

"It was that very dark,cold night. The moon was shinning brightly in the colour blood red and there was fog everywhere. The night when people unknowingly disappeared without traces and never returned.

Flowers would wither and turn to ashes,the birds and animals would become deadly silent. The only thing you could hear were sounds of a siren and loud thuds. Parents would lock their children and themselves in their houses and you wouldn't see a single soul outside.

The sound of the siren would get louder and louder and some might even get fooled by the sirens illusions and get led into its trap. The only thing you would hear in the end were screams and tears, flesh being ripped apart and bones getting broken.

It is the night known as THE SIRENS BLOOD BATH. It is known to happen every Two Centuries and as long as legends live,they all testified to the sirens leaving no survivor."

My grandmother told me the story while patting my head to sleep.

"Grandma,why does the siren cry?"

I asked my grandmother as an innocent, sweet, naive child.

"Some say it's because the siren is a evil monster,but I don't believe that. I think the siren is just...hurt."

My grandmother explained calmly while kissing my forehead.

"Do you think the siren would be fine? Do you know what hurt it?'

I asked my grandmother while playing with her white, long, silky hair.

"My sweet baby,there are somethings that we shouldn't know and we shouldn't try to find out. Now sleep beautifully darling,dream of what you love most."

She covered me in my bedsheets gently.

"Okay grammy"

I let go of her hair and my eyelids started dropping slowly and I eventually fell asleep.

It was that unfortunate night,that very night when everything became clear to me. That night that took away everything from me and gave me a curse in replacement.The pain and horror I felt then, I would never wish for a child to experience what I did....

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.It's my first time writing so I hope you like it

Szaxar_artcreators' thoughts