
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasi
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257 Chs

Chapter 38 - Splash You with a Headful of Gold Liquid

 Zhou Peng saw that no one was paying attention to him, and knocked even harder on the door.

 "Zhang Yi, Zhang Yi! I'm Zhou Peng!"

 "Open the door a bit, I have something very important to say to you."

 Zhang Yi sneered, reached out and took his gun out, unlocking the safety with a "click".

 He walked to the door, "Who is it!"

 Zhou Peng heard Zhang Yi call back and hurriedly reached down below, signaling Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining to get ready.

 The two women were a little nervous as they were doing this kind of killing for the first time.

 However, once they thought that after killing Zhang Yi, they would be able to live in his warm and cozy house with plenty of food, their gazes immediately became firm!

 Zhou Peng said, "Zhang Yi. We've run out of food in our house, for the sake of being a colleague, can you give me something to eat?"

 He had a pleading look on his face, but his hand was quietly lowered, ready to draw his knife at any time.

 Zhang Yi leaned against the door and said indifferently, "We don't have any food left at home either, I can't help you in this matter!"

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining cursed in their hearts.

 You don't have any food at home?

 The seven or eight boxes of food inside that kitchen, and they were all dried scallops, scallop pillars and abalone, were they all fake?

 But this situation, they had prepared for it.

 Zhou Peng gritted his teeth and pulled out a box of medicine from his pocket.

 "Zhang Yi, I won't take yours for nothing! I'll exchange a box of ibuprofen with you."

 It was cold and many people had colds and fevers.

 In this situation, medicine was life-saving, and its value was not even weaker than food.

 In order to lure Zhang Yi to open the door, Zhou Peng took out his treasured ibuprofen.

 Zhang Yi was behind the door at this moment, but he was thinking about how he should deal with them.

 Kill them?

 That was also simple, either with a gun or a crossbow, they could be killed.

 But monotonously killing them was just too boring.

 Under the doomsday, dying was instead a relief, living was the infernal hell.

 He certainly wouldn't cheapen these few bitches.

 After thinking for a while, Zhang Yi had an idea in his mind.

 He walked to the trash can and took out a bottle of Pulse.

 He had just drank several cans of beer, and it just so happened that the urge to urinate had come up.

 He then pointed at the mouth of the bottle and opened the floodgates with a clatter.

 "Ibuprofen? This stuff is good, you let me think about it."

 Zhang Yi lazily chatted with Zhou Peng while draining the water.

 The few people outside the door also heard the sound of water if anything, but they didn't know what Zhang Yi was doing.

 Just hearing Zhang Yi's tone of voice as if he was in for a treat, a color of excitement appeared on several people's faces.

 Zhou Peng hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes, you open the door, let's exchange. What I want isn't much, two packs of instant noodles will do!"

 According to the current prices in the neighborhood, Ibuprofen could at least be exchanged for five packs of instant noodles!

 Zhou Peng deliberately offered a low price just to lure Zhang Yi to open the door.

 "Two packs of instant noodles? I'm afraid you'll lose out, how embarrassing."

 Zhang Yi put the end of the water, hands immediately more than a bottle of iced tea, full of a bottle, also flooded with white foam.

 Zhou Peng thought Zhang Yi was about to take the bait, lying on the door and said: "It's okay, I'm starving now, we are coworkers, cheaper than others cheaper than you. You open the door quickly!"

 Zhang Yi stepped on the stool and climbed to the shooting hole on the door, then poured a bottle of hot fresh iced tea down on the three people outside the door.

 Zhou Peng's few people were startled when the sudden liquid was poured on their heads.

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining even screamed.

 "Ah! What is this!"

 "Hey, it's hot water, it's still steaming!"

 Feeling that warm heat, the few people were a little happy at first.

 But within a second, they smelled that particular pungent odor.

 "This ... this is urine !!!!"

 "Ah !!!!"

 With urine drenching their heads, the two women let out a pig-killing squeal and immediately squatted on the ground and vomited furiously.

 And Zhou Peng is also angry red eyes, "Bang Bang Bang!" Slamming the door with force.

 "Zhang Yi, I @#¥*! %#¥! Get your ass out here, I'll kill you!"

 However, the heavy alloy door, with the fist smashed up did not change at all, but rather Zhou Peng's hands hurt badly.

 Zhang Yi's unrestrained laughter came from inside the door of the room.

 "How does my urine taste? Is it good to drink?"

 "A few brainwashed people, still wanting to come over and pit me. Are you guys worthy of it?"

 Zhou Peng's few people instantly realized that they had been discovered by Zhang Yi.

 A few people were shocked and angry, cursing at Zhang Yi outside the door.

 Zhou Peng cursed, "F*ck, I shouldn't have bullshitted you! You wait for me, I'll have to get you killed when I get in!"

 He also stopped pretending and pulled out a kitchen knife from inside his clothes and slashed playfully at the door!

 Ordinary doors were wooden structures, so as long as the lock was destroyed, the door could be opened.

 But Zhang Yi's door, which was made of an integrated alloy, could withstand an rpg blast!

 Zhou Peng's knife went down, and it was like cutting on a steel plate.

 The door didn't move, and the huge force of the recoil was directly shaken out by the chopper!

 The chopper swept past Zhou Peng's head, directly opening a long gash.

 His tiger's mouth was also shaken to the point of bleeding.

 A piece of biological trivia - human skin is more fragile in winter, and the pain is more intense.

 Zhou Peng's entire body was stunned, that hit just now, if the chopper had been a little more off, it would have cut directly on his face.

 But soon, his daze was forcibly interrupted by the intense pain.

 "Ah ah ah ah !!!!"

 Zhou Peng cried out in pain.

 When the two women saw this, the fear within them made them drop Zhou Peng and run away in a panic.

 Zhang Yi watched all of this from the room, weighing the pistol in his hand for a few moments, pondering whether to go out and directly give one of them a shot.

 Not to say kill them, at least let them hang a little color, then they in this cold end of the world must be worse than death.

 But after thinking for a moment, he gave up this intention.


 Because there were three mad dogs outside!

 Although he had a high probability of injuring them if he opened the door, he also had a zero percent chance of being killed.

 Taking his own life and safety as a joke, this kind of thing Zhang Yi would never do!

 That's right, he's the king of the kings!

 He was so comfortable in his own little life, why should he be intentional.

 "It doesn't matter, I'll just boil them to death here. Let's see how many days they can live in the midst of this post-apocalyptic world!"

 Zhang Yi was calm and relaxed as he returned to the sofa and continued to play the game.

 Zhou Peng and Fang Yuqing ran home to a few people, and he sat on the sofa, shivering.

 He almost died just now, and to this day, he still had palpitations.

 And Fang Yuqing immediately screamed when she saw the urine on him lowered onto the sofa.

 "Ah! Get lost, who let you sit on my sofa!"