
Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Going over his options John chose 5 of them, 4 war slaves consisting of a strategist, a weapon master and lastly a pair of mages with 1 being a supporter and the other a long range attacker, as for the 5th chosen slave it was a debt slave who was apparently a person who was excellent at speaking called a orator, as for why a strange combination like this, it was simply so that he would have a good balance of fighters to help him in his future battles and have there experience to guide him as well, and a speaker to convince others and be a face as he didn't trust himself with speaking after what happened with the former fighters of his and to lead things in his absence, essentially being the controller and ruler of his camp not just in his absence but also answering only to him, his skills no doubt of great use.

A few moments later 7 people entered the room lead by Peter, the first 5 where the ones John had chosen, a eastern looking old man draped in a robe and hat with a thin moustache and sharp face, a burly young man without hair and full of scars wearing a simple pair of pants, a pair of female twins which did surprise John slightly before he realized there gender was never stated on the forms, one was blonde in a blue robe and the other a redhead in a solid green and red robe that oddly seemed to suit her, each of them had soft faces but hard eyes and a staff in there hands. The last person from his choice was a young-looking man in a suit, sleek back hair and a gentle innocent look with a smile that would put anyone at ease around him.

The last 2 though caused John to look at Peter in confusion only for him to quickly explain.

"Remember how I stated that some are here by their own choice and would choose their own masters? Well, these 2 would fall under that category and expressed a desire to speak with you and see if you are what they're looking for." He tells John with a complicated smile. Making him feel like there was more to it that was not said.

Looking the 2 extra's over John took note of their various figures, one appeared rather young, snow white hair, almost touching the floor and equally pale complexion and skin with crimson eyes but rather short, coming to just under to Johns chest, her outfit consisting of a simple dress and the other a stark contrast, her hair a brownish orange, 2 fox ears poking out her head and a fuzzy tail slowly swishing behind her, a kimono wrapped loosely around her form but clearly meant to highlight her assets, crystal blue eyes with a mischievous glint in them seemed to be inspecting him.

"What reason did you 2 want to come with me? Not this or that but I can't think of a single reason for it, also I don't really know how much time I have left in the mall, so I was hoping to wrap things up fast." John tells them, somewhat confused and wanting to finish this as soon as he could, not to mention he was unsure about these 2, not knowing what they where capable of and not wanting to take them in and be unable to ensure some form of safety for them, the ones back at base having both Ash, Saya and the twins looking out for them due to shared circumstances, something these 2 wouldn't have.

"We would be able to handle ourselves if things get messy, I can clearly see that's what's on your mind right now, but you have definitely made me more interested now, after all who in their right mind could resist me? Well, a gay man might be able to, but you don't seem to swing that way to me. But that definitely seals it for me, I want you to be my master!" The fox girl says with a small bow at the end, a saucy smile upon her lips.

"This one just wishes to know 2 things; your answer will allow this one to decide if she wishes to trust you and accompany you or not. Tell this one how you have multiple souls within you but not in conflict and rather blending and building with your original soul and secondly tell this one why there is remnants of a god on you? Its clear to this one its been removed recently but how is it that something such as that could happen to a lowly human?" The short girl in white asks in a monotone, her head tilted to the side but the fangs that where visible as she spoke clearly showed he vampiric nature.

"There my friends, they're blended with my own soul to help me survive after an encounter with something monstrously strong, as for the remnants your talking about its because a new friend recently removed something relating to the monstrously strong entity that was slowly influencing me. I don't want to speak more of that so you will need to just be happy with that answer." John tells her, trying to not give too many details and ending the conversation there.

"This one has decided she shall grace you with her company, but she expects you to bring her back here and to release her should she request it." The short girl says still in a monotone conveying no emotions receiving a nod from John.

"I don't really want to take the 2 of you with me though, don't I really get a choice in this?" John asks looking at Peter only to get a shrug in response.

"No one has actually said no in a situation like this before, and I think they would just try to follow you anyway even if you did refuse, I'd recommend just taking them with you." He tells John getting a frown in return as he turned to the pair.

"If you 2 are really going to follow me then you should be aware of a few things, firstly my world is currently in an apocalyptic like state, so don't expect amazing food or amazing places to stay, secondly I'm planning to do a lot of attacks once I return and won't be able to babysit the 2 of you, so if you can defend yourselves or be of use that would be perfect, lastly I am probably going to lose the small group I have upon return leaving me with only the ones you see here and 2 others at most, the rest of my small group probably going to be leaving me due to my own actions as I am clearly not a good leader." He tells the pair seriously as he tried to dissuade them.

"This one does not care; she has made her choice and is rather interested in the one she has chosen as her Master." The small girl says getting a rapid nodding from the Fox girl next to her at a speed that made John slightly concerned that she would hurt her neck.

With a sigh John turned to Peter and asked for the contracts and paperwork, it was clear the extra pair wouldn't relent and if Peter was serious they would try to follow him regardless, at least this way there would be a level of control on his part.