

A good home with a humble protective parents can only make a child to be good while living with parents, but when the child goes out from home, he or she may change to something else because he or she has seen a different life out there, and free to make a choice without the parents knowledge

anokwute_chidera · Fantasi
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10 Chs



The alarm blared, jolting Kemi awake on the morning of her first day of college classes. It was a day she had been anxiously awaiting, a day that marked the beginning of her academic journey and the realization of her dreams. As she swung her legs out of bed, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through her veins.

Kemi had carefully planned her schedule, selecting a mix of introductory courses that aligned with her interests and goals. She had researched each professor and familiarized herself with the campus map to ensure a smooth transition from one class to another. However, despite her preparations, a wave of jitters washed over her as she stood in front of her closet, deliberating over what to wear.

"Do I dress formally? Or should I go for a more casual look?" Kemi muttered to herself, flipping through hangers of clothes with growing indecision.

Chika, who was already dressed and ready for her own classes, chuckled from across the room. "Relax, Kemi. It's the first day. Just be yourself and wear something comfortable."

Taking a deep breath, Kemi settled on a casual yet put-together outfit and headed to the bathroom to get ready. The mirror reflected her reflection, a young woman on the precipice of a new stage in her life. She smoothed down a few stray strands of hair and reminded herself to embrace the unknown with confidence.

The campus buzzed with energy as Kemi made her way to her first class. Students hurried past her, clutching notebooks and textbooks, their expressions ranging from excitement to trepidation. The buildings loomed ahead, their facades a mix of architectural styles, housing the vast knowledge and experiences that awaited within.

Finding the lecture hall for her first class, Kemi entered and scanned the room for an empty seat. Her heart raced as she took in the sea of unfamiliar faces. She chose a seat near the middle, hoping to strike a balance between being noticed and blending in.

As the minutes ticked away, the class filled up, and the professor made their way to the front of the room. The professor introduced themselves, their passion for the subject evident in their words and gestures. Kemi felt a sense of reassurance wash over her as she realized that she was in the hands of a knowledgeable and engaging instructor.

The class began, and Kemi found herself immersed in the lecture. She scribbled notes furiously, eager to capture every piece of information being shared. But beneath her studious exterior, her mind was racing with questions. Would she be able to keep up with the coursework?.

Kemi and Chika were both nervous and filled with anticipation. However, as the day progressed, they found their footing and discovered that they were not alone in their jitters. They formed a strong bond, supporting each other through the challenges and uncertainties of their new environment.

Throughout the semester, Kemi and Chika continued to navigate college life together. They attended classes, participated in extracurricular activities, and explored the campus, all while maintaining their friendship as roommates. They became each other's confidantes, offering support and encouragement during moments of doubt or homesickness.

Late night study sessions became a regular occurrence for Sarah and Chika. They spent countless hours in the library, huddled over textbooks and lecture notes, exchanging ideas and working together to understand complex concepts. These study sessions not only enhanced their academic performance but also deepened their friendship.

As the semester progressed, Kemi and Chika faced their exams with confidence. Their dedication and hard work paid off, and they achieved remarkable results in their respective courses. They celebrated each other's successes, knowing that they had overcome their initial jitters and proved their capabilities.

Beyond academics, Kemi and Chika also immersed themselves in the college experience. They joined clubs and organizations, expanding their social circles and embracing the vibrant campus life. They attended events, cheered for their college sports teams, and created lasting memories together.

Outside of their shared experiences, Kemi and Chika also encouraged each other to pursue their individual passions. Kemi joined a writing workshop, honing her skills as a storyteller, while Chika auditioned for the college choir, indulging her love for music. They celebrated each other's personal achievements and growth, recognizing that their friendship thrived on supporting each other's dreams.

As the semester came to an end, Kemi and Chika reflected on their journey since that first day of jitters. They had transformed from apprehensive freshmen into confident and capable young women. They had navigated the challenges of college life, discovered their strengths, and developed a strong sense of independence.

Their friendship had deepened through shared experiences, late night study sessions, and countless conversations about their hopes and dreams. They had become each other's rocks, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on during moments of stress or homesickness.

Looking ahead, Kemi and Chika knew that their journey was far from over. College life would continue to present new challenges and opportunities, but they were ready to face them together. With their bond firmly established, they knew that they could rely on each other for support, encouragement, and laughter.

As they prepared for the next semester, Kemi and Chika felt a renewed sense of excitement and determination. Their first day jitters had transformed into a foundation of resilience and friendship that would carry them through the remainder of their college experience and beyond.

Tobi, the Amos' son, adjusted his backpack strap as he approached the massive lecture hall. The room was abuzz with students chatting, leafing through textbooks, and finding their seats. Tobi took a deep breath and entered, scanning the room for a familiar face. Spotting Beauty from the Millers, he smiled in relief and made his way towards her.

Beauty, too, was feeling the weight of first-day nerves. She had spent the previous night meticulously organizing her notebooks and pens, determined to start the semester on the right foot. As she saw Tobi approaching, she waved and motioned for him to sit next to her. Their friendship provided a sense of comfort amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces.

In a different lecture hall, Nneka, Joyce, and Peter from the Parkers found themselves in a similar predicament. Nneka fidgeted with her schedule, double checking her class location. Joyce offered words of encouragement, reminding her to stay positive and confident. Peter, always the jokester, lightened the mood with his witty remarks, trying to ease their nerves.

As the professors walked into the lecture halls, a hush fell over the students. The first class began, and the families were instantly immersed in the world of academia. The professors introduced themselves, outlining the course syllabus and expectations for the semester. The weight of the coursework and the thought of exams hung in the air, intensifying the jitters within the students.

Tobi furiously scribbled notes, determined to absorb every bit of information. However, his mind occasionally wandered, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead. The transition from high school to college was proving to be more daunting than he had anticipated. Would he be able to keep up with the rigorous coursework? Would he make friends and find his place in this new environment?

Beauty too, found herself grappling with similar concerns. As the lecture progressed, she glanced around, observing her classmates engrossed in their studies. Doubts crept into her mind. Would she be able to measure up to the academic standards? The pressure to excel weighed heavily on her shoulders, and the fear of failure threatened to overshadow her excitement.

In the neighboring lecture hall, Nneka listened attentively to the professor's lecture, her hand poised to take notes. The material felt overwhelming, and she couldn't help but feel a pang of self-doubt. She worried about her ability to grasp the complex concepts and whether she would be able to meet the high expectations set by her professors.

Meanwhile, Joyce absorbed the professor's words with a mix of curiosity and determination. She recognized that college was a chance for intellectual growth, and she eagerly embraced the challenges ahead. However, beneath her confident exterior, there was a flicker of uncertainty. The thought of balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and social life seemed like an immense juggling act.

As the first day of college dawns, Tobi is filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Being away from home for the first time, he worries about making new friends and fitting in. His primary concern is whether he will be able to balance his academics with his passion for basketball. Throughout the day, Tobi feels a sense of vulnerability but pushes himself to be outgoing and approachable. As he interacts with his fellow students, he realizes that many of them share the same apprehensions. By the end of the day, Tobi begins to find comfort in the shared experiences and starts building connections with his classmates who are equally passionate about basketball. He looks forward to the opportunities that college life will bring and is determined to make the most of his time while cherishing the memories of home.

For Joyce, the first day of college brings both anticipation and trepidation. As an aspiring writer, she wonders if her creative voice will be accepted and appreciated by her peers. In her literature seminar, she hesitates initially to speak up, fearing that her ideas may not be valued. However, as the class progresses, Joyce gains confidence and engages in thoughtful discussions with her classmates. She discovers that her unique perspective adds value to the conversations, and her passion for storytelling resonates with others. By the end of the day, Joyce realizes that the college environment is a nurturing space for creativity and expression. The first day jitters transform into a renewed sense of purpose, and she feels excited about the writing journey ahead.

As a science enthusiast, Beauty is eager to embark on her college journey. However, she also grapples with self doubt about her academic capabilities. The first day of college brings a wave of anxiety as she attends her science lab session. Worried about performing well, Beauty is initially hesitant to ask questions or seek help. However, her lab partner and classmates offer encouragement and support, making her feel more at ease. As Beauty engages in hands on experiments and discussions, her confidence gradually grows. She realizes that college is a place of learning and growth, and it's okay to make mistakes. By the end of the day, Beauty embraces the challenges ahead, determined to pursue her passion for science and excel in her chosen field.

Nneka, an art enthusiast, experiences a mix of excitement and nervousness on her first day of college. She wonders if her artistic abilities will be acknowledged and respected in a competitive academic setting. In her art history lecture, she hesitates to participate in class discussions, worried that her interpretations may not be as insightful as others'. However, Nneka's professor and classmates create a welcoming environment, encouraging everyone to share their perspectives. As she opens up about her passion for art, Nneka finds that her classmates appreciate her unique insights. By the end of the day, she realizes that her artistic journey will be enriched by the diverse perspectives around her. The first day jitters evolve into a sense of appreciation for the artistic community in college.

As a tech savvy student, Peter enters college with a mix of confidence and uncertainty. He is excited about exploring the world of computer science but is also concerned about the academic rigor. In his first computer science lecture, he feels a bit overwhelmed by the complexity of the subject. However, as the professor explains the concepts, Peter's curiosity takes over, and he starts to grasp the material. He also connects with other tech enthusiasts in the class, finding common ground and forming study groups. As the day progresses, Peter's apprehensions fade away, replaced by a sense of determination to excel in his chosen field.