
Celestial 進

Several centuries ago, five celestial religions fought each other. This was the first celestial war. The consequences were disastrous. The entire world was shaken up. Normal humans were living in fear of constant mortality. A single battle between two gods would wipe out small cities. Innumerable kingdoms vanished. This war lasted 100 years. At the final battle, the demon and rakshasa religions were seemingly defeated, but the other gods were also out of strength. Every god went into a slumber, leaving behind a deceiving peaceful ending. The humans that worshipped the surviving religions went on to create their kingdoms. Celestial power was being developed by humans, yet it remained in the shadows. However, signs of these celestials resurfacing emerged, prophesizing the advent of the second celestial war. They could no longer afford to keep development slow. Netan is a young boy abandoned at the temple of Saketh - leader of the Kasi Gods. As the celestials awaken, numerable era defining events keep happening, and Netan seems to be at the epicenter of all of them. Is the cause of this simply chance? Is it his gifts? Or is it perhaps his unknown origin?

Kurukshetra · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs


Brahlan guided everyone out of the massive room and then out of the building. He maintained his smile while taking them to another building.

"Registration was not put in mind when designing the buildings. We only discovered the talent crisis later on," Brahlan clarified the complexity of the procedure.

They entered the building. They once again entered a room like in the previous building. Inside the room were multiple desks being manned by people. They were all ready to record information.

Brahlan went to one of them. He then lined everyone up.

"Name, age, gender and talent level," the person behind the desk said.

One by one everyone was registered. Finally Netan's turn arrived.

"Netan. 15. Male. Purple talent level," Netan said.

The man suddenly jerked his head up to look at Netan. The room was very quiet so Netan's words were heard by the other workers as well. They snapped their heads up at Netan as well.

"Is this true?" The worker asked Brahlan.

"Yes. He is a purple level talent," Brahlan said. He was beaming with pride. He was happy to find such a talent.

"Congratulations for finding such a talented person sir. We are glad to have you here Netan," the worker said politely.

His attitude turned from nonchalant to excited and respectful very quickly the minute he confirmed that Netan was a purple level talent.

He quickly recorded this information and then handed nine papers to Brahlan.

Brahlan took the papers and turned to the nine.

"This is where I am going to leave you. You have the rest of the day to explore the federation and get to your lodging. Your classes will start tomorrow," Brahlan said.

He then sorted the papers in his hand. Then he read out 5 names.

"Traci, Frances, Ward, Keira and Samantha. You are all green talent levels. You will go to dorm 15. The address will be in the paper," Brahlan handed the papers for them to distribute among themselves.

"Poole, Arnob and Amili. You are blue level talents. You are in dorm 4. Address in the papers," Brahlan gave them the papers.

"Netan. Purple level talent. Dorm 1. Address in the paper," He gave Netan his paper.

"These papers are like your documentation so don't lose them. If you do you will have to pay with points to get another copy," Brahlan said.

Brahlan looked at the nine waiting for a question.

"Points?" Frances asked.

"Yes. Everyone is given points. Based on your talent level you will be given a certain number of points until 5 years after you have started cultivating.

After 5 years you have to start earning your points doing missions. You can also start mission earlier but that just supplements your points.

These points do everything in the Peacock Federation other than defend you from major crimes. So try to gain more points. You are given 500 points for today to spend for the day," Brahlan explained.

"But we don't know how to use points," Keira said.

Brahlan looked at their hands and only saw the papers.

"Oh right, I have to give them to you," Brahlan said. He turned around to the worker at the desk.

"Could you give me initial cards?" He asked. The worker gave him nine cards.

Brahlan distributed these cards.

"You will get your real cards tomorrow. This is just for today. You can only use it on food and items unrelated to celestial energy," Brahlan said. "Now enjoy for the day."

After Brahlan said that everyone left the room. Netan walked out slowly. He had the whole day to explore. It was still after noon.

Netan walked along the street to see what shops there were. Most of them were standard shops that he would find on the streets of Kota.

Netan entered a clothing store. He saw the clothing to be different from what he was wearing. He saw a girl his age sorting clothes.

He walked to her and asked, "Could you suggest clothes?"

She looked at Netan, stepping back. "Sorry, I didn't see you there. What are you looking for? We have all kinds of clothes here!"

Netan looked at his card. "Within 300 points?" He asked back.

The girl smiled awkwardly.

"You will only get a pair of cultivation clothes for that," She said.

Netan nodded. "Yes, that." He handed his card to her.

She took the card and went to the billing counter. She billed it and then went to the back. She came back with a cover with the clothes inside it.

"That was 249 points," the girls said. She handed the card to Netan. "And welcome to the Peacock Federation!" She shouted as Netan left the store.

Netan kept roaming around looking for food after that. He was planning on finding food first before looking for his dorm.


Meanwhile, Brahlan had entered the tallest building inside the federation. He went to the stairs and went up to the top-most level. He then entered the sole room in the top floor.

The room was barren, save for a mat in the middle. On the mat was an old man. This man was the same person who saved Netan from the rakshasa.