
Celebrity Love

Jesy!Jesy!Jesy!, Jesy has been a global sensation although all the glitz and glam she has never been in love because she afraid of the media and Paparazzi reaction. ............................................................................................ What happens when she finally finds love with the leading company's CEO Jayden Nelson READ TO FIND OUT!!!

DaoistlcEnDm · perkotaan
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37 Chs


Jayden was in his office during the night when he got a call from Rick. Jayden was shocked that Rick called him after what he heard on the news headlines.

Rick: So you think you can just call me in my office giving me threats.

Jayden: I don't know what you are talking about.

Rick: Don't act stupid, you must have figured out that Sasha was working for me and you got rid of her.

Jayden: like I said I don't know what you are talking about and don't ever call this number again.

Jayden then dropped the phone. He thought to himself that Rick was plotting a plan but he kept it to himself. Jayden had to take care of Rick before Jesy comes back from her world tour. But he could not think of a plan since he didn't know what Rick's next plan was.

Rick on the other hand had a plan to ruin Jesy's reputation and Jayden's Business. He called one of the reporters to release a newspaper about Jayden and Jesy by the morning. The reporter did not like posting lies but Rick bribed him with a lot of money and he agreed. Morning arrived and Everyone was shocked to here bad storyline about Jesy and Jayden. Back at Jayden's tower one of his PI came in.

Jayden: you know you should knock before you get in you could get fired for that Jesper.

Jesper: Sorry it was urgent

Jayden: What was so important that you had to barge in like a crazy person.

Jesper put the newspaper on his table and Jayden looked at it and he read it. Jesy slept with Jayden to get on the front pages of the number one best magazine in Atlanta and what kind of man does that to women. He then got furious and told Jesper to get him a car that goes to Rick's cooperation. They arrived there in minutes to confront Rick. They just got inside the building and before the receptionist could say anything Jayden looked at her with an evil eye and she just kept quiet,he then made it into Rick's office.

he put the newspaper on Rick's desk.

Jayden: what the hell is this explain NOW!!!

Rick stood up

Rick: I told you to not mess with me I get what ever I want and you can't do nothing about it.

Jayden: oh you gonna get yours someday buddy mark my words.

Jayden walked out feeling angry, sad for Jesy and feeling weak that he let something like this happen. It was too late so he went to his apartment when he opened the door he saw Jesy on the sofa crying her heart out, Jayden came close to her and gave her a warm hug. Hours passed and Jayden finally said something.

Jayden: I swear I didn't want this to get this bad

Jesy: I got mean comments on my phone saying that am an escort Jayden.

Jayden: I promise I'll take care of this you just need to be strong for me.

they both dozed of to sleep on the couch. the both woke up on the sofa after hearing the phone ringing

Jayden: jes you must stay here, it's safe for you... for now I'll make you breakfast and go to work

Jesy: ok I'll take a shower

Jayden: Cool

Once Jesy was done, she went to the kitchen and saw a note next to her meal it was a poem about positive inspiration. she then smiled, Jayden had already gone to work.

Jayden went to his office he called an assassin to trick Rick to cancel the paper

Rick was on his lunch break immediately a black van came and kidnapped Rick. They threatened Rick to cancel the newspaper . Rick was scared so he agreed. Later that afternoon there were new headlines.

The newspaper apologized for releasing false news without evidence.

jasper came in to Jayden's office that evening.

Jasper: sir it is done

When they Jayden arrived at his apartment he saw Jesy on the floor unconscious. He then rushed her to the hospital. Jayden waited in the waiting room to know what happened to her,after a long waiting period the doctor finally came.

Jayden: what happened doc

Doctor: doctor: she just overdosed some pills, we gave her some treatment,she now regained her strength you can now go in and see her now

Jayden: Thanks doc

Jayden rushed and saw Jesy they both gave each other warm hugs

Jayden: why would you do that to me

Jesy: I just couldn't take it anymore.

Jayden: I told you to be strong I took care of everything

Jesy: oh baby thank you.

While they where still talking the news reported that Rick was shot in his office

Jesy and Jayden looked at each other shocked

Jesy: tell me you didn't

Jayden: I didn't trust me

they both set there and listen to the news once there where done they discharged

Jesy From the hospital. Few weeks have passed since the accident

and everything seemed back to normal. A lot off question were in answered from Ricks death.

Jesy's music Carrie has been bombing and and Jayden's business has had a lot o clients this past week. Everything was now normal for now at least.