
STAGE TWENTY: Dance Before the Storm

"AWESOME! UNBELIEVABLE!" Freyja excitedly exclaimed, pointing at the airship that has just landed. Kirin chucked, explaining to the girl the boarding procedures.

"This is a luxury airship. The passengers here are mostly nobility or celebrities." Kirin explained as they climbed up the retractable stairs. Normally, Kirin wouldn't have wanted to board a luxury airship. But he wanted to show Freyja something nice as a reward for her months of hard work and rough training. "They serve quite nice food here too. They have a lot of desserts." The airship soon took off, starting their journey to the country of Djin.

"So this is where we will stay till we reach Djin? This is so cool! I wonder what kind of desserts they have for tonight?" Looking around, Freyja could tell how expensive and classy the interior of the ship is. Illuminated precious crystals and gems decorated the walls, the draperies were all made of high quality velvet fabric with elaborate embroidery.

Heading straight to the dining hall, Freyja noticed that the passengers were all dressed like aristocrats. The men wore thick, embroidered coats and the women's dresses were bejeweled and designed with intricate laces. The scene reminded Freyja of her old world, when she used to watch aristocrats in fairy tale movies. Looking at how she and Kirin are dressed, she suddenly felt embarrassed and out of place. "What's wrong?" Freyja suddenly looked hesitant to order food she's been looking forward to, much to Kirin's confusion.

"Aren't we... well... underdressed?"

"Nonsense. There's nothing wrong with how we look. In case of an emergency, those kinds of clothes can hinder movement." Completely dismissing the point, Kirin started ordering food, and so did Freyja.

As they were having their meal however, Freyja noticed the looks of many ladies from nearby tables, giggling, and smiling towards them. "Hey..." She whispered to Kirin, who's calmly sipping tea. "Why are they looking at us?"

"No idea. Just let them be." Kirin shrugged. Freyja tried to ignore them as Kirin suggested, but then a group of four young noblewomen suddenly approached them.

"Hello there!" One of them greeted while playing with her caramel curls.

"Hello..." Freyja bashfully greeted back while Kirin continued sipping tea, completely ignoring their presence.

Freyja was immediately taken aback as those pretty ladies gathered around Kirin. "I was wondering if you already have a partner?" They flashed their best smiles.

"Partner?" Surprisingly, Kirin responded.

"Yes! A ball will be held tomorrow night, if you want, we can go together?" The girl blushed as she waited for the young man's response.

"No, you should go with me! I am the daughter of Rizhen country's archduke!" The other young lady pushed her companion aside.

"I will be a better choice. I am the owner of..." Another one interrupted. And the arguing went on.

Freyja sighed and looked away, feeling insulted and left out. "And I am the Lenfiare of Celestia, mortals!" She thought with a pout, in an attempt to make herself feel better. But it backfired. Though that's true, Celestia is nowhere within her reach anyway. She sighed in resignation. "Hey Kirin, let's go back now! We're done with dinner." She tugged his arm in irate.

"You're a big girl now, aren't you? Why don't you sleep early and let your big brother go and have fun, okay? Here, have a candy." One of the ladies suddenly went between them, handing a piece of candy to Freyja. Her jaw dropped. "What the hell!?"

Freyja stood up and stomped away from the table. "Fine, I'm going back myself!"

Kirin sighed as he stood up to follow her. "Just to let you know, she's not my sister." Kirin chuckled in amusement.

Freyja's eyes were glued at Kirin the entire time, since they headed back to their cabin. Lately, the two of them have been staying in the same room, just in case an enemy appears at night.

"Why're they all bothering Kirin!?" She thought. "Well, come to think of it..." Freyja looked at his face, his long silver hair, and his emerald eyes, "...Kirin is very beautiful..." Freyja felt her cheeks flare up from the though. "No! No! Stop thinking about that Freyja!" She slapped herself

"What are you doing?" Kirin asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hahaha! It's nothing!" Freyja threw herself on the soft bed, staring at the ceiling, while Kirin went straight to the bathroom for a shower.

"Kirin..." She called.


"Do I really look like your little sister?" She asked, all of a sudden.

"Because you're like a little kid." He bluntly replied.

"Hmph!" Freyja stuck her tongue out. She was actually hoping that Kirin would tell her otherwise. Although she knew she would never hear such a thing especially from him.

"There's nothing wrong with that, why are you even worried? Just ignore it." He heard him speak, among sounds of the water gushing from the shower.

Freyja covered herself with a pillow, in a futile attempt to sleep. But even before she could, the bathroom knob clicked and there, Kirin came out of the bathroom. "Your turn. Shower is free." He walked around the room looking for a change of clothes, in nothing but a wet towel tied around his waist. His hair still dripping wet, his pale and muscular chest is bare before Freyja. It's not like she hasn't seen Kirin like this before, but this time, Freyja felt heat rise to her face as she jumped out of the bed, ran to the bathroom, and slammed the door shut.

"He doesn't even see me as a girl." Freyja sighed in dejection before turning the shower knob on and letting the cold water wash her thoughts away. "Kirin, I hate you."

The next morning came and the airship crew were all very busy preparing for the banquet. First thing in the morning after breakfast, Freyja headed to explore the ship, and ended up in the library to read a book she found interesting. Soon after she finished, she went back to their cabin to do her routine aura exercise.

Sitting on her bed with eyes closed, she concentrated her aura flow, wrapping it consistently around her body for about thirty minutes. Still supervising her training, Kirin noticed that while she mastered this drill around a month ago, her aura flow now is strangely fluctuating.

"What's wrong? This should already be easy for you by now." Kirin felt her forehead, surprising the girl. "You're not sick, are you?"

"Nope! I'm fine. Sorry, I'm just a bit tired." Kirin knew it was a lie. He knows that there has to be something bothering her, and he has a good idea what.

In truth, Freyja has been dying to ask Kirin to go to the Banquet. But after what happened last night, the thought of some rich and beautiful young lady catching Kirin's attention greatly worried her. The mere thought of it made her stomach churn. The safer decision is to not go, Freyja decided.

"Aren't you going to the ball tonight?" Of course Kirin knew. She's been excited about this yesterday but is now unusually serious with training. "Little girls should stay in their rooms... right?" she sarcastically replied.

"Ah! I see." Kirin smirked, sitting beside her, leaning his face to hers. "You're jealous of those ladies?" Wide-eyed, she looked away. Caught off-guard, her heart pounded. "Why would I!?"

Kirin stood up and pulled a box out of the drawer. Then, he handed it to clueless Freyja. "I didn't have much time to pick one, but I think this should be alright." When Freyja opened the box, she found a pale blue silk and satin gown with white laces and jewels delicately sown in a pattern that resembles a feather. It looked so expensive, she didn't know how to react.

Kirin looked at the wall clock and headed out. "I'll go and get maids to help you. Wait there." Kirin didn't give her the chance to ask. Soon after he left, three maids stormed into the room and started undressing her. "Now miss, you have to take a milk bath first!"

"I can go bathe on my own!" She protested, but the maids didn't let her. She just found herself bathing in a luxurious milk bath with rose petals and therapeutic herbs. The maids were delicately scrubbing her back and limbs. It felt really awkward.

Finally, she wore her pale blue dress. They combed her jet black hair and pinned it up with a matching light blue flower pin adorned with amethysts.

"Wow, miss, you look so cute in this dress. Did your brother choose this?"

"He's not my brother. We don't even look alike. Not in the slightest!" She replied with a pout.

"Oh, sorry. It's because he seems to care a lot about you. For such a quiet person, that is." One of the maids commented. "And he's very handsome, don't you think?" Another one joined in. Freyja just sigh, not knowing what to say at this point.

After a few powdering, some mild makeup, Freyja was ready.

Freyja wasn't with Kirin when she went into the grand hall. The moment she stepped in, she was dumbfounded, feeling as if she has stepped into a movie set. The ladies were all very beautiful and graceful in their glittering dresses, while the men were very handsome. They all moved so gracefully like princes and princesses, something way far from how she acts.

"Kirin..." She started looking around for him, getting more and more anxious as she passed by more people.

"You are a Lenfiare of Celestia, you outrank all these humans." Freyja suddenly heard Astrid's voice from her medallion. He sensed her anxiety, and wanted to come out in his human form, but Freyja stopped him. "It's alright Astrid. Let's conserve aura and just be ready in case of an emergency."

"I understand."

Seeing that she's by herself, a boy, around her age, approached her with a bright smile. Like the others, he was clad in a white suit and a purple cape, his brown hair neatly combed to one side. "Do you mind if I join you, young lady?" He politely asked with a gentle smile, reminding her so much of Alaric.

Freyja grew red and flustered, not knowing how to act or reply. "Um... I..." She didn't really know how things work in this world and she's afraid of making a fool of herself.

"No you can't." Kirin suddenly appeared from behind and put an arm around her shoulder. "Let's go." He led her away without a glance back.

Freyja stared at Kirin, who's wearing a white suit with golden linings. His long silver hair in a ponytail, and he has an air of enchanting nobility all over him. It's the first time she saw him in formal clothes, and to her, he was no different from a prince in every girl's fairy tale dreams. She's used to being with him, but this time, it felt different.

As expected, noble ladies swarmed around Kirin the moment he stepped into the center. Annoyed, he squeezed Freyja's hand and they went through the crowd, outside the grand hall, and straight to the airship's upper deck.

"Ugh. That was annoying." Kirin sighed, finally getting much needed peace and quiet. The breeze from the upper deck was cold and relaxing, he was hoping Freyja would feel much better fromup there. "Freyja, that was annoying, wasn't it?"

"Kirin... I shouldn't have come after all. I just feel out of place." She explained, looking down. "I really wanted to see how it looks like, I've never been to a party before. But being here just makes me feel so different." Freyja continued. "And honestly, I really feel like a brat pouting. Just go to them and have fun."

Kirin giggled, much to Freyja's surprise. "Why, are you jealous of them?" He smirked.

"I am not! Why should I!?" She faced him, crossing her arms.

"The truth is, me too. This is the first time I've been to a party and its making me feel uncomfortable." Kirin confessed, which surprised her even more. Kirin looked so composed, she never thought that was the case. Kirin walked to her side, and he looked up to the stars.

"In Celestia, it must be like this too?" Kirin asked.

Freyja shook her head. "I don't know. I can only remember things vaguely." She too, gazed at the starry sky. "I wish I could remember it all soon."

The waltz music started playing so loud, that it can be heard from the upper deck. Kirin suddenly grabbed her hand, a tint of pink in his pale cheeks. "You want to try dancing?" Flustered, she squeezed his hand and nodded. "Princess Freyja Lenfiare, can I have this dance?" Kirin started leading the dance clumsily, their movements never matched a single beat of the music.

"Hey—is this even a dance?" Freyja held back her laughter, but failed.

"I told you I've never done this before." Kirin pouted.

"I did learn how to dance waltz a bit in school. I should lead!" Freyja started guiding Kirin to the rhythm. "See, Kirin? I'm better than this." She bragged, a wide smile on her face.

A few more moments, and their bodies swayed naturally with the music. And their eyes that were so glued to their feet, slowly moved up, to meet each other's gaze

Feeling a warm rush in her cheeks, Freyja felt her heart race. She was so embarrassed she wanted to look away but, now that she's looking at him up close, she found his moonlit emerald eyes too enchanting not to stare at. It's like her soul is being sucked out, along with all the worries it carried inside.

Her heart calmed down, a warm and feeling enveloped her. Squeezing Kirin's hand tighter, she finally smiled straight at him. "Kirin, thank you for tonight."

"You're welcome, Freyja."

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