

I woke up I'm a dark room feeling dizzy and heavy. I could hardly sit or keep my eyes opened. The room looked like a dark forest.....a dark forest without life. Everything was In grey and black,no green.There was no sound In the room or forest I was in. The place sent an energy of death and it smelled of blood, although it was hard to sense the smell because it has been washed up.It was hard to see and some parts of this dreadful mysterious place as it was covered with fog.

I stood up with a limp in my walk and my forehead bleeding. Scars and blood all over my body,like sharp finger nails scratched me. It hurts everywhere,the scars felt.....weird.It had a burning sensation and it looked more like tattoos or drawings,I couldn't understand.

"Haa,you are finally awake!"

I heard a voice of a man and my eyes wandered around the forest but there was no one. Was I hallucinating? Is this a dream...?

"Are you looking for me dear,and darling.....I am as real as the pains you feel on your body could be~"

I heard again before the voice chuckled darkly and I felt a cold sharp pain in my spine. A sudden blue mist surrounded me and I ended up falling on the ground unable to run or defend myself.

"What is this!? Who are you? Show yourself!"

I yelled before whimpering in pain and holding my head. It felt like all the blood I'm my head was drying up. I couldn't think straight.

"Ahh! So stubborn and naive,just like I remember. Why wouldn't you just die~? You've been through so much already~"

I glared at the odd man while holding onto my bleeding forehead as it throbbed. The man skin was extremely pale but he had a slender muscular body and his eyes were glistering silver. He wore something like a robe but like the ones you would see people of high power in a eastern cultivation manhwa would. His hair fell slightly to his face giving him a delicate, sweet yet hot and seductive look. If not that he had been an asshole to me I would have mistaken him for an Angel.....noo,a god.

"I decide when I die you sick bastard. Who are you!? Why are you staring at me like that!? What do you want!? "

The odd white man offered me his hand to stand with a sinister smile and one of his hands behind his back. His pale skin and hair made him stand out in this dark disgusting forest. He didn't look human....what could he possibly want from me!? I have nothing.

"I didn't introduced myself. I'm Siyun, prince of ice,death and many more important things. Welcome to the land of the forgotten,I'm sure you don't remember somethings....It's normal here"

He said with a smug smile and a icy tone acting like all this is normal. Maybe he's a psychopath or probably a cosplayer.....but wait,I'm I like....dead?

"Firstly,I don't want to know what all this is about.....secondly,HOW THE HELL DID YOU KIDNAP ME AND MAKE ME LOSE MY MEMORY!? Is this like a dream,I'm I in coma....or is this hell?"

The man simply stared at me with amusement like a child watching an unusual creature. He chuckled darkly and suddenly stepped in front of me with a sadistic grin.

"You must have hit your head pretty bad...pffft, you're adorably stupid~"

The odd man started walking slowly towards me while he stared at the wounds on my body with confusion and amusement while I walked back and moved away from him with a irritated look on my face before I tripped and fell backwards with my injured leg. I groaned loudly at the pain with my eyes tightly shot before he held my leg and dragged it towards his direction with force.

"W-WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" I asked as my face flushed red while he kissed my injury with his icy soft lips. He repeated the same action while I struggled to release my leg then I noticed the wound starting to heal slowly while feeling a stabbing icy pain. I moaned softly as the pain kept intensifying and I let out a soft cry.

"Stop moving like a worm in salt water and relax or else I won't be able to treat you!"

He said in a cold commanding tone with a slight blush on his pale perfect white skin. It would have been more threatening if he didn't look slightly nervous.I relaxed my leg in his hand with my back on the ground while staring up at him with embarrassment. If a person were to see us like this they would definitely assume something....odd.

The wound suddenly healed and I felt my legs able to move without pain and I looked at him with a surprised expression before he let go off my leg roughly and looking away then coughing slightly with the blush still present on his face.

"I healed you and you owe me one"

He said sternly before walking away from the awkward situation while I was still sitted on the floor with a deep blush.It seemed I wasn't too surprised by his ability though.

"But I have more injuries....like on my back and shoulders. You can heal them.....right?

I said I'm a low tone while looking up at him shyly and pleadingly without thinking of what I said before Siyun chuckled darkly and walked in front of me before pinning me to the ground"

"Are you trying to seduce me~?"

He asked while smirking mischievously as my blush deepened and I moved back slightly as he pinned me down

"No....no! I'm not...I just–"

Before I could complete my sentence he held me by my waist and pulled me closer to his body while kissing the scars on my neck as they still hurt but were healing slowly. I gasped at his sudden action and my face flushed red with my hands on his chest trying to push him back as he kissed my neck but he was too strong, his scent was like a waterfall in a ice cave and I moaned softly at the pain and pleasure. He seemed to hesitate after hearing me moan and then he released his grip on me and silently started working into the forest without me.

"Ahh....hey wait!!!"

I started running to catch up to him while my hands caressed my neck. It did heal...how strange of a man....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Szaxar_artcreators' thoughts