
Cheon Shin: Memento Mori

A boy with the mission to protect humanity from evil forces. From his days as a humble athlete to his new life as an unstoppable fighter, witness his battles against the dark forces threatening the world.

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10 Chs



In the middle of the desert, a group of servants carrying a cage with a man tied his hands and feet, blindfolded, and a cloak covering his hair. They had to bring him somewhere. He is still alive but has not moved since he was born. They say he is just sleeping and will be awaken at the right time. –


"Ladies and gentlemen! - This is the main event of the evening! - Presenting!

The Challenger! – The Good Son! - Cheon Shin!"

Shin enters the octagon ring with a mix of nervousness and confidence. The bell rings to start the first round.

At first they tried to warm up and calculate each other's movements. And then suddenly Shin lands a quick combination of jabs and hooks, catching the champion off guard.

But the defending champion quickly recovers and retaliates with a powerful punch that land squarely on Shin's jaw. The blow nearly knocks him out, and he staggers back, struggling to regain his footing.

The champion sees his opportunity and launches a furious barrage of punches, aiming to finish the fight quickly. But Shin manages to stay on his feet, using his training and instincts to dodge and deflect the incoming blows.

He fights back with a few punches of his own, but they are quickly countered by the champion's skillful defense.

As the round draws to a close, Shin is battered and bruised but still standing. He knows that he will need to dig deep if he hopes to win this fight.

The crowd roars with excitement as the fighters return to their corners, ready to continue the battle in the next round.

The second round had begun, and the tension in the arena was noticeable. The champion, confident in his abilities, charged towards Shin with a fierce determination.

He aimed to finish the fight as quickly as possible, delivering a barrage of punches to Shin's face and body. Shin, however, refused to go down.

Despite being pummeled mercilessly by the champion, he stood his ground, waiting for the perfect moment to counter-attack.

As the champion continued to hit him, Shin moved behind him and ran towards the wall. At this moment, the champion was convinced that Shin was running away, cowardly retreating from the fight. So he followed him, eager to deliver the final blow.

Little did he know that Shin had a trick up his sleeve. He kicked the wall with all his might, using it as leverage to launch himself towards the champion, and delivered a powerful SUPERMAN PUNCH to his face.

The punch landed flush on the champion's chin, sending him crashing to the ground. The arena erupted in cheers as the referee rushed to the champion's aid to check if he was okay. It quickly became apparent, however, that the champion was out cold.

The referee had no choice but to stop the fight and the medical team rushed into the ring to attend to the fallen champion.

With the champion defeated, Cheon Shin was declared the new Lightweight Champion of the world. The crowd went wild as he raised his arms in triumph, basking in the glory of his hard-fought victory.

It was an unforgettable moment, one that would go down in history as one of the greatest comebacks in MMA history.

Amidst a fierce battle, Shin emerged victorious, won the MMA lightweight champion. It was an intense clash of strength and skill, but in the end, Shin proved to be the superior fighter.

As Shin stands at the entrance of the coliseum, he notices a man rapidly approaching him. The man's body moves with urgency as he sprints towards him. "Can I have your autograph?"

Shin stands there in silence, unable to speak as he processes. 

"Dad?? Haha Stop teasing me. I thought you were busy. What brings you here?"

"The worship ended quickly and so I went here" – his father replied.

His father's reaction was filled with immense joy and pride upon seeing his son pursuing his passion. His face lit up with a wide smile as he watched his son wholeheartedly dedicating himself to what he loved.

"Let's go, I'm your driver today. Let's buy some food, your mom is waiting for you."

While driving home, Shin suddenly realized that his mother was not with his father.

"Where's Mom?" he asked.

"She's tired after the worship, so I told her to go home first,"

He looked at Shin and smiled, saying "It's okay son, cheer up, maybe this is the right time." 

"I hope so," Shin replied.

Shin is feeling a rush of adrenaline as he walks briskly down the street towards his home. 

His mind is consumed with the thrilling fight he just won. He can't wait to share every detail of the match with his mother - from the punches, jabs, and the final knockout that sealed his victory. He imagines the look of pride and joy on her face as he recounts his triumph.

After reaching the front door, he takes a deep breath and bursts inside, calling out to his mom as he does so. "Mom? Were here!" As he turned around, he saw his beloved mother standing right in front of him.

Overwhelmed with joy, he ran towards her and wrapped his arms around her, giving her a warm and tight hug.

But as he begins to recount the details of the fight, he can't help but notice that his mother's response is cold and distant.

Her eyes are fixed on the floor, and she barely acknowledges his words. Shin feels a sudden disappointment and confusion in his chest.

He had expected his mother to share in his excitement and revel in his success, but something seems off. 

"Hey Mom? Are you ok? Are you hungry? Let's go eat fir-." 

"I'm not hungry." 

Shin pauses for a moment, trying to read her expression, wonders if maybe his mother is having a bad day or if something else is bothering her, but she remains distant. 

His mother walked upstairs without even acknowledging his presence. Shin felt disappointed and frustrated, He decided to step outside the house to clear his head. 

"What if mom didn't care about me anymore?" He takes a deep breath and tries to shake off these negative thoughts, hoping that his mom will soon come around and share in his excitement.

His father noticed the look of uncertainty on his face and approached him.

He gave him a reassuring pat on the back and said,

"Son, I understand that you are feeling unsure about pursuing your passion, but I want you to know that it's important to prioritize your happiness and fulfillment in life. Taking risks can be scary, but sometimes it's necessary for personal growth."

His father's words brought a sense of comfort to him, and he began to listen intently to the advice that followed.

His father continued, "Remember, dedication and safety are key when pursuing your passion. You deserve the chance to follow your dreams, but it's important to approach it with a plan and a sense of caution. Take calculated risks, but always keep your safety in mind."

Shin smiled felt grateful for his father's guidance and knew that he could trust his father's advice. 

After a long day, Shin finally made his way to his room. As he lay down on his bed, he couldn't help but ponder over his passion knowing that this was just the beginning of a long and challenging journey.

And with that thought in mind, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling hopeful and empowered.

At exactly 6:00 am, Shin is abruptly awaken from his sleep by the shrill sound of his alarm clock. He groggily rises from his bed and begins to prepare himself for Sunday worship.

After a quick shower and getting dressed, he heads downstairs to find his family already waiting for him.

As they all pile into the car, an uncomfortable silence fills the air, which only gets broken by the occasional rustling of clothing or the sound of the car engine.

The tense atmosphere is a result of what happened the day before, which has left everyone feeling uneasy and unsure of how to proceed.

Despite the awkwardness, they all know that attending Sunday worship is important and so they continue with their journey, hoping that the service will bring them some sense of peace and resolution.

After attending the church service, Shin spends some time socializing with fellow churchmates. And when they got home, he quickly changed into his workout gear and prepared for his training session.

During a training session, Shin faced teasing and ridicule from his colleagues due to his religious beliefs. The nature of the teasing was centered on the existence of God. 

Diaz, one of Shin's colleagues, started making fun of him.

"Oh look who's here? Shin! The Good Son! Hahaha!"

His other colleagues joined in, making the situation even more uncomfortable for Shin. Despite Shin's discomfort and unease, Diaz kept asking and teasing him, interrupting him while he was trying to concentrate on his training.

Diaz even got close to Shin's face, making him stop punching the bag.

"How's the worship? Did God give you the SUPER PUNCH? Hahaha!"-

"There's no God Shin, you're just born lucky and have that pretty face." 

As the tension between them escalated, Shin decided to take action and stepped into the ring. With a determined look on his face, he looked Diaz straight in the eye and said, "Let our fists do the talking."

There was a moment of silence as both fighters prepared for what was to come.

The match was settled. As the bell rings, Diaz confidently steps into the ring, ready to face his opponent Shin. The fight begins with a quick start as Diaz moves towards the center of the ring.

At first they're just throwing jabs, escalating and finding their momentum. And suddenly Shin rushes towards Diaz, throwing a fake punch to trick him, but Diaz sees through the fake move and prepares to defend himself.

However, Shin surprises Diaz by grabbing his belly and quickly switching from his back to perform a SUPLEX. The move catches Diaz off guard, and he is thrown to the ground with a thud.

Diaz is left stunned and unable to move, while Shin takes advantage of the situation by delivering a series of punches to Diaz's face and body.

Diaz's attempts to defend himself are futile, and he quickly realizes he's no match for Shin's strength. Eventually, Diaz surrenders, and the referee declares Shin as the winner of the fight. 

The intense fight between Shin and Diaz came to an end. Shin turned around to catch his breath. But Diaz didn't seem to be done yet.

With a sudden burst of energy, he quickly got up from the ground and charged towards Shin, attempting to punch him in the back.

However, Shin's quick reflexes allowed him to see Diaz's move and he was able to dodge the punch. Reacting swiftly, Shin counterattacked and landed a powerful blow, knocking Diaz out cold and ended the fight in his favor.

"And that's the SUPER PUNCH"

As he went home, he immediately noticed his mother seated in the dining room watching news. He walked towards her, feeling a sense of guilt and remorse.

He wanted to apologize for pursuing his dreams against his mother's wishes.

"I'm sorry Mom," Shin said, his voice barely above a whisper.

His mother looked up at him, a mix of sadness in her eyes.

"All I want is a simple life for you, my son," she said. "Just like your father."

Shin felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He knew that his mother's wishes were coming from a place of love and concern, but he couldn't help but feel like he was letting her down.

He took a deep breath and tried to explain his point of view, hoping that his mother would understand and support him.

His mother, who had been watching him closely, noticed the look of distress on his face. She grabbed a medical kit and tended to his bruises, showing him just how much she cared for him.

"I understand that you have your dreams and aspirations, and I respect that," she said in a gentle voice.

"As your mother, all I want for you is to be happy. If pursuing your path in life brings you joy, then I am happy too." 

Shin felt a wave of relief washed over him as he heard these words. He realized that his mother was not disappointed in him, but rather, she was simply concerned for his well-being.

With her support, he felt more confident in his decisions and ready to face whatever challenges lies ahead.