
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasi
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257 Chs

Chapter 48 - Without Drugs One Can Only Wait for Death

 Fang Yuqing, Wang Min, Sun Zhichao and the others fled back like lost dogs.

 After returning to the house and closing the door, a group of people were covered in cold sweat, panting heavily.

 Especially a few of the injured, gritting their teeth in pain, collapsed on the sofa.

 Zhang Yi's arrow had hit three people, Sun Zhichao, Zhou Peng and Ge Jia Liang.

 After all, they were the main attackers at that time and were closest to the door of Zhang Yi's house.

 As for Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining, they had seen Zhang Yi's methods before and deliberately stood back, neither of them were hit by the arrows.

 Thus, it led to the seven people who went over this time, the four men either died or were hit by the arrow of tetanus.

 Due to the cold weather, they didn't feel any particular pain at first.

 However, after returning home, several people endured the extremely low temperatures and had to grit their teeth to undo their clothes.

 When they saw the wound, they all turned pale!

 If it was an ordinary arrow, it would still be fine, pull it out, disinfect it with alcohol, and then take some anti-inflammatory medicine.

 But this arrow is covered with rust!

 No antibiotic drugs, once infected, in the current environment can only wait for death, or die a miserable kind of death!

 "Don't, don't! How could this happen!!!"

 Sun Zhichao's pupils shrunk, he understood what this meant, and the fear of death instantly enveloped him.


 A crunching sound came as Wang Min indignantly slapped Fang Yuqing.

 Those who were injured could all be her friends and family.

 And all of this was because Fang Yuqing had urged them to rob Zhang Yi's house.

 Could she not be angry?

 "Bitch, it's all because of you!"

 "Didn't you guys say that his house only has a sturdy door? Why would there be arrows? Did you guys already know about it and that's why you ran so far away! Why are you guys just fine?"

 Wang Min wasn't petite and was much taller than Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

 This slap immediately caused Fang Yuqing to cower in fear.

 Fang Yuqing covered her face and shed tears in aggravation.

 "I don't know either! The last two times we went over, he didn't attack us with a crossbow either."

 Zhou Peng's arm was hit by an arrow, and seeing his beloved woman being beaten by his cousin, he hurriedly struggled over and blocked in front of Fang Yuqing's body.

 "Cousin, don't be like this. I can testify that Yu Qing, she really didn't know!"

 Wang Min hated her cousin in her heart when she saw how stupid she was.

 She pointed at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining, "Then why are the two of them fine at all? Hmph, I saw it just now, they were hiding far away!"

 Lin Caining was not happy and muttered in a low voice, "Aren't you not hurt either? You still have the nerve to talk about us!"

 Wang Min cursed in anger, "I was just lucky that I didn't get shot. Now all of us are victimized by you, get out of here!"

 Sun Zhichao, however, reached out and stopped Wang Min before giving her a wink.

 "We're all injured now, someone has to take care of it."

 He said in a low voice.

 He didn't want to die yet, now he had to pull out the arrow and then pray that it didn't get infected in order to live.

 Wang Min's chest rose and fell violently, and he glanced hatefully at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

 "Don't come over to help!"

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining lowered their heads, a flash of resentment in their eyes.

 However, they still went to help those few injured people with their wounds.

 After untying their clothes and seeing the power of the arrows, their faces immediately turned pale.

 Zhang Yi's crossbows and arrows were professional-grade and could be used to hunt wild boars and coyotes.

 When they were shot at a person's body, they immediately sunk in deeply.

 They didn't have professional medical personnel here, much less professional equipment, so there was no way to deal with it.

 One bad mistake would directly cause them to hemorrhage to death.

 Wang Min pondered for a moment and said, "We can only find Dr. Zhou to come and help!"

 The Dr. Zhou she was talking about was Zhou Keer.

 Before, when Lin Xiaohu was kicked and his liver ruptured, she was the one who helped hang on to his life.

 Wang Min walked to the side and called Zhou Keer.

 Not long after, Zhou Ke'er came over.

 Wang Min walked over and excitedly pulled Zhou Keer's hand.

 "Doctor Zhou, the lives of all of us depend on you!"

 Zhou Ke'er was wearing a black knee-length down jacket that wrapped herself tightly, but it was still hard to hide her tall and slender figure.

 She was carrying an iron medical box on her shoulder.

 After coming into the room, she took a look at the injuries of several people and frowned.

 "Arrow wounds again?"

 Wang Min blinked curiously, "Again? Who else has been hit by arrows as well?"

 An unnatural look swept across Zhou Ke'er's face.

 "No, it was a patient from the hospital before."

 Wang Min felt something strange, but there was no time to think about it now.

 "Dr. Zhou, please hurry up and give them a look!"

 Zhou Keer didn't say much nonsense and walked over to check the injuries of a few people.

 By now, their faces were frighteningly pale.

 Since the arrows couldn't be pulled out, there was no way to stop the bleeding, which in itself was extremely fatal in a temperature of sixty to seventy degrees below zero.

 Zhou Keer frowned after taking a look, "Their injuries are too deep! Unless there's specialized equipment, I'm not completely sure about operating."

 Wang Min hurriedly said, "Dr. Zhou, it's already this time, just do it! We trust you."

 Zhou Keer shook her head.

 "The arrow is covered in rust, this is going to cause an infection."

 "The most I can do is pull out the arrow, but without antibiotic treatment it will also become infected.At that time, I'm afraid ..."

 She didn't say the words that followed, but everyone on the scene understood what it meant.

 Under these conditions, once infected, it would be certain death!

 Wang Min's tears immediately flowed down, Sun Zhichao several people are her closest friends, Zhou Peng is her cousin.

 In the midst of the post-apocalyptic world, one would have been particularly insecure.

 If one had to lose so many family members and friends at the same time within a day, it would definitely break one down!

 "That Zhang Yi is so cruel! He must have done it on purpose, how could he be so ruthless?"

 "Even if we take his house, we won't take his life!"

 Wang Min cursed in grief.

 "Zhang Yi?"

 Zhou Ke'er also remembered when she heard the name.

 She had a few encounters with Zhang Yi and vaguely remembered that he was a sunny and handsome man.

 However, due to Zhou Keer's cold personality, she had not interacted with him much.

 "In short, just pulling out the arrow will still be very life threatening if there is no medication. I hope you guys can understand."

 Zhou Keer said indifferently.

 To this day, she no longer shied away from anything, in the end times, everyone should have the awareness of dying at any time.

 Suddenly, Fang Yuqing seemed to have thought of something.

 She said excitedly, "Medicine? I remember Zhang Yi has it inside his house!"