
Cheon Shin: Memento Mori

A boy with the mission to protect humanity from evil forces. From his days as a humble athlete to his new life as an unstoppable fighter, witness his battles against the dark forces threatening the world.

Memento_Mori_7855 · Action
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10 Chs


His father returned home after attending church.

"Oh, sorry am I interrupting?" he asked, noticing Shin and his mother in the living room.

Shin's father had a warm smile on his face, full of joy marks and he looked a little tired.

"How's the church, Dad? You look exhausted," Shin asked.

"Being a pastor is not easy, son, but you know this is my calling," his father replied, his smile never faltering.

Shin felt proud of his father's commitment to his faith.

While enjoying a good atmosphere, they were suddenly interrupted by a breaking news announcement. Shin quickly grabbed the TV remote and turned up the volume to hear the latest news. 

"Breaking news today as for more people missing from their homes, where last week we saw this strange occurrence arises. The chief investigator called the incidents "mysterious disappearances," He would also like to remind people from the community to come forward with any relevant information to assist the police investigation".

The news report did not provide any additional information about the circumstances surrounding the disappearances, but Shin and his family were left feeling uneasy about the situation.

And yet another day, the same news is being repeatedly broadcasted.

"News of missing persons started to spread quickly. Initially, people suspected that it was the work of a criminal, but as days passed, they began to think that it might be the work of supernatural entities or evil. This was due to the unimaginable number of people that had gone missing without leaving any criminal evidence behind". 

Shin had been watching TV, but he turned it off as he was getting ready for his training. He noticed that his parents were also getting ready to leave.

Before they left, Shin's mother gave him a warning.

"Hey Shin, be careful outside. A lot of people have been reported missing today," 

"Don't worry, Mom.. they don't know who they're dealing with."

Shin clenched his fist acting mighty and his mother playfully tapped his head,

"Ouch! You too, Mom and Dad." 

Shin hugged his parents tightly. 

"Take care Mom, Dad"

"Don't worry son, God is with us." 

Despite their words of comfort, Shin couldn't shake the feeling of unease as he watched them leave. He knew that he had to be extra careful outside, especially since there had been so many reports of missing people lately. 

A few days passed and Shin came home without his parents. Initially, he didn't pay much attention to it, but as time passed, he couldn't stop worrying. 

He tried to call his parents, but they didn't answer. He left the house and went to the church where his family usually go, hoping to find them there.

Unfortunately, they weren't there either. There was a trace of nervousness on his face because of the news.

He then went to the police station to report his parents missing. When he arrived, he saw many photos of missing people, and when he tried to ask for help, he was ignored because of the number of people with the same case as his is innumerable. The police talked to him and told him to wait. 

After waiting for hours, the police finally called his name. Chief of Police San Jin- Sang recognized Shin immediately and apologized for the delay.

"Why didn't you let him in right away? Don't you know him? He's the most famous MMA fighter today." 

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't notice him because of the crowd," staff replied.

"It's okay." Shin said.

Jin- Sang asked Shin why he came to the station. He told them that his parents had gone missing, just like many others who had come to the station.

Shin suddenly burst into tears, fearing that he might never see his parents again. But Jin- Sang reassured him that they would do everything they could to help him find his parents. 

He called his staff and instructed them to prioritize Shin's case. All the police officers in the city were sent out to look for his parents.

After the incident, Shin aided the police in finding his parents by distributing pamphlets and photos of them.

Despite being a popular, handsome, and kind person, people were saddened to hear that Shin's parents were among the missing. 

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but there was no sign of Shin's parents. Shin was determined to find them and did not stop searching.

His appearance changed, he could not eat or continue to train as an MMA fighter. He decided to stop fighting and focus solely on finding his parents. 

But over time, Shin became discouraged. The police had exhausted all efforts to help, and Shin had used up all the money he had saved for his search. As a result, Shin's condition gradually worsened.

He was physically and mentally exhausted, but he did not lose hope. In the end, despite his tireless efforts, Shin did not find his parents. But he never stopped praying for them. –

"Shin, help us!" Shin saw his parents calling out to him for help. Without any delay, Shin tried to run toward them, but as he attempted to chase them, he saw a mysterious figure dressed in all black, blocking his way.

To his horror, Shin couldn't see the face of the person, and he felt a sudden sense of fear and anxiety. 

Despite his efforts to get closer, the figure seemed to move further away with each step Shin he's taking. The more he tried to chase, the harder it became for him to breathe.

Shin felt like he was suffocating, and his body began to feel weak and heavy.

Suddenly, Shin woke up from his sleep, realizing it was all just a dream. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

As he looked around, he noticed that he was in his bedroom, and everything was as it should be.

Shin got up from his bed and started looking for his parents once again. As he roamed around the neighborhood, he unexpectedly bumped into Diaz and mocked him, 

"Look at yourself, I thought you had a God? Why doesn't He help you?" 

Shin tried to ignore him and walked away, but Diaz wouldn't let him be. He challenged Shin to a fight, taunting him,

"We're not done yet, Shin! Why don't you try me in a real fight? Let's find out who's the best" 

Shin, holding a pamphlet, clenched his fists and almost crumpled the paper in anger. He turned to Diaz, his eyes almost turned into red and gave him a menacing look. Diaz, sensing the danger and got scared, 

"Save it for our fight."

Shin then calmed himself down, walk away and continued his search for his parents. 

As Shin wandered, his coach Fidel Reis noticed him looking sad and alone in a corner. He approached him and tried to talk to him. He invited him to a dinner to talk in person. 

Without wasting any time, Fidel shows a match that could help Shin financially and suggested that he fights Diaz. However, Shin refused, stating that he was more concerned about finding his parents than fighting.

Shin stood up to leave, but Fidel stopped him and urged him to think it over. He said that winning the fight could also help him find his parents.

Shin then left the restaurant and went straight home, pondering over his coach's words. 

A few days passed, and Shin was still haunted by the same dream he had before. He couldn't explain the appearance of the mysterious man in black in his dream, and it was keeping him up at night. 

Feeling restless, Shin got up to get some water and use the restroom. As he sat down, he began to think about how his life would have been different if he hadn't become an MMA fighter.

He realized that if he did not follow his dream, his parents would still be with him. However, he also remembered how his parents had always supported him and his passion for fighting. 

One day, a man was walking in the middle of a building. He knelt at the altar and seemed to be talking to someone.

"All the preparations are ready," "We can leave at any time."

At the altar, someone answered, "Not yet. We have not seen what we are waiting for." –