
Coffee Breath

A 14 year old witch, Y/n, who is going into her 4th at Hogwarts.She is excited for what this year will bring, but she doesn’t realize that this year will change everything.

b_abyfrog · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

-The First Day Of School-

At a quarter past 5 in the morning, Y/n

woke up from a nightmare to her palms sweating. What had the nightmare been

about? All she could remember was seeing

a boy she'd never seen before lying on the floor. Harry was standing over him.

She sat up and put het hands over her

eyes, trying her hardest to forget this memory. This had become a nightly routine ever since two weeks ago when Y/n had first woken up from this dream. Was it a sign? Was something about to happen to this boy that you only know from your dream? Or was it just that?

A dream.

Y/n decide to get up and get ready to go

back to school. She walked out of her room

and to the bathroom across the hall from

Rons room. Harry always slept in Rons

room when he was over, so Y/n was

surprised to see that he wasn't there when

she peeked her head through the door.

Maybe he hadn't gone back to bed after

their interaction last night. Maybe he had

also woken up early.

Slowly, Y/n backed out of the doorframe

of Ron's room, pulling the door shut. She

turned and walked into the bathroom. She then showered, brushed her wavy hair and her teeth.

After getting ready she open the bathroom door and ran into Harry once more.

"Morning Harry, how'd you sleep?"

Y/n said, pulling her bath robe tighter

"I slept fine. Are you ready to back to school?"

"Yea. But also no. I'm ready to see my

friends and have fun, but I'm not ready for

the school work. Or, you know"

She look at Harry and smile. They both said at the same time


Y/n laughed and walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind her

"I should, go get dressed"

She says, Harry nods and walks into

Ron's room. Y/n walked back to her room

and put on a sweater and jeans. She packed her trunk last night so that she wouldn't

have to worry about it in the morning. She grabbed one of her backpacks and put her Gryffindor robes in it with a couple more things she thought she might need.

Y/n then walked downstairs for breakfast with

her trunk and backpack in hand. She put them by the front door with everyone else's things and sit down at the table. Ron had woken up after Y/n and Harrys interaction outside if the bathroom. Fred and George had just come downstairs from their room. They

always wake up late, even if it's the first day

of school. Y/n wasn't quite sure when Ginny and Hermione had woken up but they were already eating by the time she had gotten downstairs.

Fred and George had come down with

their trunks, plus another bag. Which

Y/n knew was full of all the prank supplies

the three of them would be using this year.

"Y/n dear" Her aunt molly said turning

from the kitchen to her "Are you excited for school this year! Should be fun. Your Uncle

and I will bring all seven of you to the

station this morning. After that Fred and George will make sure you get on the train."

Usually Y/n's Aunt and Uncle would help them get onto the train, so everyone was a bit confused as to why this year was different. Ron is the only one that spoke up though.

"Why Fred and George? Why can't you and

dad do it like every year?"

He said. He sounded a little irritated at the

fact that his older brothers had this much responsibility. Aunt molly looked at him, irritated, and said in a very firm tone,

"Because, Ronald, me and your father have some urgent business to take care of. But

that is none of your concern, you will do as your told and I wont hear another word

about it. Now, we should get going."

Everyone gets up and puts there shoes on

just as Y/n's uncle, Arthur, walked in the

front door from work. He works at the

ministry of magic and usually works late at night and comes home early in the morning.

In this case he was running a bit late

"Morning Weaslys, are we all ready to be off?"

He says as he sets down his brief case and

gives aunt Molly a kiss. They all talked for a bit and then headed out of the house and to the station.

-At the Station-

Walking on to the platform always made

Y/n nervous, she couldn't say why, it just

did. Harry looked at her and saw that she

was breathing heavy and her eyes were

wide. He grabbed her hand and interlaced

his fingers with hers. He looked into her sparkling water blue eyes and gave Y/n a reassuring smile. She smiled back and they both walked hand in hand through the wall between platform 9 and 10.

Just like normal, they both emerged out on

the other side of the wall. As Y/n came

through the wall, she had bumped into a boy who was standing right in front of the entrance.

"Oh um, sorry I didn't see you"

She said looking up and meeting eyes with Draco Malfoy. He looked at her with wide

gray eyes. His expression quickly changed

to one of disgust and said

"Watch where your going. Next time, I won't

be as forgiving."

He then turned and walked towards the train which was approaching the platform. The other Weaslys and Hermione then came through the wall and they all walked toward the Hogwarts Express as well. Once on the train, the group found an empty compartment and all filed in. Y/n sat on one side with Fred, George, and Hermione. On the other side was Harry, Ginny, and Ron. Once seated Fred and George mocked her and Harry for holding hands. She blushed as they did this and Harry was trying his best to avoid eye contact with her.

"So Harry," Fred said "do you fancy our cousin?"

George then cut in at this "Because if you do, then you better treat her right."

Harry's face was bright red and he was looking at the twins in shock

"What?" He said "No I-I-I I don't like y/n. She was just nervous is all."

Hearing Harry say that he didn't like her made Y/n sad but also relived. She liked Harry, but she also didn't want to ruin such a good friendship if things didn't work out.

Nine hours later the Hogwarts Express

comes to a stop and everyone gets off. Y/n

had fallen asleep on the ride so she was a

bit groggy and still half asleep. George

helped her get off the train and into a

carriage. The carriages can only hold four students so Y/n went with Fred, George,

and Ginny since the golden trio wanted to

ride by themselves. A few minutes passed and they arrived at the castle and walk in side.

At the feast Y/n sat next to George and Harry. She had already eaten two plates of food and was absolutely stuffed. She turned her head to see Draco looking in your direction. Y/n always try to be nice so she waved at him. He quickly looked back down at his meal. Just then she heard George say

"So y/n and Fred, when should we pull our first prank? I don't think I can wait very long. This years line of pranked are going to be wicked."

Y/n and Fred laughed and Y/n said

"Well then we'll have to start as soon as possible. But not too soon. I don't want any detention the first week of school."

Fred and George nodded their head in agreement

"How about the first trip to Hogsmead?"

Fred said "The three of us can stay behind

and set up. The teachers won't suspect a thing since they'll think we've gone with everyone else into town."

Y/n agreed with this idea and George seemed ecstatic at the idea of pranking. The three of them laughed and continued to talk with the rest of the group.

When the feast ended, everyone went back to the common room and went to bed since it

had been such a long day. As everyone slept, Y/n was laying in her bed just staring at the ceiling.

She had thought many things while looking

up, but the one she kept thinking was why Draco had been staring at her in the great

hall. And why he had been so harsh on the platform earlier that day. Draco was never

nice to Y/n, but he had never been that mean before. After a while she closed your eyes

and drifted slowly to sleep.

A/n- Chapter Two! Sorry If There Are A Couple Spelling Mistakes, I Quickly Proof Read It.

-1462 Words
