
Comprehensive Manga: Invincible From The Beginning

Travel through the Uchiha clan and bind the sacrifice system. Obtain all abilities through sacrifice. Sacrifice to get Mera-mera Fruit. Sacrifice to get Sparkling fruit. Sacrifice and get a Platinum Star.

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51 Chs

Chapter 46

An Earth Style-Earth Wall Technique, which not only protects Uchiha Mikoto but also maintains the elegance of Uchiha Katsushi, perfect.As the impact dissipated, accompanied by a burst of coughing, everyone quickly looked in the direction of Senju Nawaki.After all, although they saw Uchiha Katsushi releasing an Earth Style ninjutsu in front of Senju Nawaki, it is still not clear what exactly Senju Nawaki is.At this time, a figure rushed towards Senju Nawaki quickly, it was Aokino, who came to Senju Nawaki's side and saw that Senju Nawaki was unscathed.Aokino breathed a sigh of relief, he was terrified just now, he never thought that Uchiha Katsushi's ninjutsu was so powerful that he couldn't get through it at all.Luckily Uchiha Katsushi unleashed another Earth Style ninjutsu, otherwise he would have to run and die with Senju Nawaki.As for why he wanted to die with Senju Nawaki, it can only be said that the teachers in the Hokage world have a strong sense of responsibility.Looking at the intact Earth Style ninjutsu in front of Senju Nawaki, Aokino sighed: "Wu Dao is so strong, my teacher is useless at all!"In the teaching building, a student looked at the tragic situation on the playground and said in surprise: "This is a freshman who has just started school for a month!""This is better than the teacher!" The student who was told by the teacher not to work hard just now looked at his teacher again.The teacher who hates iron but not steel: "..."The teacher looked at the student unhappily and said, "Your homework will be doubled tonight.""...No! Teacher!" Along with the laughter of the surrounding students, a miserable voice came to mind.At this time, the playground was in a mess, and the ground was baked black by the scorching heat of Fire Style ninjutsu.The impact of the explosion turned the ground into a pitted gravel road.Looking at the miserable playground, the students looked at Uchiha Katsushi speechless for a while.But this is for boys, and for girls, it can be seen from their eager eyes that if it weren't for Uchiha Mikoto, staring at them next to Uchiha Katsushi, they would have rushed up to occupy Uchiha Katsushi."Brother, Katsushi is so strong!" Hyuga Hizashi said to Hyuga Hizashi."Hizashi, don't talk nonsense." Hyuga Hiashi said.Hyuga Hizashi: "...brother, you have changed.""No way, this guy is hiding something deep!"Nara Shikahisa let out an exclamation."Yes!" Yamanaka also said.As for Akamichi Dingza, it is towards Uchiha Katsushi."No way, I'll give you potato chips."Akamichi Choza handed Uchiha Katsushi a bag of potato chips.Looking at Akamichi Dingza's sincere gaze, Uchiha Katsushi knew that this was the way the Akamichi clan recognized a person.For the Akamichi clan, as long as they approve of people, they will give each other their favorite food."Thanks, Dingza." Uchiha Katsushi took the potato chips and thanked Akamichi Dingza.After speaking, Uchiha Katsushi opened the potato chips and stood aside with Ding Zuo, eating the potato chips.Seeing this look of indifference to the world, those who didn't know it thought he wasn't responsible for the tragedy on the playground.However, this is an actual combat assessment, so there is no need to compensate for large-scale damage like Konoha Training Ground.Looking at the miserable situation on the playground, there was no other way, Aokino had no choice but to change to another place to continue the assessment.However, after watching the fight between Uchiha Katsushi and Senju Nawaki, no one is in the mood for assessment.In this way, when everyone was absent-mindedly competing, time passed quickly.Due to this actual combat assessment, anyone who faced Uchiha Katsushi would admit defeat. After all, no one wants to try their own body, whether it can be stronger than Earth Style ninjutsu.Therefore, after the actual combat assessment, without any surprise, Uchiha Katsushi won the first place and won the title of chief student.However, just after the assessment was over, Aokino announced that school would be dismissed early today.A figure appeared in front of Uchiha Katsushi again.This man is the indomitable Senju Nawaki, however, after seeing Senju Nawaki again, Uchiha Katsushi's face turned black."This kid, what kind of demon moth do you want to be?"Looking at Senju Nawaki in front of him, the corner of Uchiha Katsushi's mouth twitched slightly."No way, you won this time, don't think I will give up, I will challenge you." After saying that, Senju Nawaki ran away.Uchiha Katsushi: "...""Your name is Senju Big Big Wolf!"Everyone: "..."Looking at Senju Nawaki's back, not only Uchiha Katsushi was helpless.The people in this class are also quite helpless, after all, if it happens once or twice, no one will say anything.Even if it is ten or eight times, it will only say that Uchiha Katsushi is really unlucky!However, it has been such a long time, one month, and every practical class has to be challenged three or four times.Up to now, it has been at least twenty times. Looking at it like this, it is impossible to stop in the future.Thinking about it this way, everyone thinks, Uchiha Katsushi is really not easy!~~~Afternoon, Hokage office.Boom, boom, knock on the door."Come in." Said Yuan Fei Hiruzen who was working.With the sound of footsteps, a person came in and said, "Lord Hokage."Third Hokage looked up at the person coming, and asked strangely: "It's Mr. Aoki! Isn't today an actual combat assessment?""Why did you come here, what happened?""Master Hokage, this is an application for the maintenance of the Ninja School's playground."Aokino didn't say anything, but first gave the application to Third Hokage."Maintenance application." Third Hokage looked at the application form with some doubts."This is..."Looking at the degree of damage to the playground and the required funds, Third Hokage asked curiously, "How did this happen? Isn't it just a practical assessment?""That's right, Hokage-sama."Hearing Third Hokage's question, Aokino told Master Hokage about the assessment this morning and the reason for the damage to the playground.Of course, he didn't talk about his being wronged, because that was his last dignity.After listening to Aokino's words, Third Hokage said in surprise, "You mean, Senju Nawaki learned ninjutsu, and then Uchiha Katsushi will too.""As a result, Senju Nawaki was completely crushed, and if Uchiha Katsushi hadn't rescued him with Earth Style ninjutsu, you wouldn't have had time to rescue him.""Yes, it is Master Hokage, I am willing to be punished. After all, if I am not innocent, I am guilty of dereliction of duty."Aokino pleaded guilty to Third Hokage.