
Children of Light (Dark World)

A girl sets her path in an Adventure, the journey to the South which will eventually take her to the North of world. Welcome to the land of God, where different Realms and Species exist. The wild Beasts that can swallow the whole kingdom. The huge Mountain and Deep Abyss, the sky land and Underworld. The people are fallen on the mortal land. The Night longer than days. The land which has recovered from a Fierced battle between Light and Dark, soaked with Millions of peoples blood. Our MC name is Sylvie, in this story she will follow her guide to find the mystery of their origin and the fight that was fought million of year ago. She will find her Ancestor relics that will help in her Journey. The Guide is bound to her soul and it will only leave her body after she completes the task. She have to unite every species to Rebuild the shattered sky that will take them to Immortality. Along the way she will encounter countless friends, Frenemy, Fierce monster's, Challenges that will try to exhaust her body and torn her soul apart. But she have to stand-up for the truth and cut the mountains blocking her path. ... This novel has nothing to do with the writing contest in webnovel and it was never a part of it. I accidentally clicked that WPC contest while creating the Novel, and now further... I will not update any chapter in Webnovel for now. ___________________________________________________ Note : The characters in my Stories doesn't have any last name because i don't want to put them. Besides it is not going to make any difference in the story.

Spacewarrior17 · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 (The Tree House)

//21st of Month 14//40th hour//

Sylvie walk towards her home through a dense forest.

The beast near her were lurking in the dark, while some are walking and eating grass openly. But they didn't attack her, she was not their target or it can be said they were no match for her. This lowly level of beast doesn't dare to come near a powerful person, even if they are in their weakest state and half-dead.

It was obvious that the beasts in shadow were Predators and the beasts eating grass and leaf of trees are their Prey. The Beasts in the dark looks like a Pack of Wolf, but they are in fact a pack of wild dogs if observed closely. They were looking like a buffed wild dog which have gone through some mutation, but it is actually normal in this world. The herd of deers were illuminating different kind and intensity of lights from their back, which extends from their frontal skull to all the way to their scut (short tails).

The different colour of lights are the description of their Age and also their Species. The intensity of the light shows their soul power and the type of vibration shows their Potential power. The light on this herd of deer were all light red with different intensity. But some of them were very bright and vibrating very sprightly which shows that they are not actually very weak either and are quite old and bold.

The Predators were not Illuminating any light, not because they can't, but they have to hide behind shadows to not alert their prey. They also have red light hidden from their back, but are dimmer than their prey. It is also why they move in packs of thirty and forty to take down there strong prey. There is a saying 'strength in numbers', which also describes this wild dogs hunting style. They move in large numbers and are generally weak, even so they are able to Kill beast stronger than them.

"Woof..., Bow-wow....., Wow.." *Barking sound*

"eeaahhuuuu... eeaahhwow... eeaahhwow" *sound of Mew and Barking during danger*

After Sylvie pass by the wild dog sight, the pack of wild dogs make their move. The predators were already prepared for the ambush and after confirming that she left, they all pounced on a nearest elk from three direction. The Elk didn't even got a chance to react and by the time he realised, it was already too late. The other Elks near him didn't run far away and only changed their place, as they knew the deed has already been done and pack of wild dogs are not so fool to attack all of them either. Actually the Elk which was attacked was already injured from previous week of attack by a pack of wolves. So, they didn't help him as it would have been futile to save an elk which is in a brink of death.

"The 'Death' is fair. If you aren't strong and clever, you're Dead."

By the time she returned to her Living place, it was already late night. Even though she came back empty handed, but that was not a problem as she already have her food stored. As she reached near her living, she got Ambushed by a little Angel from behind. She has very cute face and have very little size around one foot. She looks very pure and white which is also very charming to the eyes with her pony tail and pointed ears. She doesn't have any physical body and she looks quite Translucent. It was not only her unique feature but also a hint that she is in her weak spirit form. She came flying near Sylvie to ambush her from behind.

"Bhhooooww" *A cute Barking tone*

"Aahhaaaa" *fake scream*

"Hehehe... sister you got scared by me"

"Humph! who said i got scared by a puny girl" *pouting*

"Anyway, why you are outside of boundary when I'm not around, i warned you not to disobey me." *Angry*

"Soory sister, i saw you coming so i got excited and forget about your warning"

She make a face of innocence to look cute and avoid the incoming scolding, but instead she get a kiss in the forehead.

"You know why i'm so worried about you, there are lots of wild Beast and Hunters are recently lurking here. I can't protect you if I'm not around." She said while hugging her tightly, It was a warm hug.

"Mum..... i know sister, don't worry i won't do it again" the little girl said in a reassuring tone.

"You better keep your word or i'll not take you outside" *Teasing*

"aw...., come on, you didn't take me outside from weeks" *pouting*

"Ok.. ok.. i will take you tomorrow" she said while giving a sweet smile.

They move forward slowly approaching their destination which was a Very old and Huge tree, their was a tree house in that tree. After a deep contemplation they made a decision to make a tree house in that tree, but they have to Renovate it every year. It is because sometimes a power full beast will come near their house and cause this destruction. They are not the actual reason that cause the damage to the treehouse but it is actually due to the tree itself. The tree is actually conscious and can move by Itself. It feeds on living Beasts and after Thousands of years it has became very huge and strong. The tree eats only Huge beast and goes to slumber for years.

The tree looks very heavy because its branches were very dense and is bend towards outside. It was illuminating a very dim Orange light from its trunk and various branches. The tree is only illuminating some of its part which makes it looks like several blood veins are glowing brightly.

It has stopped glowing its leaves two weeks ago, it was a sign that it is feeling hungry. They can't dim their lights very fast like beast but it doesn't mean they have to take several weeks to do so. By dimming its light slowly it is actually blending with its surrounding flora, and adjusting its power level to conceal itself.

The dimming process is very fast and easy but they can't do same for adjusting their vibration. It takes time and most of the low level beasts can't do that and trees like them find it even more difficult to do so as they generally have large potential power stored. It is actually very impressive of it to achieve that level of control, despite being a tree. It is able to do it because it is very old and experienced, partially because it is close to breakthrough to the next level.

After completely blending with its environment to look low-key it will make a trap of different kind, like sometimes it produces a huge fragrant flower to attract huge finches like Species. Sometimes it will mimics some beast to attract its prey through adjusting the size and shape of its branch in a dark and dim background to not alert the prey. After a beast fall in its range of Attack, it will immediately open its mouth which is always rooted in ground and eat the beast wholly. It will take the help of its flexible branches to bind its prey, after that it releases a bunch of tentacles from its mouth to pull its prey towards the opening.

After eating a huge beast it will generally goes to sleep for a year or more, but this time it looks like his power is about to breakthrough and he needs more food to sustain despite eating a huge wolf previous time.

They both choose this tree many years ago, despite the danger because they observed that it never shows any interest on them and it never eats a small prey. Even if eat engulfed them, it will be very easy for them to escape from the huge opening of its mouth unlike a huge wolf beast.





1. The moose (elk deer) didn't illuminate any light in the previous chapter, because it was day time and it is the time to absorb the light energy.

2. The light illumination is for showing their Power and Dominance and is not for fashion.