
-August 30th-

"Y/n. Wake up. We're about to go to

diagon ally and your not even dressed!" Hermione said, standing over Y/N's

bed with her curly hair put up into a

ponytail. "Hermione? When did you

get here?" she asked as she sat up and

rubbed her eyes. "Never mind that, now

get up and put some clothes on. Your

aunt has breakfast ready." She said. She

turns and leaves the room, making sure

to turn the lights on.

-A few minutes later-

Y/n walked downstairs and sat at the

circular table with her cousins, plus

Hermione, and Harry. "Morning, y/n." Everyone says as she sits down.

"Morning" She says. Y/n's aunt Molly puts a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her.

After everyone finishes breakfast, they

travel to diagon ally, using floo-powder of course. When they arrive everyone splits

into groups. Her aunt, uncle, and Ginny

go to Flourish and Blotts. Ron,

Harry, and Hermione go to Quality

Quidditch Supplies. And Y/n and the

twins go to the Leaky Cauldron.

"So, y/n." Fred says as George cuts in.

"We were thinking"

"About what sort of pranks we

should pull this year."

Pranks. The twins and you are notorious

at Hogwarts for pulling the most

extravagant ones. Naturally, all

summer you three have been coming

up with new ideas for this years batch

of pranks.

"Well," she says, "obviously we have

to prank Snape." The twins look at each

other and then back at her "Obviously!"

They say at the exact same time. "And I

was thinking, what if we dye his robes?"

She says with a mischievous smirk on her

face. The twins also smile "Wicked."

After getting all of their supplies, everyone returns back to the burrow. Once

They get home Ginny, Hermione, and

Y/n decide to go for a walk.

"I hope Draco isn't too much of a

twat this year." Hermione says as the

three of them walk through wheat fields.

"Why are you thinking about Draco

Hermione? Do you have a crush?" Y/n

asks in a sing song voice.

"What! Of course not. Don't be ridiculous.

Be sides, even if I did have a crush,

it most certainly wouldn't be on Draco." Hermione says in a harsh tone. Ginny

and Y/n giggle and tease Hermione for

the rest of their walk.

That night after dinner Y/n takes a shower

and then goes to Fred and George's room.

The next few hours consist of the three of them plotting for the upcoming school

year "Guys, it's 1 a.m. We should go

to bed." Y/n says, nervous that she won't

wake up on time to get to kings cross.

Fred and George agree and say good

night to her. While walking back to her room, she bumps into Harry going downstairs.

"What are you doing?" He asks her while looking quite flustered.

"Going to my room. What are you doing?" She asks.

"Getting water, I- got thirsty." Y/n nods

and says good night to Harry, she starts

walking to her room again but he stops her

"Hey y/n?" He says


"I um... I really liked hanging out with

you today. Hope you sleep well." She smiled

at what he says and he turns and walks downstairs. She walked back to her

room, smiling the whole way.

A/n: So I originally wrote this story on Wattpad (you can go read the original one there, it's still up) but I'm also going to post it on here because why not. Also the Wattpad version has all of the pictures and stuff. If someone knows how to put pictures in here than please tell me😁 thank you♡︎

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