
Chronicles of Midrealm

Years have passed since the mortal races of the world stood united against the might of the Demons. Although Midrealm was saved, the mortals were weakened. Now that a terrible darkness has returned, will the inhabitants of Midrealm prevail? Hello guys, Author here. I would like to thank you for deciding to read this story of mine, I do really appreciate the gesture from the bottom of my heart. If you liked the story, please do me a good favor and add it to your library for the future and perhaps send some love and donate power stones too?

Grapejuice · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Caw caw! They like soup!

Donna almost hurled as she was disgusted by the appearance of the intestines inside Dobart's backpack. Anryn felt the same but held the urge to puke. Rip, the Raven, looked away in disgust as he saw the intestines.

'Caw caw! Ca-yuck!'

Dobart strapped the intestine filled leather bag on his shoulder as he faced the girls. "Alright, I think we got what we wanted, we may not have gone closer to the ruins but this is good for now. Let's go back." Said Dobart.

Donna and Anryn nodded as they kept themselves from puking. The group traversed the forest once more as they headed back to the village. They were interrupted by a wolf on the way as it smelled the scent of meat coming from Dobart. The wolf tried to attack Dobart but was immediately sliced apart from one of his swords, killing it immediately.

The group arrived back at the village with the intestine and the disgusting patch of skin. Thanatos welcomed them back but didn't come any closer as he snuffed the foul smell coming from the leather bag of Dobart. It almost seemed that he was about to hurl, though do Elves even puke?

Thanatos waved them away as the group went to the house of the village Druid. The elves that they met along the way all held their noses as they tried not to breathe due to the foul smell that came from Dobart.

The group eventually arrived at Tiriel's doorsteps and knocked on the wooden door of his house. Tiriel opened up the door as he is greeted by his friends, though one of them has blood all over. Dobart handed over the bag of intestine and skin to Tiriel as he immediately ran straight to his house, probably intending to take a bath as he sure was smelly.

Anryn apologized to Tiriel on Dobart's behalf to which the druid just shrugged and congratulated them for their success of hunting one of the diseased bears. Tiriel thanked them while eyeing the raven on top of Anryn's shoulder and told them to come back to his house tomorrow as he intends to examine the bear's intestine and skin. He looked at the leather bag with excitement like a kid as if he's holding a bag full of candy.

The girls were dumbfounded that Tiriel wasn't even slightly disturbed nor disgusted on the contents of the bag, in fact, he looked very happy. Tiriel sent them away as he closed his doors and is intent on researching the contents of the bag.

Anryn and Donna went back to their small house and took a dip inside the enchanted pond within their lodging. Rip, the Raven, decided to explore the elven village as the girls took a bath. They sighed in relief as they finally had a chance to wash off the dirt within their bodies. Both of them had expressions of bliss as they relaxed inside the enchanted pond, the pond had magical elements that removed the dirt from their skin and actually managed to rejuvenate them, making their skin look healthier and smooth to the touch.

The girls went outside of the pond and dried themselves with one of the long cloth provided to them by the elves. They then wore new clothes as they prepared themselves to go to the house of Miranda. Miranda herself knocked on the door of their house and went inside herself as she asked them if they want to eat with her.

The girls nodded vigorously and went with Miranda as they entered her home. Upon entering, they were welcomed by a delicious aroma as a pot of hot mushroom soup is sitting on top of her table.

They immediately ran toward the table as they drooled over the pot of soup. Miranda chuckled at the girl's behavior and took out three wooden bowls and three odd square-shaped wooden spoons from her cupboard and placed them on top of the table.

The girls scooped up the soup with their bowls and wolfed their meal as the taste of the soup was just too delicious. They then took a rest for the day as tomorrow is yet another day for another quest.

Caw caw caw! Give me corn soup!

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