

A good home with a humble protective parents can only make a child to be good while living with parents, but when the child goes out from home, he or she may change to something else because he or she has seen a different life out there, and free to make a choice without the parents knowledge

anokwute_chidera · Fantasy
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10 Chs


Roommate Roulette

As Kemi stepped into her new dorm room, she felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The door swung open, revealing a small, shared space that would become her home for the next year. The walls were bare, and the room had a sterile, impersonal feel to it. But Kemi knew that it was up to her and her roommate to transform it into a place that felt like their own.

She took a deep breath and entered the room. Her eyes scanned the space, taking in the two beds, the desks, and the closet they would share. As she began to unpack her belongings, she couldn't help but wonder about the person she would be sharing this space with.

Before coming to college, Kemi had filled out a questionnaire about her preferences and lifestyle. It was part of the roommate matching process, a sort of roommate roulette that would determine who she would be living with. She hoped that her roommate would be someone she could get along with, someone who shared similar interests and values.

As she organized her clothes in the closet, Kemi heard the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Her heart skipped a beat, and she turned around to see a young woman standing there with a bright smile on her face.

"Hi! You must be Kemi," the girl said enthusiastically. "I'm Chika, your roommate!"

Relief washed over Kemi as she realized that Chika seemed friendly and approachable. They exchanged pleasantries, and Kemi couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the positive first impression. Perhaps this roommate roulette had worked in her favor after all.

Over the next few days, Kemi and Chika began to settle into their shared space. They spent hours talking and getting to know each other, finding common ground and shared interests. It turned out that Chika was an art major with a passion for painting, while Kemi was studying English literature and enjoyed writing poetry. They bonded over their love for music, movies, and exploring new places.

As they decorated the room with posters, fairy lights, and photographs, the space started to reflect their personalities and shared experiences. It became a sanctuary—a place where they could unwind, study, and support each other through the ups and downs of college life.

However, Kemi soon realized that living with someone was not without its challenges. They had to learn to navigate each other's routines, preferences, and habits. Chika liked to stay up late, while Kemi preferred an early bedtime. Chika was an extrovert who enjoyed having friends over, while Kemi cherished her alone time. These differences sometimes led to minor conflicts and compromises.

One evening, after a particularly long day of classes and assignments, Kemi found herself needing a quiet space to focus on her studies. She politely asked Chika if she could keep the noise level down, but Chika seemed taken aback. Kemi could sense her roommate's disappointment and worry that she was being a burden.

They sat down on their respective beds, the tension palpable in the air. Kemi broke the silence. "Chika, I want to be honest with you. Living together means we'll have different needs and preferences at times. But that doesn't mean we can't work it out. Communication is key."

Chika nodded, a relieved smile crossing her face. "You're right, Kemi. I want us to be comfortable in our own space, too. Let's figure out a system that works for both of us."

From that moment on, Kemi and Chika made a concerted effort to communicate openly and honestly. They established quiet hours during exams and set boundaries for visitors. They learned to compromise and find middle ground, understanding that living together required mutual respect and understanding.

As the semester progressed, Kemi and Chika's bond deepened. They became each other's confidants, supporting one

Tobi stood outside his dorm room, nervously adjusting his backpack strap. He took a deep breath and turned the doorknob, entering a space that would be his home for the next year. Inside, he found his roommate, Max, unpacking his belongings.

Max had a friendly smile and an easygoing demeanor that immediately put Tobi eat ease. They exchanged introductions and began chatting about their interests, quickly discovering common ground in their love for sports and music. They soon realized that they shared a similar laid-back attitude, setting the stage for a promising friendship.

In another part of the dormitory, Joyce cautiously approached her room, her heart pounding in her chest. She turned the knob, and as the door swung open, she was greeted by her roommate, Sarah. With her vibrant purple hair and an infectious laugh, Kemi exuded a sense of creativity and adventure.

As they started unpacking their belongings, Joyce noticed Kemi collection of art supplies and sketches scattered around the room. Their conversation flowed effortlessly as they shared their dreams and aspirations. It became apparent that their shared love for art and their free-spirited nature would create a dynamic and inspiring living environment.

Meanwhile, Beauty found herself standing nervously outside her room, hoping for a compatible roommate. The door swung open, revealing a girl with a warm smile named Mia. They quickly discovered that they had grown up in neighboring towns and had attended the same high school, albeit in different years.

As they settled into their shared space, Beauty and Chika realized they had more in common than just their hometown. Both were passionate about environmental conservation and enjoyed spending time outdoors. They instantly bonded over their shared love for hiking and eagerly made plans for future outdoor adventures.

In yet another part of the dormitory, Kemi took a deep breath before entering her room. She was greeted by her roommate, Chika, who radiated a sense of sophistication and confidence. Chika had an impeccable sense of style and an air of maturity that intrigued Kemi

As they got to know each other, Kemi discovered that Chika was heavily involved in campus organizations and had a passion for social justice. Chika encouraged Kemi to step out of her comfort zone and join a club focused on issues close to her heart. Kemi felt a surge of motivation, realizing that Chika's influence would push her to grow and explore new horizons.

As the days turned into weeks, the freshmen settled into their routines, navigating the ups and downs of college life. The dynamic between roommates played a significant role in shaping their experiences.

Tobi and Max became inseparable, joining an intramural sports team together and attending concerts on campus. They provided each other with unwavering support, celebrating victories and offering a shoulder to lean on during challenging times.

Joyce and Kemi's room became a hub of creativity, adorned with colorful artwork and filled with the sounds of laughter and music. They spent evenings collaborating on projects, bouncing ideas off each other, and pushing the boundaries of their artistic abilities.

Beauty and Nneka became an unstoppable duo, leading sustainability initiatives on campus and organizing outdoor excursions for their friends. Their shared passion for the environment drove them to make a positive impact, and their room became a haven for discussions on eco-conscious living.

Kemi found herself drawn into Chika's social circle, attending events and rallies that highlighted important social issues. Grace's influence pushed her to confront her own biases and actively work towards positive change.

As the weeks turned into months, the bond between the roommates grew stronger, and they became more like a chosen family than mere strangers thrown together by chance. The experience of living together and sharing daily moments, both big and small, forged deep connections that transcended initial impressions.

For Tobi and Max, the roommate roulette had led them to discover not only shared interests but also complementary strengths. Max was more organized and helped Tobi establish a study schedule, while Tobi's easygoing nature helped Max relax during stressful times. They had each other's backs, whether it was covering for one another during a busy week or providing emotional support after a tough exam.

Joyce and Kemi's room became a sanctuary of support and encouragement. Their late night talks about life, love, and dreams strengthened their friendship. They were always there to lift each other up after a bad day or celebrate each other's triumphs. Kemi's adventurous spirit pushed Joyce to step outside her comfort zone and try new experiences, while Joyce's calming presence was a soothing balm during Kemi's moments of self doubt.

Beauty and Nneka were inseparable, and their friendship extended beyond the dorm walls. They often invited their floormates to join them on hikes or participate in campus clean up events. Their passion for environmental conservation resonated with many others, and their room became a hub of camaraderie, laughter, and shared purpose.

Kemi and Chika's connection evolved into a deep and meaningful relationship. Chika's strong sense of justice inspired Kemi to become more involved in campus activism. They attended rallies and volunteer events together, fighting for causes they both believed in. Through this shared activism, they forged a sisterly bond that brought them even closer.

As the semester progressed, the roommates navigated the ups and downs of college life together, creating cherished memories that would last a lifetime. They supported each other through heartbreak, celebrated birthdays and achievements, and shared the joys of discovering new interests and passions.

During Thanksgiving break, the roommates decided to organize a "Friendsgiving" celebration in their dormitory lounge. They pooled their culinary talents, creating a feast of homemade dishes. The aroma of turkey, mashed potatoes, and freshly baked pies filled the air, and laughter echoed through the hallways. As they sat around the table, sharing stories and laughter, they realized how much they had grown together.

When finals week arrived, stress levels soared, and the roommates provided each other with a network of support. Late night study sessions turned into impromptu dance parties to relieve tension, and they exchanged encouragement and motivational pep talks. Together, they navigated the pressure of exams, knowing they had friends who genuinely cared about their success.

As winter approached and the holiday season arrived, the roommates decided to celebrate together. They decorated their dorm room with twinkling lights and hung stockings on their doors. They exchanged small gifts and heartfelt notes, expressing gratitude for the friendships that had blossomed during their time as roommates.

But the journey was not without challenges. Living in close quarters, even with the closest of friends, could lead to disagreements and misunderstandings. However, the roommates learned the importance of open communication and compromise. They respected each other's boundaries and learned to resolve conflicts amicably.

As the first semester came to a close, the roommates reflected on their experiences. They realized that the roommate roulette had not only brought them together but had also changed them individually. They had grown more tolerant, empathetic, and open minded through their interactions with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Looking forward to the next semester, the roommates decided to take a trip together during spring break. They planned a road trip to a nearby national park, eager to explore the great outdoors and continue their adventures together. They knew that the experiences they shared during this