
A Friend

After s/n finishes telling you about the movie, they see the television and comment on you watching Tangled stuff without them.

You laugh, but before you can answer, hear your mother gasp.

You go to the kitchen to see what's wrong, and find her looking in the refrigerator.

"What happened to the cheese?! There's shreds everywhere!" She exclaims.

You of course know it was Plagg, but can't exactly say that without revealing he and Adrien had come over.

"I meant to clean that up! Sorry, I'd spilled it." You quickly make up an excuse.

You notice your father looking at you suspiciously, and hope he doesn't figure anything out.

So you try to clean up the cheese and go back to your room before anybody can mention it, but no such luck.

"Hey, doesn't that little kitty that Cat Noir has like cheese? It looks like he was in here!" S/n says, making you cringe.

"It does, doesn't it? And didn't he also like Tangled?" Your father mentions.

"What does that mean? You know I love Tangled, so why is it weird I watched that, or that I spilled cheese? It was an accident!"

"Ok then." He says, and goes toward your room, probably expecting to find Adrien chilling on your bed.

Luckily you'd taken precautions against that.

You follow, and find him looking around.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Just checking." He says and leaves toward the other end of the house.

You roll your eyes and enter your room.

Shutting the door, you go to the balcony to see if Cat had stuck around or went on home.

You look around the furniture, but there's no sign of him.

Glancing around at the surrounding buildings, you still see nothing to indicate his presence.

So you just assume he'd thought you wouldn't be back, and left.

You do look down off the balcony though, just to make sure he actually did land on his feet and everything.

Seeing no Cat pancake, you turn back around in relief, and are startled to find him right behind you.

"Hi!" He says cheerfully.

"Hey. I thought you'd went home." You respond, less cheerful.

"Nah. It's much better here!"

"Well I'm glad you think so." You giggle.

"Oh yeah. And the company is wonderful!" He says, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"I think so too." You reply, putting your arm around him.

"So why did I have to leave so quickly?"

"Because one of the last things my dad said before they left was 'No boys! Don't invite Adrien over!'" You imitate.

He laughs, and says, "Well if you'd told me that I wouldn't have stayed so long."

"That's why I didn't tell you. Besides, I didn't invite you, Plagg invited himself!"

"True. I don't know whether to give him extra cheese, for getting us back together, or less cheese, for running away. Probably the former."

"Definitely, he deserves it. Though he did wreck my fridge."

"Oh no! I'm sorry. What did he do?"

"Nothing bad, just got cheese everywhere. Leading my father to realize he'd been here."

"That's not good."

"No, not really. But I played it off, they may be suspicious, but they have no proof of anything."

"You're sneaky."

"Maybe." You laugh.

But then your door starts to open, so Cat jumps away again, this time to the roof.

"Hey, y/n." S/n says, coming outside.

"Hey." You respond.

"What are you doing?" They ask.

"Just looking at the stars. Why?"

"Because I want you to play with me."

"Isn't it bedtime?"

"No!" They say, then run off somewhere.

Probably to figure out a game.

Cat jumps back down to the balcony, and you tell him that s/n will probably be coming back soon.

"I guess I'll go then. Wouldn't want us to get in trouble."

"Yeah." You say, scrunching your nose.

"You look really cute when you do that." Cat remarks, making you blush.

He grins, and leans down to give you a peck on the lips, before turning away.

"Wait!" You say, remembering something.

"What is it?"

"If I don't see you tomorrow, hopefully I do, but still. I need you to take this to Miss. Bustier for me." You explain, and find your report.

"Ohh, ok. Will do!"

"Thanks. And hey, if you wanna read it and fix any typos I missed, feel free!" You joke.

He laughs, gives you another quick kiss, and leaps away.

Just in time too, because s/n runs back in.

The next day, you decide to go to the park.

So you gather up a book, phone, anything else you may need, and head out.

You sit down at your favorite bench, thankful nobody else is sitting there.

Taking in the park goers, you see mostly adults with children, the pigeon lover, and a few teenagers milling about in a group.

You don't really recognize any of them from the school, but you only went there a week.

So you just pick up your book and start reading.

You get a few chapters read, but are soon interrupted.

"Excuse me, can I sit here?"

You look up to find a boy, about your age, standing there politely.

Glancing around, you see there's no other empty spaces, so you agree.

"Thanks. I couldn't help notice what you're reading, I love that series!" He says.

"Me too!"

"They're some of my favorites!"

You continue discussing the books, and bringing up a few others, before the guy introduces himself.

"I'm Jean. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, y/n!" He says, sticking out his hand.

"You too, Jean!" You respond, shaking.

After talking more about different books, Jean tells you about a book club he's in, and says you should come to a meeting.

"I might. I don't do that well in crowds, though."

"That's ok! Everyone treats new members like old friends! But if you don't like that, then they'll back off. But we were just reading this series, and at the next meeting we'll be deciding what next! So it's a perfect time to join!"

"I'll think about it. Where do you normally meet?"

He tells you where, and you write it down.

"Maybe I'll see you there?" Jean asks, getting up.

"Maybe." You respond, and wave goodbye.

Almost immediately after he's gotten a good distance, someone else drops down beside you.

You look over to see who'd sit down without even asking, but then smile.

"Hey, Kitty!"

"Hi, Angel! Who was that?"

"His name is Jean. We were talking about my book. And multiple other books." You say, holding it up.

"Ohh. Were you making plans to meet him somewhere?" He asks, looking curious.

"Yeah, he was telling me about a book club he's in. I thought I might go to a meeting."

"Oh. Ok."

"What? Do you have a problem with that?" You ask, raising your eyebrows.

"No no! I don't care, you can join as many book clubs as you want, I just get worried."

"About what?"

"Random strangers inviting you to random places."

"Cat, I'm sure it's fine."

"Yeah." He says, but doesn't sound convincing.