
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

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257 Chs

Chapter 32 - White Lotus Softly Wearing

 The video call allowed Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining to see Zhang Yi's current state of life.

 That privileged life with pleasant temperature and abundant food made them completely dumbfounded, it was almost as if they had seen paradise!

 They probably couldn't imagine that there were still people who could live so comfortably ten days after the end of the world.

 Zhang Yi faintly asked, ''How have you been lately? Seeing that you've all lost weight, congratulations!"

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining really wanted to curse in their hearts.

 Did they want to be thin? It was all due to hunger!

 Right now, they only dared to eat one packet of instant noodles a day, otherwise, the supplies inside the house would have been exhausted long ago.

 Lin Caining's eyes stared straight at the food in Zhang Yi's house, she swallowed her saliva and said greedily, "Zhang Yi, why do you have so much food in your house? Is it the ones you stocked up on last time when we were shopping together?"

 Zhang Yi glanced at the kitchen and said indifferently, "You mean those ah, they're all just junk food, I eat a little when I'm too lazy to cook. Usually, I basically don't move much."

 What Zhang Yi said was the truth.

 Inside his alien space, there were mountains of delicious food.

 After all, he had ordered countless delicacies from various major restaurants.

 And let's just say that inside the tens of billions of supplies at the Walmart warehouse, there were over a hundred thousand kinds of food.

 His glib remark was a naked display of wealth to Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining!

 After all, a pack of instant noodles had been speculated to 2,000 dollars a pack in their owners' group!

 Zhang Yi could clearly see that their throats were constantly squirming, obviously swallowing saliva.

 However, Zhang Yi did not say anything and just quietly admired that longing look in their eyes.

 "Brother Zhang Yi's family eats so much. It's so awesome! A lot of people out there can't eat right now!"

 "Hee hee, it's still you who's smart. No wonder you bought so many things in the first place, so you already had plans!"

 Fang Yuqing said with a playful smile.

 Her address to Zhang Yi also unprecedentedly changed to "Brother Zhang Yi".

 The corner of Zhang Yi's mouth hooked up slightly.

 "Hey, what's wrong with that, it's just good luck."

 Fang Yuqing asked again, "Brother Zhang Yi, your home looks so warm. And it's not the time for power supply, why is your house so bright?"

 Fang Yuqing asked her biggest doubt.

 There was nothing that was more desirable than warmth in a state of extreme cold.

 Zhang Yi smiled faintly and reversed his cell phone's lens, aiming it at the fireplace.

 "We've installed a fireplace in our house! This thing is so warm that the inside of the house is unbearably hot."

 He added deliberately, "By the way, it looks like you guys are cold. Is it really that cold outside right now?"

 "I haven't gone out for about ten days, so I don't know what's going on outside."

 With these words, Zhang Yi could be said to have filled up the hate value.

 How could he not know what the situation was outside?

 Just through the owners' chat group, he could see everyone's misery and understand how low the temperature was in other people's homes.

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining hated each other in their hearts.

 They knew that Zhang Yi was saying this on purpose.

 However, it was impossible to resist the fact that people were now living in paradise! There was just the capital of Versailles.

 Fang Yuqing only had one idea right now, and that was to live inside Zhang Yi's house!

 Because looking at Zhang Yi's state, their home was very well stocked with food.

 Coupled with the warm environment, who could not yearn for it?

 Fang Yuqing immediately changed into a soft and pitiful look, blinking her eyes and saying coyly, "Brother Zhang Yi, you're so powerful, I adore you so much!"

 "Can you let me visit your home. It's been a long time since I've seen you, Yu Qing misses you so much!"

 Fang Yuqing felt that her move would definitely work.

 After all, before, she had relied on this trick to make quite a few licking dogs around her do her bidding.

 Not to mention that Zhang Yi had also pursued her in the beginning.

 She thought that as long as a goddess like herself used a little bit of tactics and a little bit of hand-holding, Zhang Yi would surely agree to her request in a heartbeat.

 As long as she was able to enter Zhang Yi's family home, she naturally had more ways to justify her stay.

 The big deal is that she will give Zhang Yi a little bit of sweetness!

 Men, aren't they all this kind of goods?

 However, she did not expect, the camera side of Zhang Yi saw her whiny look, only to feel a burst of stomach.

 He really began to suspect that the past himself is not a brain disease, otherwise how would it be hard to chase this kind of woman for two years?

 In the past, they all worked in the warehouse area, and there were originally fewer female employees.

 Fang Yuqing could be pampered and cute, and she could dress up, so over time, Zhang Yi took her as a goddess.

 In love brain mode, when the goddess filter is on, Fang Yuqing becomes the white moonlight in his heart.

 However, since he was betrayed and died in his last life, this goddess filter had completely disappeared.

 Looking at Fang Yuqing's face on the other side of the camera, Zhang Yi's heart didn't have the slightest fluctuation.

 It even felt pretentious and gave people goosebumps.

 The corner of his mouth slightly hooked up a mocking arc.

 Then leaning against the sofa, he said lazily with one hand resting on his cheeks, "It's such a cold day, it's better to rest at home! Don't come out and run around."

 "Well, although I don't know exactly how cold it is outside. But looking at you guys, the temperature should be quite low!"

 Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining probably did not expect to be rejected by Zhang Yi.

 The two froze at the same time, their eyes filled with incredulity.

 Fang Yuqing's eyes were even filled with shock and aggression.

 In her eyes, Zhang Yi was a good spare tire!

 As long as she hooked her finger, the opportunity would obediently come over to serve her.

 Now that she had taken the initiative to go to Zhang Yi's home, the other party had even rejected it without even thinking about it!

 This was a serious blow to her self-confidence!

 What made it even harder for her was Zhang Yi's Versailles tone.

 No, she couldn't accept this result!

 Knowing that there was a warm, spring-like paradise with plenty of food right in her own flat, while she was only able to starve at home, she absolutely could not accept it!

 She was a goddess!

 Fang Yuqing's face stiffened for a moment before she squeezed out a smile again.

 "Brother Zhang Yi, don't joke with Yu Qing!"

 "Didn't you treat Yuqing the best in the past?"

 "What, you won't even let me go and meet you if I want to? It's not like people are talking about doing anything else."

 She pouted her little mouth, revealing an aggrieved expression that was truly pitiful to me.

 After seeing it, an average man would probably rise up in pity and then be overflowing with machismo, agreeing to her request on the spot.

 Zhang Yi was the exception.

 Ever since he was betrayed to death by Fang Yuqing, he would not have any feelings other than hatred towards this woman.

 Zhang Yi said, "Every time I asked you to come up to my house in the past, you had all sorts of excuses, saying something about how we're both single men and women, and it's not a good influence to spread the word?"

 "I think you're right, it's not like we have any relationship, it's only right that we should keep our distance. Save people from gossiping!"

 When Zhang Yi pursued Fang Yuqing in the past, it took a lot of effort to get her to come out for a meal or a movie.

 Preparing gifts, preparing surprises, and booking a high-class hotel to have a chance.

 When he wanted to take it a step further and ask Fang Yuqing to his own home, she would always have all sorts of excuses.

 Now, Zhang Yi took out those words from her back then and playfully returned them to her.