

Freyja woke up earlier than usual. She did her daily 200 kicks and punches morning routine first thing, before having a long soak in the tub. Any minute, the airship will land on Djin country, right on the same city where the world combat tournament will be held. But before she could sign her name on the registry, she will have to overcome Kirin's challenge first.

Freyja changed to her new outfit: a pair of black spandex shorts and black undershirt, black thigh-high socks, a pair of sturdy ankle-high combat boots, Kevlar fingerless gloves and to finish, a white cropped hoodie. Freyja looked at her reflection in the mirror, as she slapped her cheeks thrice. After six months of rigorous training, the change to prove her fighting ability to Kirin has finally come. It made her uneasy, but also excited. She hasn't summoned Astrid for the past six months, as Kirin instructed, and she will not summon him too, in this test. The goal is to beat Kirin with her own, raw, physical fighting abilities.

When the airship started ringing the bells, signaling their landing, Freyja tied her shoulder length hair up in a high ponytail. She grabbed her backpack and headed out of the cabin.

They arrived at Djin.

Freyja witnessed yet another magnificent sight, a tall stone building that can even rival the Runerich tower in height. The entire city was bustling with people, hundreds of kinds of weapons being peddled, different fighters, different races, all gathered to battle for the title of the strongest in the world. "Let's go." Kirin lead her to an open field away from the crowd.

The time for Kirin to make a decision has finally come. Freyja could tell that Kirin will not make this easy for her. But that's why she has been training so hard for the past six months. Freyja is determined to win no matter the odds. Kirin walked a few meters away from her, while Freyja pulled four rune-casted bracelets out of her pockets. They're the same bracelets Kirin made her wear on the way to Runerich. She wore each of them on her four limbs. And then, it activated. She felt her hands and feet tens of times heavier.

"Astrid, do not interfere..." She ordered.

"Yes, Lenfiare." He answered from inside the medallion.

"Here I go!" Wasting no time, Freyja drew her short sword and charged at Kirin with impressive speed and agility, considering her relative inexperience. Her movements do not show the weights on her limbs at all, something that impressed Kirin outright. However, it's far from enough to beat Kirin or the competitors she's hoping to defeat in the arena. Kirin dodged every single attack without breaking a sweat, purposely showing her the difference in their abilities.

"Dammit..." Freyja is getting more and more frustrated, but managed to keep her cool. She jumped back, observing Kirin's movements.

"What's the matter? Remember, you can't use Astrid. If you can't even land a single blow on me without using him, then you'd just end up dead inside."

"Of course, I know that." Freyja charged at him one more time. But this time, more precise and more agile. Kirin summoned his dark sword and blocked her. Their swords clashed. Freyja fought her best, but Kirin is on a completely different level. One attack from him and she was sent flying to the other side of the field. Had she not cushioned her fall with aura, she'd have a few broken ribs by now. Freyja knew that she'll fail at this rate. But there's one thing she knows, can take him down: a good strategy.

Freyja she saw a couple of stacked sacks of sand, just a couple of feet behind Kirin. They're supposed to be used as weights for the banners and tents that will be erected in that area later that day. She had an idea.

Freyja charged straight at him yet one more time. Kirin blocked, as expected, but just a few seconds before that, she slid right through in between his legs and slashed the sacks with her aura-reinforced sword. The winds blew the sand towards Kirin, who's caught off guard for a second. Kirin jumped back, exactly as she predicted. Freyja seized the chance and flipped her sword to the blunt side, while she channeled some of her aura to her feet and jumped towards Kirin. Without hesitation, she delivered a powerful slash, which could have sliced an ordinary human into two.

But Kirin was far from an ordinary human. Freyja's sword ended up stuck in the ground for the sheer power of her attack. A critical opening, as this gave the opponent more than enough time to finish her. Even before she could pull her sword out, she felt a cold blade on her neck.

She lost. Freyja felt blood drain on her face.

"Great. You Pass." Kirin said, shocking the girl. "But I lost, didn't I?"

"Of course you'd lose. Did you really think you can beat me like that?" He smirked. "Remember, once you get inside, your enemies there won't hold back, they will kill you with each and every dirty way possible. Do you still want to join?" Kirin asked. And he's not denying that Freyja might die once she enters. But he also understands that this is for Freyja to decide. He wants to hear her answer for one last time.

"I will fight." Freyja's eyes burned with determination, it's written all over her face. Those eyes were the eyes of someone who's willingly and happily jumping to her death for a reason that outweighs self-preservation. Strange and stupid, Kirin admits, but he found that look so dazzling, he just can't bear say 'no.'

"Alright then. Let's go."

Together, they headed to the arena's gates.

Once they were inside, Freyja felt her heart pound even harder. It's even more packed inside, with different kinds of fighters. Freyja saw a lot of buff men showing off their rock hard muscles and proud battle scars, knights clad in full metal armor, rune masters from different countries and even some people that looked like half-beasts.

"Lord Kirin!" Upon the sight of Kirin, everyone stood mesmerized. Many gathered around the young man both in surprise and enthusiasm. The ladies squealed, the men stared at him with admiration, and some turned pale in fear.

"Lord Kirin! It has been a while, are you going to participate this year?" The lady in the registry courteously greeted him.

"No," Kirin pushed Freyja forward. "Here is my candidate, Freyja."

Those who heard him fell silent in surprise. The infamous Aethelmaer nobleman just gave his prestigious recommendation to a frail looking little girl who didn't emanate the slightest trace of the same powerful aura he had. As soon as she registered, all eyes were on her wherever she went. She could feel sharp glares and from all directions.

"That little girl!? Who is she to Lord Kirin?"

"Is she an Aethelmaer too?"

"She must be that GREAT to have lord Kirin's approval!"

"She looks normal to me."

"Is lord Kirin serious?"

The walk to her assigned room after registration was already draining her energy. Afraid, yes. Thrilled? Even more. Freyja wouldn't let Kirin down.

All registered participants get a private room. Thanks to Kirin's celebrity status, they gave her one of the best rooms in the arena. Once they're in, she finally managed to sigh in relief. "I didn't know you need a recommendation to enter! And we got a VIP room too!" She threw herself onto the bed, exhausted already.

"You just have to worry how to stay alive. Remember, if you want to give up, just say so." Kirin pulled a bottle of juice from the refrigerator. "Anyway, the orientation won't be until six tonight. Let's go get something to eat first."

As Kirin and Freyja dined on the VIP restaurant, the stares and glares never left her, it started to get on her nerves. "What exactly did you do that made them like this?"

"I was the champion here when I was ten years old."

'COUGH!!!' Freyja choked, taken aback by Kirin's words. He said it as if it wasn't a big deal! "That is insane Kirin! Really!? You never told me that!"

"I didn't want that fact to affect your training or determination. But seriously, I thought the people here were the BEST. Well, far from it. Stronger monsters are out there, trust me. They don't even bother joining contests because they don't find this challenging anymore."

Kirin sighed, noticing the depressed look on the girl's face. "I-I mean, you just have to do your best. Remember, that doesn't mean this is going to be easy for you." He pinched her nose.

"Oh my, oh my! This is unbelievable! So it's true that Lord Kirin entered a little girl in this bloody tournament. This is exciting." All of a sudden, a stranger in his late twenties with short brown hair and thick eye-glasses approached them. Freyja and Kirin stood on guard, feeling a malicious aura around him. Beside him is a young man, around Kirin's age, with shoulder length brown hair tied in a low ponytail glaring at Freyja.

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Freyja. You are quite known around here for being Lord Kirin's... um... acquaintance." The young man shook her hand. "Um, pleased to meet you?" Freyja couldn't tell what the guy is trying to do.

"What do you want Marco?" Kirin saw right through his intentions right away.

"The name is Marco my lady, and this is my brother Ruis. I am Lord Kirin's acquaintance. We fought in this tournament eight years ago."

Freyja looked at Kirin, and he nodded.

"But of course, I lost." Marco continued with a smile. "I have no plans to fight you again lord Kirin. I'd rather keep my head. Now, if you'll excuse us."

"I'm looking forward to our fight, Lady Freyja." Freyja could feel the burning determination from the younger brother, Ruis. She sensed his aura leaking, and it's raging and violent.

"Watch out for those two, they are a lot stronger than they look." Kirin warned. "But don't worry, you'll be fine. Just stay focused." Freyja nodded. "Alright, I will."

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