
Chronicles of Midrealm

Years have passed since the mortal races of the world stood united against the might of the Demons. Although Midrealm was saved, the mortals were weakened. Now that a terrible darkness has returned, will the inhabitants of Midrealm prevail? Hello guys, Author here. I would like to thank you for deciding to read this story of mine, I do really appreciate the gesture from the bottom of my heart. If you liked the story, please do me a good favor and add it to your library for the future and perhaps send some love and donate power stones too?

Grapejuice · Fantasi
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9 Chs

Bear-ing the bare neccessities.

The group of Anryn traversed the dense forest as they look for the temple ruins, the nest of the forest bears. The raven joined them on their journey as it took quite a liking to Anryn. Anryn fed her new companion with a few bread crumbs as they continued their search for the broken temple.

'Caw caw! Give me more!'

'Haven't I fed you enough?'

'Breadcrumbs… They're good.'

'If you eat more you'll get fat.'

'Fat? No no, Rip doesn't want to get fat.'

Anryn giggled at the amusing behavior of her new companion, Rip. Yes, the raven goes by the name of Rip, courtesy to Anryn.

Donna received goosebumps as she witnessed her friend suddenly giggling out of nowhere, thinking that perhaps Anryn had become crazy or maybe she was just having a good time with her new pet Raven?

The group noticed a white pillar in the distance, assuming that perhaps it's related to the temple that they are looking for. They slowly walked towards it as they cautiously scanned their surroundings, looking for any sign of a bear.

Out of nowhere, Rip cawed as a rustling sound occurred from a nearby bush, startling the group. The trio braced themselves for anything that would come out of the bush, whether it's a bear or a bunny. Just as they expected, a brown bear came out of the bushes as it eyed them with frenzy. The bear wasn't as thin looking as the druid said but the boils were present as parts of its body were missing fur and are replaced by gruesome wounds.

The bear launched itself toward the trio, aiming its claw to the one in front. Dobart swiftly dodged the bear as the trio dispersed around the area. Donna drew out her crossbow and loaded it with an iron bolt. Anryn panicked as she doesn't have a weapon in hand. Dobart saw her being nervous and decided to give her one of his swords but the bear cut him off as it swiped it claw trying to injure him.

Donna aimed her crossbow at the bear and pulled the trigger as the crossbow bolt flew towards it, embedding itself in its shoulder. The bear roared in pain as its shoulder bled from the wound caused by the iron bolt stuck in its shoulder.

The bear went into a frenzy as it turned around and charged at Donna. "Donna, Watch out!" Shouted Anryn as she tried to warn her friend. Donna noticed the incoming bear in time and managed to dodge a swipe from its vicious claw.

Dobart charged at the bear as he brandished his swords, aiming to slice its neck. The edge of his swords connected and went halfway deep inside the bear's neck. Blood spurted out from the bear's neck as half of it was ruthlessly sliced. Dobart saw that the bear didn't give up yet, so he did what any sane man would do, completely cut its head off.

Dobart swung his swords once more with all of his might as they descended on the bear. The swords went through the tough neck of the bear as its head was decapitated.

The bear finally fell as a fountain of blood spurted out from where its head used to be. The group breathed a sigh of relief as the bear was finally brought down.

'Caw caw! That was fun!'

'That was dangerous, not fun!'

Anryn sighed at the thoughts of her bird companion as the bird was not fazed at all. "Phew! That was close." Said Donna. "Indeed, the bear was tougher than your average ones, good thing it wasn't as smart as the other ones though." Remarked Dobart

"What do we do now?" Asked Arnyn. "Well, since we killed one, why not bring it back in the village?" Said Donna.

"What?! But the bear is twice as big as me and its really heavy…" Said Anryn. "We don't have to bring the whole carcass back, just cut out its stomach and get a piece of its skin so Tiriel can examine them." Said Dobart. "Eh? But that's disgusting! I mean, just look at the bear!" Exclaimed Donna.

"If you don't want to do it, then I will." Said Anryn. Dobart stepped forward to the dead bear with a sword in hand. "You girls don't have to, I'll do it myself." Said Dobart.

Donna was glad that she didn't have to take apart the bear's intestines and peel off its disgusting skin, while Anryn is also glad that she didn't have to do the dirty job.

Dobart held his saber as he sliced open the stomach of the dead bear. The bear's intestines poked out from its abdomen as blood spilled on the ground. Dobart took out the bear's intestines as well as a patch of skin that had boils in it. He then opened up his leather backpack and placed them inside, though the bag was a little bit small for the intestine, still, it has enough as it kept the intestines tight and snug.

Why do I have to bear this bear-den?

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