
Celebrity Love

Jesy!Jesy!Jesy!, Jesy has been a global sensation although all the glitz and glam she has never been in love because she afraid of the media and Paparazzi reaction. ............................................................................................ What happens when she finally finds love with the leading company's CEO Jayden Nelson READ TO FIND OUT!!!

DaoistlcEnDm · Urban
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37 Chs

Another Day In the ATL

It's been a month since Rick was reported dead and everyone was very convinced except for one person which was Jayden. He was not convinced because Rick's death just happened so suddenly with no back story and Jayden was up to find what happened to him. They might be business rivals but Jayden wanted the truth because he was feeling like something bad was going to happen, on the other hand Jesy has been doing great and going to therapy but there was one problem, everywhere she went she kept on receiving gifts, flowers , pictures of her in her house and love texts but she did not tell anyone especially Jayden because he was keeping a distance from her. Everytime she called him his phone was not answered but she did not give up on trying to gain his attention . Jayden came to Jesy's house one night and asked to talk to her

Jayden: Can I talk to you ?

Jesy: What do you want to talk about?

Jayden: I am sorry for keeping a distance from you , I was just very busy

Jesy: With what?

Jayden: I just can't tell you

Jesy: Why? I am your girlfriend

Jayden: It's very dangerous anyway back to our talk , I wanted to ask you to go on a date with me tomorrow night

Jesy felt happy but she did not want to show it she answered in an uninterested voice

Jesy: Ok, see you tomorrow

Jayden: Bye and wear something nice with that Jayden left living Jesy feeling excited about tomorrow. The next day Jesy woke up feeling aesthetic about tonight she kept on singing and everyone around could sense the happiness and joy she possessed today. After a long day of Jesy having interviews and meet and greets with her fans Jesy was finally home and preparing for her date with Jayden. After three hours of Jesy preparing her self physical and mentally Jayden was ready to pick her up

Jayden: I am outside, Jesy you can now come and we go

Jesy: ok , I will be right there

Then Jesy dropped the phone and took her bag and went outside to meet Jayden and when she went out Jayden just automatically admired her beauty

Jesy: It's rude to stare at people

Jayden: Sorry you just beautiful

Jesy: Oh thanks, so you are not going to open the door for me

Jayden went to open the door for Jesy and she got in then he went to the driver seat. As they were going to their date they kept on singing to the songs that were playing on the radio and Jesy felt like they were connecting again,when they got there it was very empty and Jesy already knew what's going on Jayden had booked the restaurant for the two of them. As they ordered there food they engaged in small conversation. As waiter arrived to serve them their food he spilled the wine on Jesy.

Waiter: Sorry I did not mean to do it

Jesy: It's ok, I will be back I am going to the restroom to fix myself.

Jayden: Ok , I too want to use the bathroom meet you here after

Jesy: Okay, Jesy said and they went their separate way leaving the waiter alone with the opportunity to do the task she had given

Waiter: it's all done, said the waiter on her earpiece

Person: Ok, leave .... come and get your reward

( What could the waiter have done ?)