
Chapter 74

Chapter 74

With a sigh he touched the top one and it turned to dust in a familiar way before a sharp spike of pain was felt in his head for a brief moment, taking another 2 afterwards he touched them on Alice and Ash causing them to wince and recoil in pain. "Okay, we've learnt the damn skill, now how do we use it?" John asks in frustration, clearly still upset about being cheated.

"Well my clearly jilted friend, its rather simple, you make a ring with your thumb and index finger, it doesn't matter which side and then raise it to your eye and look at an object through it like so." Z says giving a example, leaning in close to the appraisal books for emphasis and surprising them with how easy it was to use this skill, each quickly trying it but frowning soon after as they couldn't seem to see much stats or even descriptions on a lot of the items, furthermore it was only close items they could appraise.

When they asked about it they received a bland look and got asked what did they expect? The skill is cheap, and it would need a lot of practice to increase and get better along with how it's the watered down skill from the class of the same name and how appraisal class is highly sought after, the top appraisers on the rankings easily able to make millions and to be happy that it at least didn't take any stamina or anything else form them to use.

well the girls where upset at hearing that John felt differently and began to try and appraise everything he could, going around the shop and using the skill on everything he could, slowly the information he could see became clearer, more detailed and understandable, even objects he had looked at before had more information.

The girls and Z couldn't understand what John was doing, unsure if it was something specific, he was looking for or just being overly excited, but choosing to ignore his sudden madness that Alice felt oddly proud about they turned there focus to the catalogue to choose a weapon and piece of armour. Z merely shook their head and made a soft comment about idiots and seemingly feeling sorry for him unaware that john's class had kicked in at last, his level of appraisal becoming as good as the second best in his world.

It was a full 5 minutes later before John had finally stopped and looked at Z, feeling rather curious he couldn't help but ask if the skill worked on people, only to be told in a amused tone to ty it himself but not to be disappointed, clearly hinting at the fact that it wouldn't work without the class.

Not feeling deterred he did exactly that and turned to Alice as his first-person appraising attempt and surprisingly it seemed to work.

Name : Alice

Class : Cosplayer +1

Age : 26

Gender: Female (possibly able to change with persona of chosen costume but untested)

Rank : Meh, fun to check in on at times

Race : Pure blooded human

God : @#$%&***

Nature : Broken, currently held together if barely by the existence of *****

Description : A girl who had a rough time with her parents, forced to be things she wasn't she caught the attention of @#$%&*** who granted her the cosplayer class, no more would she be forced into being things she wasn't but instead granted the choice and ability to be whoever and whatever she wants.

Well it wasn't what he expected it was definitely more than he hoped for even with the odd remarks, knowing it works on people he tried Ash next hoping to find out a bit more about her.

Name : Ashley (Ash)

Class : Phantasmal Reality

Age :36 (Ability used to appear in her late teens)

Gender : Female

Rank : Entertaining till she limited herself, soon lost the interest of many watchers

Race : Pure blooded human

God : Aetherion Dreamweaver (Be glad they aren't hiding themselves)

Nature : Playful but broken, cant differentiate what is and is not real due to mental disorder

Description : A abused young women, her family when young would go out there way to take their frustrations out upon her, to hope and escape she mentally cut herself off by entering a fantasy world, when she grew older she discovered manga and anime and turned to them to escape the pain brought upon her from the real world, was taken out of that environment but the damage was to extensive resulting in her seeing the fantasy worlds in the real world around her, the god Aetherion Dreamweaver felt she would be entertaining and gave her more power than what was technically allowed for the level in hopes of seeing her destroy everything and herself but lost interest soon after seeing her control herself to a limited degree.

John couldn't help but frown at that, having seen more than he felt was needed or should have been allowed but silently promising himself to take a bit better care of her and Alice, both deserving to finally be happy.

lastly was the cheat Z, figuring that it worked on the pair he might as well try it on them as well in hopes of finding something useful to use against them.

Name : Z (meet the amazing mega super ultra-awesome merchant Z (self proclaimed)) real name Z*** Artrais

Class : Merchant (Black merchant, cheat and scammer)

Age : 25

Gender: ***

Rank : ***

Race : *** cat ***

God : Plutus Swindelthane (This time the name is free but next time I will charge you)

Nature : Sneaky, playful, greedy, somewhat honest, lazy, cautious, loyal, but always honourable in regards to quality of products, half black hearted.

Description : A young *** who got roped into becoming a merchant desiring to make their mark on the world by amassing riches, they may be new to the trade but through there god sponsor managed to get many goods on loan in exchange for a payment plan, they enjoys suckering people but never takes it to far and has their own code of honour as a merchant that is slightly more loose than normal merchants but at the same time far more honest than other merchants most of the time, unless the money is already involved in which case they will attempt to get all they can out of any deal.

"I must say little Z Artais, chosen of God Plutus you really are quite the merchant and even though you scammed me the skill book was definitely more than worth it," John couldn't help but say with a smile enjoying the shock in there widening eyes at hearing him say all that.