
Summon Noctem

"So are you sure you wish to head here there's still a chance to switch after you enter you have to complete it," Odin said to Sigewulf.

"Yes I'm ready," Sigewulf said.

'I hope I can pass this test.'

"Ok let me give you some things and then you're off," Odin said as he took out a sword.

"This is the sword made from the body of a endrel the sword allows you to absorb the blood of any being allowing you to use the blood for whatever you wish." Odin handed the sword to Sigewulf and soon the black veins appeared wrapping around Sigewulf before disappearing again.

After that Odin pointed his finger and muttered something unintelligible and a black light surrounded Sigewulf. an ouroboros appeared on Sigewulf's left hand.

"This is my blessing when you are in grave danger this mark will activate giving you the power of a zero realm cultivator for a minute. but be careful you only have 4 uses don't use it until you fight the chaos gods ok? Odin said as he patted Sigewulf's head a portal soon opened and Odin pushed the still deep in thought Sigewulf through it.

Sigewulf soon appeared on terra since he chose the coordinates that he got from the emperor but instead of appearing in the throne room he appeared in the middle of the hive city.

[message revived would you like to view it?]

'Yes,' Sigewulf said as he looked around the people that were walking ignored him this was something Odin gave him so he wouldn't just pop out of nowhere and attract attention.

[The Blackest star from nowhere: congrats on reaching terra kid here's a gift to help also I'll probably not answer since I've decided to go on an adventure ill send pic later.

Gift package received sent to inventory]

'Whats the gift?'

[space ship

Class: fighter

Model year: unknown estimated age 12•10^12 year's old

Name Noctem]

'It's a spaceship'

[Yes and it also comes with a few million years of piloting every type of ship and using all weapons on it]

'A million years what?' Sigewulf was about to shout but even though he would be cloaked for an hour he still made sounds above 70 decibels.

[would you like to gain the skills?]


Soon Sigewulf was given the knowledge of every type of ship in existence. he could easily pilot them all by himself and even fix them he knew how to use their weapons and also learn how to upgrade them.


reach the throne room of the emperor

Reward: scavenger skill max

Failure: loss of possible resources

Time limit: 1 year]

'What is the scavenger skill?'

[skill: scavenger

Type: passive

Skill allows the user to passively collect items and materials from defeated enemies the higher the level the better the items dropped items can range from ores to weapons and even knowledge the higher the skill the more close to the enemies knowledge you gain.]

'That's actually pretty useful so if I kill that guy here I'd get money from him or his knowledge.'


'Can you navigate me on a way to reach the surface of this place?'

[I'm sorry but I don't have a scan of this world but I know this is what is called a hive city and we are in the depth of it]

'I wonder why the emperor didn't give me the exact coordinates to the throne room?'

[victorious wolf: @The God emperor why didn't you give me the exact coordinates of your throne room I'm in a hive city?

The God emperor I can't recall the coordinate for my location as my memories are fragmented and I think with the custodians around it would be troublesome to deal with as I can't move.

Victorious wolf: I see well I try to reach you I'm not sure when but ill try at least @The Blackest star from nowhere gave me a ship and polluting skill thanks for that!

The Blackest star from nowhere: ;) Also here is something I forgot it'll be helpful on a long journey. ]

[song player received added to the system]

'Song player?'

[yes you can now listen to any song on your grand adventure don't worry about it affecting your hearing you'll hear everything around you even with the music at full volume]

'Well that's not bad music helps a lot.'

'System play An ordinary extinction by Architects.'

[playing song now]

'Well guess it's time to figure how to get out I still have an hour before my cloak disappears.'

Sigewulf walked trying to find a passage up and also mapping the area with his system. With his cultivation realm, he could easily jog at 30 miles per hour but he needed to be slow so he didn't miss an area. Sigewulf didn't like the air in this place it felt like he was in an ocean of garbage naturally someone in his realm would be suffocating from the pollution but Sigewulf used void energy so he could be in a near abyss and still be ok.

'It seems my cloak is gone they act as they've never seen a child.'

[your clothes and how clean you make you look like you're from a decedent from a noble.]

'Is their nobles in this universe?'

[there is an emperor so why aren't their aristocrats?]

'Yea very dumb question I know.'

As Sigewulf continued walking he soon saw yellow armored men walking around the citizens always scurried off when they encountered them.

'Bad guys?'

[no imperial fist it seems either they are patrolling or are here to recruit the citizens are very afraid of them this stems from the horus heresy]

'I see where did you get this info?'

[I scanned the book Odin gave you on the history of this world]

'Oh I see so should I ignore them or what?'

[from what I know it's best not to try getting recruited since you will have to deal with all their shenanigans]

'Should I join any of them or not then?'

[the book says not to but if you desire then I have three candidates salamanders, white scars and, ultramarines]

'I know the salamanders that dude that best my ass was one he was chill but what are the other two?'

[going by odins notes on them white scars are bikers and ultramarines are basic white girls]

'Um ok?'

'Are their other choices?'

[I have three more that are exclusive to this universe of Warhammer. Angry Marines, pretty marines, and the demons of terra]

'Ok, so can you give me a summary of them.'

[the angry marines well are angry marines and it is the same for the pretty marines. The demons of terra are a self-proclaimed legion of a Astartes who took the gene-seed of an unknown marine squad. they proclaim themselves as the blade of humanities darkness they hunt those that have betrayed humanity and will kill anyone that will harm humanity even their own emperor if he were to harm humanity. This has made the inquisition place a target on them and as the name states they are all from terra and recruit from terra secretly.]

'What do the demons of terra have?'

[450 members and they are a fleet-based chapter since they can't enter terra unless they want to be killed but they always send two to terra every ten years to scout for recruits.]

'Is there anything notable they have done?'

[20 years after the horus heresy the chapter master lead all fifteen marines to defend a planet that was invaded by orks. from the records they fought the orks with bare hands as the armor they had was what they found on the stolen merchant ships. what was notable was that each time they were hit their power would increase and that same attack lost it's effect after five days they evacuated the world themselves. And their chapter master did what was considered a grand feat he smashed the ground with his full strength destroying the planet at the cost of his arms]

'What the?'

[most have said that the gene-seed they obtained was from a lost legion since no chapter is recorded with that type of trait]

[they also have enhanced healing as another report stated that the chapter master had returned in even better condition that was 50 years after the event.]


[Odin fought this man later on in the future the chapter became the child of humanity and the man fought all five chaos gods at the same time and was tied with them.]

'Five isn't their only four?'

[khorne of blood and war

Slaanesh the prince of pleasure

Nurgle of plague and death

Tzeentch The Changer of Ways

Malal The Outcast God ]

'Why is he an outcast?'

[because compared to the other choas gods he actually wants to destroy everything he is also an apprentice of odins chosen one.]

'Chosen one?'

[yes Odin is the ancient one of chaos and order those that are chosen must pick a side but each means to reject fate and have infinite hatred towards all life you are a prime candidate for a chosen one of order]

'Why must I be one and why must I hate?'

[you don't need to be one but you have the choice that many wish for but the reason to hate is that you'll see what life truly is and hate that they have allowed themselves to fall like this]

'I guess it's not time yet before I learn of the truth hub?'


Sigewulf sighed and walked past the space marine the imperial fist looked at him because of his helmet he couldn't see his expression but he was studying Sigewulf. Of course with his enhanced sense from cultivating, he could tell he was being stared at.

Sigewulf decided to increase his face slowly to not alert the marine he didn't want to take chances. just doing sleight of hand would cause the entire inquisition to come to kill him. even making a simple toaster would cause the toaster fuckers to come capture him.

Sigewulf took the first turn he saw and saw a stair leading up talking it he started to continue on his mission of leaving the city's depths. after another few hours, he finally reached the top, and just like the city the outside was horrible.

'Now where is the palace?'

[mount Everest]

'Ok now where are we ourselves?'


'Great!' Sigewulf said as he sighed he looked up at the polluted sky and pondered.

'Summon Noctem'