
Chapter 90

Chapter 90

A full 20 minutes later John walked back to the lobby area having his new slaves all tagged and in his storage back where he was greeted by Oleg and Sweet Bell where waiting, Oleg paying for him with a wide smile but asking why he only took half the number that was offered only for John to explain that he didn't get a strong feeling in his gut about the others but also didn't want to take to much of a advantage of Oleg's kindness, how he had actually chosen 5 but the other 2 added themselves getting a smirk from Oleg and calling him a lucky dog and causing him to sigh.

"I don't suppose you have any items or potions or anything that could fatten me back up by any chance, some magic food or something? I rather dislike being this skinny and toned, a hard stomach and muscles just aren't cuddly or for me." John says getting a laugh from Oleg and a confused look from Sweet Bell.

"Unfortunately not but I will ask around, oh next week I'm having a meeting of the Honourable. Order of. Respectable. Noble. Youngsters. And would love for you to meet them and maybe join us, one of them might have a way to bulk you back up as each and every single one of us are men of culture with the true bodies of adonises!" Oleg says seemingly proud as he pats his gut causing his form to jiggle, John doubted he realized what a body of Adonis actually meant but kept silent, similarly he didn't point out how calling themselves men of culture in a group called HORNY could give some the wrong impression but did promise to be there if he could. He explained how he wasn't sure where his metal plate would land him in the mall only to be reassured that he would be found and brought to there secret meeting place.

Before he could continue though he felt himself waking up, giving the pair a final thank you John seemed to disappear entirely from the mall, his form shimmering away like water.

"Why did you go do far for this human? I mean you hate them to the point that you slaughtered entire cities back home just because they where human, and now you helped him out so much and even went so far as to invite him to your private group using the one pass you have for it, so spill, what's so special about him? And don't think I didn't notice how you intentionally created the commotion at the start just to get his attention and just so happened to have him brought over to that soul mirror." Sweet Bell says floating infront of Oleg, her tone and expression clearly showing annoyance and confusion.

"I hate humans, after what they did, they deserve to be eradicated from existence, but I know that can never actually happen due to race balance or whatever, but to answer your question let me ask my own, first what makes you think his human? What human can survive a gods remnants control and erosion? He admitted it influenced him, but his reaction shows he faced whatever it is that it came from and survived, what human of his strength can face a god and come out of it? Furthermore, it left a remnant attached clearly showing it isn't a weak on." Oleg says in a confident and complicated tone as he pulled out the crystal containing the remnant he removed from John.

"Furthermore, he didn't seem to realize it till after I showed him in the mirror, the value of something like this isn't low my little friend, I could trade this for a planet, and if I can get it refined then I could even possibly trade it for a realm. All I gave him for this is clearly me taking advantage, but when have I ever seen myself short?" He tells her with a smile almost causing her to fall out the air in shock.

"But that's besides the point, I'm choosing to take a gamble on him, he seems interesting and if this is the type of items I could get from him or can help him get and then sell or give to me in exchange for things I have no real desire for and don't mind supplying to him, well I think its more than worth it." Oleg says with a laugh causing her to facepalm.

"Once more your title of Green Greed shows itself, so now you're going to be that humans sugar Daddy? Well, I won't say he isn't interesting, he definitely had a strange feeling to him, ill try to find a way for us to watch him later, possibly call in some favours to make it happen." Sweet Bell says, showing that Olegs words did get to her and caused her own curiosity to spike in regard to John.

"I'm sure the others will feel the same way, besides, his soul is a fatty like the rest of us and he actually wants to regain his good figure, but unlike the fat humans who are so through gluttony his fatness is more for a comfort, it's not something I can explain to a skinny." Oleg finishes with a grin causing Sweet Bell to be unsure if she should feel confused, exasperated or insulted, eventually she decided she was insulted and slapped him causing him to laugh once more.

Happy new year everyone!!! I wish each and every one of you the best for this coming year

Coronis_Nocturncreators' thoughts