
Chapter 73

Chapter 73

"I'll take the special, as for the gotcha add in a extra 10 tickets." John says eventually with a sigh, this way each of them would get 5 tries but he refused to go beyond that. If the girls wanted to try more, they would need to get the tickets themselves.

"Excellent choice! The current total of your purchase is 25 coins, or you can try to trade items to make up a equivalent value!" Z says in an overly cheery tone making him feel as if he had been suckered into things, but without a valid frame of reference he had no choice but to accept it.

"Oooh wait wait! What about the secret codes and cheats we got for merchants! Do it now my chubby cuddle monkey! Use the force of the cheats and secret words!" Alice practically yelled as she bounced over getting a look from Z and a frustrated sigh from John.

"I really doubt they would be of any help at all, and besides, any that could work would have no doubt changed by now, but if it will make you happy ill try." John says giving Alice a exasperated look and taking a deep breath to ready himself as he tried to bring to mind the words from the paper.

"Okay, I'm enacting merchant code 341, order 66, 7331, 80085, A person dies when they are killed so give me a discount before such a fate happens to me and the CGI dragon comes to haunt my nightmares, the cake is a lie, all your bases are belonging to us, do a barrel role, LEROY JENKINS! I can has cheeseburger? What if I told you, one does not simply walk into Mordor, its over 9000! Ain't nobody got time for that, that's what she said, why so serious? Keep calm and carry on, Hodor, you had one job, just do it, it's a trap!" John says, changing his voice where appropriate getting a concerned look from Ash but Alice seemed to be turning red and struggling to hold back her laughter before letting loose and laughing so hard, she had fallen to the ground rolling around.

"I, I can't breathe hahaha I can't! hahahaha! You hahaha you actually said all that! Hahaha. Deadpool would be so proud and hahahaha would complain about there being to many references hahaha" Alice managed to wheeze out between her laughing fit causing John to turn red in embracement.

"Well its clear you have some kind of mental issues my friend, I have no idea how any of that could be codes but ill tell you what, I'll throw in those 10 extra tickets for free and only charge you the 23 coin, I'll also pay special attention to teach you slowly since after that you clearly need the extra help." Z says with clear sympathy making John feel even more embarrassed as Ash came over to pat him on the back.

"There there, it's clear you got done in by a troll, ive had my own fair share of Rick Rolls so don't worry, I'm here for you." Ash says but the smile and supressed laughs clearly told him she was also greatly enjoying this.

Reaching into his cloak and finding a pocket John took out 12 coins along with his phone, placing the coins on the counter before getting the small pouch out from the cloaks pocket space to pay the rest but interrupted by Z telling him to wait. Rather confused John saw them pick up a coin and stare intently at it, almost like they were analysing it to unlock the secrets of the universe.

"Is something wrong? I mean there's only 12 there and I still owe another 11, I can pay for this but is there something wrong with the coins? There not fake or anything right? I can try to find stuff to trade if I have to, but I got given these pretty early from a reliable source, so I thought they where okay." John couldn't help but ask, fearing there was something wrong with the coins only to receive a headshake and sharp piercing look form Z.

"What do you know of coins and their value? Didn't your source explain anything?" Z asked in a serious tone, the playful and cheery salesperson now a cold hard syntho voice causing John to frown.

"Just that they wished me luck and these coins where a parting gift to try and help me, what's wrong with them?" He couldn't help but ask.

"I swear you are making this so hard for me right now, if not for being such a kind-hearted merchant with honour and pitying such a poor poor brain damaged fool such as you I would have kept silent." Z says with a huff "Most coins are basic gold coins, it's what gamers get an have drop and a main form of currency, these though are prismatic, its retained their original essence, given a few days there supposed to go gold and that's the end of it, these prismatic coins are a mutation in the coin where they retain their original essence, there rare to see and hard to find, so I'll give you a deal, I'll take only these 12 as payment and throw in a weapon and single piece of armour for each of you." Z says waving their hand and causing the coins to disappear up a sleeve and reaching under the table to pull out a small book.

"you can each have 1 weapon and 1 piece of armour from this catalogue! Its truly a good bargain! And with this the sale is done, no refunds or exchanges, deal is closed thank you good sir!" Z says back in their sales pitch voice and clearly overly excited.

"What's the value of a single one of these coins? Consider it me buying information and ill even use 1 of them as payment for this information." John says with a frown getting the small pouch out and placing the coin on the counter only for the coin to quickly be swept away into one of Z's sleeves.

"Why thank you my oh so generous customer, the value of a prismatic coin is 2 times 8 times 9 divided by 8 minus 9 times 3 plus 18. That is the value of one of these prismatic coins that you oh so generously traded with me." Z says with a eye smile.

Doing the math by using his phones calculator John realized each single coin was worth 9 regular coins and this damn black hearted merchant had truly scammed him there, instead of paying 23 coins he ended up paying 108! If his was a manga he would no doubt, be spewing blood right now at being ripped off so heavily! Feeling upset he glared at the merchant who just waved a sleeve at him still eye smiling.