
In School

At school the next day, I'm already at my desk when Marinette comes in, and I can already tell she's going to be avoiding me, by the way she averts her eyes, when I glance up at the door opening.

When she sits down beside Alya, I immediately hear the whispers of their conversation.

Before too long, the teacher comes in, and starts our lesson with an announcement.

"Students, listen up! Starting Monday, for the entire week we are going to be taking part in a new program.

All of you will be affected, but two of you specifically. Adrien and Rose, you both have been chosen for the roles." Miss Bustier says.

I raise my hand, and when she points I ask, "What exactly will we be doing?"

"In short, this school, and a few others, are going to be having something similar to a foreign exchange, but less foreign. We will be partnering with some families who homeschool, and having one of those students come to school, while one of ours studies at home."

"Am I going to be the one homeschooling?" Rose asks, raising her hand.

"Yes, and Adrien will chaperone our temporary student, since he was homeschooled as well."

This sounds interesting.

I wonder if y/n will be our new student, or at least one of the schools.

Hopefully this one though.

"Alright, now that we have that out of the way, let's move on to Beauty And The Beast." Miss Bustier says, and goes on to talk more about our book reports, but since Marinette and I have finished, I only half pay attention, and start thinking.

I should ask y/n tonight if she's heard of this, or is even being one of the students.

Though I would like her to come here, it may not be a good idea, since we'd want to hold hands and be together, but of course nobody could see us being anything more than friends, or y/n would probably be labeled as a cheater.

All through the day, the announcement is made in the different classes, why they didn't just announce it, I don't know.

In my class with Lila, she remarks how since she was homeschooled she could have been chaperone, and I roll my eyes, who knows if she even was homeschooled?

I'm just glad she wasn't picked, if it really is y/n coming here.

And I was right about Marinette, she even went home for lunch.

I think I noticed Alya giving me a hard stare once or twice as well.

Nino sees this as well, and asks what it's about.

"Did you know Marinette had a crush on me?" I start off.

"Uh, yeah, kinda."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"She didn't want me to!"

"Ok, ok, anyway, she told me yesterday, and of course, I told her I'm with Y, so her and Alya are upset with me I guess. Don't get me wrong, I feel bad that I never noticed, but I can't help that I don't like her in that way, or the fact that I fell in love with someone else."

"Yeah, dude. They shouldn't be mean about it."

"I'm just glad we finished our project, so we won't have to work on it today."

"That's good at least."

I nod, and since school is over, he goes home, and I go to the store.

Going over to the candies, I get mine and y/n's favorites to share later.

Of course I get some camembert too, much to Plagg's delight.

When we get home, I nod to Felix,  who is sitting in the living room, and go to do my homework.


After dinner, your parents announce that they have something to tell you.

"Now we know that you didn't like school before, but we thought it might be a good idea for you to participate in a program some local schools are doing." Your mother starts off.

"And what program is that?" You ask.

"For you to go to school for a week, and some other student be homeschooled that week." She continues.

"Wait, are they going to be here?! Doing my schoolwork?"

"No, at their own house. And they will probably be continuing their own studies." Your dad puts in.

"It's just for a week?"

"Yes, unless you want to continue." Your mom offers.

"I doubt I will. When is this happening?"

"Next week, starting Monday." Says your dad.

"Wow, short notice much?" You remark.

"We know, but it's taken a while to finalize everything, because we were bargaining against a few others for a specific school, that you would be sure to like." Your mother says, clearly trying to make you appreciative.

"Which one?"

"Francois Dupont."

"Hey, that's where Adrien goes!"

"Yeah, why do you think we tried so hard to let you be the one going there?" She says with a light laugh.

"Well, I doubt I'll enjoy being there much, but at least I'll have Adrien. Thanks for getting me there."

"You're welcome. Now remember, be nice to the kids there, you can't just yell at them if they interrupt your studies like you do with s/n." Your dad says with a pointed look.

"Don't worry, I'll be nice. As long as they're nice." You mutter the last part.

"Wait, you said you had bargained for me to go there. You didn't mention that I know Adrien, right?" You quickly say, before they can mention your mumblings.

"No, of course we didn't. You can trust us to not tell, you know." Your mom points out.

"Yeah, Yeah. And I won't have to continue my regular school during that week too, right?!"

"No, don't worry."

"Ok, good. Well, I'm gonna go get some done, so I won't get too behind or anything." You say, and head off to your room.

Later that night, when everyone has gone to sleep, you hear a loud crack of thunder, and jump, at the same time your balcony door opens.

You almost scream, before realizing it's not an intruder.

Well, it could be classified as that, buy you decide not to, since it's just Cat.

"You scared me half to death, you dumb cat!" You say, putting a hand over your heart as he comes over and sits on the bed, laughing.

"Aw come on, surely I'm not that scary?" He says, putting on his kitten eyes, which you always find adorable.

"Maybe not when you do that, but when you act out a horror movie scene, yes!"