
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 47

Hearing Aoki's self-report and confession, although Yuan Fei Hiruzen was shocked, he still said, "This matter is not your fault, Mr. Aoki.""After all, who would have thought that two people could know ninjutsu, and one of them is better than you, since you are also a Chūnin.""Even you can't keep up, which means that kid Uchiha Katsushi is at least an Elite Chunin.""Five-year-old Elite Chunin, a genius of the Uchiha clan, is not easy!" Yuan Fei Hiruzen exclaimed."Yes! After today, I feel that my teacher is just a decoration for Wu Dao."Aokino was sad and embarrassed.However, after seeing Aoki's strange expression, Yuan Fei Hiruzen sighed and said, "Mr. Aoki, this is not a feeling, you are already a display."Aokino: "...""Master Hokage, I don't know why, you are telling the truth, but why am I a little sad!" Aokino said sadly."Hahaha!!!""Mr. Aoki, I was just joking, you don't have to worry about it.""Also, Uchiha Katsushi is just one example, there are other students who need your teaching.""The most important thing is, Mr. Aoki, what is the purpose of Konoha's establishment of the ninja school? It is to cultivate excellent ninjas for the village.""So, the ninja school has Uchiha Katsushi, an excellent ninja, we should be happy, or the more talented he is, the more happy we should be."Yuan Fei Hiruzen looked at Aokino with a very happy look.Hearing Yuan Fei Hiruzen's words, Aokino also calmed down a bit, and said with a sad mood, "Master Hokage is right, Katsushi is a genius, I should be happy.""Okay, Mr. Aoki, I will arrange the maintenance of the playground, you go back and rest first!" Yuan Fei Hiruzen said to Aokino, waving his hands."Then I'll leave first, Master Hokage." Saying that, Aokino turned and left Hokage's office.However, with the sound of closing the door, Yuan Fei Hiruzen's face suddenly changed from amiable to expressionless, even a little gloomy."Uchiha Katsushi? The grandson of Uchiha Zhushan." Yuan Fei Hiruzen said silently in his heart."It's not easy to find such a genius in the Uchiha clan!"You know, the first ninja world war has just passed, Yuan Fei Hiruzen has just secured his position, and the Uchiha clan is still very strong, and it is not Uchiha Fugaku who is weak as the patriarch.Therefore, even if Yuan Fei Hiruzen felt that Uchiha Katsushi was a threat, there was nothing he could do.As for graduating early, it is even more impossible. After all, there is no precedent for graduating early at the age of five. Even if Hatake Kakashi graduated early in the future, he proposed it himself.Otherwise, Hokage let a five-year-old graduate early, the news spread, the village doesn't know, how can they talk about Yuan Fei Hiruzen! Especially with the premise of Shimura Danzō.What's more, the current patriarch of the Uchiha clan also came over at the end of Sengoku, although he is not a faction that supports Uchiha Madara.But it does not mean that he is weak, if Yuan Fei Hiruzen dares to make trouble, he will also have to bear the anger of the Uchiha clan, let alone Uchiha Katsushi, who is also the grandson of the great elder of the Uchiha clan.In summary, Yuan Fei Hiruzen really has nothing to do with Uchiha Katsushi."Ugh!"Yuan Fei Hiruzen got up and walked to the window and sighed."It's an eventful autumn!"~~~At the same time, Konoha Village.Nara clan land.At Nara Lujiu's home, I saw her son Nara Lujiu came back, and he was still very worried.Nara Lujiu's father understood that this was an incomprehensible incident. They are all in the Nara family. They are naturally thoughtful and analyze this and that every day.So, Nara Lujiu's father asked, "What's the matter, Lujiu, why did you come back early today?""Father, there is an actual combat assessment today, and after the end, school will be dismissed early."Hearing what his father said, Nara Shijiu was indeed a little confused, so he told Nara's father what happened today.After listening to Nara Shijiu's words, Nara's father was shocked."You mean your friend Uchiha Katsushi, when he was competing with others, his ninjutsu blew up the playground.""Yes, when he competed with Nawaki, his Fire Style ninjutsu not only evaporated Nawaki's Water Style ninjutsu, but also, if it wasn't innocent, he released an Earth Style ninjutsu, and Nawaki would be dead."Nara Lujiu said it was okay, after all, it has been a day."Uchiha is a genius! Do you have a good relationship with him?" Thinking that his son said he was his friend just now, Nara's father looked at Nara and asked.Nara Lujiu heard the words, took a deep look at Nara's father and said, "Haiyi, Ding Zuo and I have a good relationship with him, and Ding Zuo even gave Katsushi his potato chips.""And, father, the point I want to say is not these. What I can't figure out the most is why Katsushi just said to Mr. Aoki that he is competing once, and Mr. Aoki suddenly laughed very strangely."Nara Shikahisa was puzzled."Lu Jiu, although you are sensitive in some places, you are still a child after all!""Think about it from another position. If you are a teacher and have students, if you don't exist, do your own way, and don't take you seriously even if it is an important matter, what do you think?" Nara's father smiled at Nara Lujiu Said."I must be very upset...""...I see.""Katsushi gave Aoki-sensei a step down." Nara Lujiu muttered to himself."Yes, from your tone, that Senju Nawaki is an idiot!"Nara's father had a positive tone.Hearing his father's words, thinking of Senju Nawaki, Nara nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, in this respect, he is indeed an idiot.""Because your teacher knows that Senju Nawaki is an idiot and belongs to the Senju family, so he can only hold back his displeasure.""In addition to Uchiha Katsushi, he also agreed to Senju Nawaki's request to challenge again, so due to the rules, he can't stop it, and because of this, he will feel very wronged.""At this time, your friend Uchiha Katsushi saw your teacher's grievance, so he specifically asked your teacher for instructions and gave your teacher a step down.""You know, originally, even if Uchiha Katsushi saw it, it would be fine if he didn't say anything."