made it harder for my parents to get paid due to the fact we lived in a very religious country where heretics where crucified. The Act of being Crucified supposedly was to bring those who sinned closer to God so that he may forgive them. My parents later after these rumors delved into accusations got the inquisitors involved, they decided to punish my parents and spare me.

I thought that this was my fault so I placed a heavy burden upon myself and decided that I would half my strength every time I got to the average. At the time I hit 12 in the orphanage after years of being bullied I was shown the three main academies for learning. The Craftsman's Council, The Academies of the Ancient Arts, The Demon Beast Hunters otherwise known as adventurers. There is also the Church, but I absolutely despised them. For me it was a choice between The Ancient Arts and Demon Beast Hunters, but I could not fulfill the requirements of mana for the Ancient Arts.

I quickly ran to the beast hunter academy with a joyous smile on my face hoping to become stronger than the rest. I went into the academies line with the rest of the 12-year-old applicants and started to converse with them all except the few stuck-up nobles. I promised myself that I would not break more than one chain so that I could have more practice at controlling myself perfectly like I had been training with weights constantly since 8 years of age. The resentment in my heart was still directed to the church but had also focused upon all those who called themselves neighbors.

Another kid decided to sit next to me and said "Why are you so full of red and black why is your heart an abyss unlike my parents who are rainbow with mostly gold within their hearts when they see me? Is it a disease? are you okay? Do you require assistance friend? ooooooh you heart has melted into a pure blue with a tinge of gold but behind it lurks black."