

Things go wrong after Jerry hooks up with a stranger at an all freshers party. * * * Bro, you gotta see the way your eyes were on her." He laughed, but less loudly this time." I won't lie, I've done it before, every guy does, she's beautiful, you gotta give it to her." "Well she's cute." She is! "She's beautiful, you know it, that's why you had a one night stand with her." I almost choked on my burger. I had to take a drink before I talked again. "What the hell man?!" I whispered loudly. "What?" "Why did you have to say that out loud like that?" "Oh. Chill, these people are too busy enjoying their burgers to listen to our Convo." He said really chilling about it. I remembered the main thing I was worrying about when I saw her earlier this morning. I didn't use a condom when we were grinding our bodies against each other that night! 'What was I thinking?!' That's what I would ask myself if I didn't have a chance to use one because I did. When I was carrying her, her legs wrapped around my waist tightly, into the room, through rough kisses, I had stopped our liplock, and had told her I didn't have a condom. She said she had some; both male's and female's actually but she didn't want us to interrupt what we were having at that particular moment. I would ask why she had both male and female condoms but she was right, it was too hot, too pleasurable, a moment to interrupt. "I can just take a pill after." She had said.

Genika3na2 · Perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
60 Chs

Forty four

After class, Dylan and I sat back while waiting for everyone to leave like we always did. I looked behind me to see if Ann was leaving and saw her coming to me.

A smile took over my lips when she got to where I sat. Sitting on the empty seat next to me, where Jessie sat earlier, she just smiled, no words, just an unusual smile.

"Is that Dylan sitting beside you?" She asked.


"Heyy," she did a small wave to say hi to him they turned her attention back to me."So I am supposed to go to the gynecologist today but I don't know...I don't want to go, it gets boring sometimes."

"You have to go, Ann," I told her.

"I know, I know. it's just that I have to sit through the whole session with the doctor reminding me what to do and what not to do, it's tiring. I had to do some tests the last time I went for the appointment though but after that, it's just question and answer. How did you feel this week? Does your back still hurt? Did you eat this, did you eat that? Hope you remember the fruits recommended for you and your baby. And then, the question I dread the doctor asking; Did you remember to take a walk as I asked you to? Urrgh, the look he gives me when I say no...." I listened to her go on.

"... but you know everything the doctor recommends is for your good right?"

"I knowwww but it's tiring." She pouted. "Most of the time, I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep and then eat. I'm always tired lately."

"How old is our baby?" I asked and heard her laugh shortly.

"Don't mind me," she laughed again, "Wait, do you really not know how old the baby is?"

"I do but I might not be very accurate, it's why I asked."

"We are just two months gone." She said with a change in her tone.

"What's the matter?"

"Oh, nothing." She shook her head.

"Come on, tell me." I urged because it surely wasn't nothing.

"My dad, well he called this morning, he wants to know if a particular date has been set for our first-semester break so he knows how to plan his coming home. He is not in the state right now, he's out on a business trip but he says he is going to return here to spend the break with me at our house but I don't how that's gonna play out. He's just gonna come up with an excuse, later on, to say why he can't make it. He always does this; apologize for his last excuse then promises to make up for it but only ends up breaking his promise."

I kept quiet after her because I didn't know what to say yet, I was still trying to understand all she just said but she continued;

"You know I prefer my mum, don't get me wrong; she's horrible on her part but yet I prefer her honesty. She never cares if I am okay or not, she just has her assistant call me once a week and ask the same questions as the doctor. It's always the same; how are you today Ms Hillow? Do you need money for anything, please let me know so I can relay that information to Mrs Hillow; that's all she ever wants to know....but I'm good with that though, at least she doesn't make empty promises like my dad and she doesn't force her affection through like my dad does."

"Don't mind me, I know I'm boring you with my long talk..." She added after I thought she was done talking.

"No, you are not boring me, Ann," I informed her, she surely wasn't boring me. I could listen to her talk on for the next hour. I wanted to know her more but that was a hard thing to do because she rarely talked about her feelings, she usually tried to fight them off probably to avoid getting emotional.

One thing was clear to me now, she didn't like her parents but she would rather her mum's non-caring attitude to her dad's effort to spend time with her.

It just became obvious to me why she always repeated to me that she could manage on her own, she was used to it. She was used to being there for herself because none of her parents seemed like the emotional type.

"I will tell you, I'm surprised again about you." I heard her, her smile was back.

"What do you mean?"

"You surprise me every time Jerry, the way you do things is so different from what I expected and I like that you are different. You are not the same as many guys I've communicated with. You listen to me when I talk," she did a short laugh."I mean, you actually listen, you give your attention to me."

"I give my attention to you because you very well deserve my audience, Ann." She grinned this time. Letting that grin slowly turn back to a simple smile, she looked at me with no words.

"What?" I just asked when she didn't stop staring at me soon. I saw her bite her lips before coming closer to me. She held my neck and brought my head to hers and I thought she was going to kiss me but she didn't. She just took her lips to my right ear.

"Are you a fan of PDA?" she asked making me search my memory so quickly for what that meant.

'Public display of affection.' It came fast.

"Yeah." I immediately replied to her.

"School park, five pm, come wait for me there, I'll come there directly from the hospital after I'm done with my check-up today. Will you come?" Her lips were still close to my ears and her voice was sending waves through my sensitive ears.

"I will come." I surely would.

"Okay." She stood from where she sat, letting go of my head and arranging her jacket.

"Are you leaving?" I asked her because I didn't want her to.

"Yeah, I have to go now. See you at five." She winked at me with a corresponding smile before she turned to leave.

I smiled back even if she had already left and couldn't see me do so.


Heyy, it's your author Geni. Please note that everything written here is nothing but fiction. Please vote as you read, comment your thoughts, and don't forget to leave a review, I am very open to constructive criticism.
