
Children of Light (Dark World)

A girl sets her path in an Adventure, the journey to the South which will eventually take her to the North of world. Welcome to the land of God, where different Realms and Species exist. The wild Beasts that can swallow the whole kingdom. The huge Mountain and Deep Abyss, the sky land and Underworld. The people are fallen on the mortal land. The Night longer than days. The land which has recovered from a Fierced battle between Light and Dark, soaked with Millions of peoples blood. Our MC name is Sylvie, in this story she will follow her guide to find the mystery of their origin and the fight that was fought million of year ago. She will find her Ancestor relics that will help in her Journey. The Guide is bound to her soul and it will only leave her body after she completes the task. She have to unite every species to Rebuild the shattered sky that will take them to Immortality. Along the way she will encounter countless friends, Frenemy, Fierce monster's, Challenges that will try to exhaust her body and torn her soul apart. But she have to stand-up for the truth and cut the mountains blocking her path. ... This novel has nothing to do with the writing contest in webnovel and it was never a part of it. I accidentally clicked that WPC contest while creating the Novel, and now further... I will not update any chapter in Webnovel for now. ___________________________________________________ Note : The characters in my Stories doesn't have any last name because i don't want to put them. Besides it is not going to make any difference in the story.

Spacewarrior17 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 1 (Into the woods)

//Mortal Era//

//Year 20,020//

//19 Year's later....//

// Year 1,710,000 of Mortal Age// 21st of Month 14 //35th hour//

In the Middle of a Long night.

A figure was Ambushing it's prey in the tall grass. It was a girl who was covered in light Armour, deeply camouflaged in the woods. She has golden eyes with pointy ears, and a red scarf was covering her face. . Her face has some golden nerve like things, that is coming from her head and eyelids. She was wearing a kind of long hoodie jacket and pant. That was white yet it was hiding her in the woods, fully Camouflaging in surrounding.

She was Holding a Longbow with tightened string, Arrow ready to shoot it's Target. She was also carrying a sword in her waist, which looks a lot like a samurai sword. The prey was a Giant Moose eating grass, unconcerned and unaware of impending threat .

//A kind of Elk deer//

She is the same girl 'Sylvie' who was listening to the story told by her father. Now living alone in the woods, hunting wild animals to make for her living.

It was the time of dusk, where Plants and Tress where starting to illuminate their Florence light to light-up the dark. They are actually the carnivorous flora which thrives through eating small animals and insects. The Light where of different colors and intensity, some are bright yellow, some were red emitting mesmerizing scents to attract their prey.

Some plants and trees where even imitating the movement and shape of their preys food to attract them. But the light was not there where Sylvie is Ambushing her prey.

A butterfly comes out of nowhere and sit on arrow head. The moment it sits,the arrow burst forward at the speed which cuts the butterfly in half. But the prey becomes vigilant after hearing the sound that cut the butterfly.

It saw an arrow coming from his left with the corner of his eye. It quickly avoided the incoming arrow by dodging sideways. But it didn't stop, the moose move at great speed to the source of sound.

It was determined to Kill that Hunter in Ambush after realising he is not so experienced and powerful, if not it would have been his corpse laying in the forest by now.

"Whatt..." *surprised*

She saw her prey coming at the great speed, the moment she release the arrow. It was moving at such a great speed that it was impossible for her to avoid the counter-attack.

With her quick movement, she made a defensive stance to avoid the incoming head-on. But it was futile as the moose moves extremely fast. She took impact Directly with her sword and Body. But she got thrown backward at great speed, she took a roll in ground and stand on her feet.

"Dammit butterfly... I missed"

The moment she said that, the moose make another attack. He previously attacked her accurately even though he can't see her, but his hearing senses are so sharp that he can even hear others breath from twenty meters ahead. She got surprised by the moose acute ability, but she didn't let her guard down. This time she choose another course of action and jumped on the nearest tree branch.

"Hhuuhh....This one is quite unusual"

The Moose missed its attack but didn't retreat as if mocking the hunter for her incompetence.

"You are underestimating me" *angry voice*

"Let's see how you will avoid this"

The moment she said that word, she jumped out of tree with her Sword pointing at moose eye.


She missed his eye because it was very fast, but it also decided to take her Strike head-on with its antlers as if checking his opponents Strength.

"So you're quite tough... So i am"


Clank... Clank...*sound of clashing sword and antlers*

She continues to strike the moose, in order to find an opening and give a final blow. She also took the moose strikes head-on with her body that would have been critical for normal people. A pale golden light was shining from her body which was also the reason why she can hold on fight with moose.

Finally after half an hour of fighting, the moose was showing some sign of fatigue as it has generally huge body.

It continues to fight the hunter, the Moose also realised that the opponent is not weak at all. So if he wants to live, he has to at least defeat the opponent, if he tries to retreat now he is dead for sure.

"Now, do you Regret staying and not running away"*mocking*

By the time the Moose was soaked in blood coming from the wounds caused by countinues assault of sword. A part of his antlers was also gone.

Meanwhile Sylvie was also exhausted but full of vigour. She began to step forward holding her sword. The moose finally lost his hope and lean forward to take the final strike.

But nothing comes for his neck, he looked up in surprise and saw the girl bowing to him as to show courtesy.

"You where quite tough opponent and only one that lasted for so long in my hunt".

"Now.., i'm not hungry. If not, i would have killed you right away"

"So why won't i make a bet with you, i will spare you for now but next time if we encounter and you are as pathetic as now. I will Kill you".

The moose shivered in fear, as it was both Threatening and mocking.

He nodded his head to accept. After that he bowed down before running away hurriedly.

"Wooww..... That moose can understand us" *surprised expression*




The Moose run away from there, to a nearest cave that was also his hideout. He laid there to recuperate from his grave wounds.

After sometime a Dark figure came flying near the entrance of his cave. The moose became alert and reach the entrance stumbling. He saw a dark figure floating in air and bowed down to him.

"What's bring you here master" *shivering in fear*

"I heard recently there are lot of hunters wandering in this forest" *Creepy voice*

"Yes master, i also encountered one recently"

"So the wounds in your body was caused by them"

"Ye~ Yes master"

"Tell me where are those group of Hunters."

"I~ I don't know, it was not a group"

"Are you fooling me" *Malicious look*

"No..no..i won't dare, it wa~ it was her" *stutter*

"Who..." *curious*

"I mean master, i encountered a solo Hunter today. She was very vigilant and powerful than others" *hastily saying*

"Oh i see, this forest is quite vigorous...But how did you survive."

"Sh~ she let me go"

"What? How could a hunter would let go off her food" *look of surprise*

"No, she dare me to defeat her in our next encounter"

"Oh.. Interesting.. a very interesting person indeed, then her soul would taste my appetite too. hihihi.. hahaaa..." *malicious laughter*

"You.....*pointing* will take me to her"

"Ye~ Yes, sure master"

The man left will making nefarious laughter. Which frightened the animals near cave.

Shortly after he left, the moose goes back to recuperate in his cave while being worried of the consequences.

He also starts to feel piety towards that brave girl, and if he could have make a better excuse to that man. she showed him mercy and he owes her a life. Yet, he brings her to have face her early demise at such a young age.