
Cataclysm Extinction

In "Apocalypse Reborn: The Ice Grow older Legend," the globe dives right in to a disastrous Ice Grow older, cleaning out 98% of mankind. In his previous lifestyle, Zhang Yi, recognized for his types soul, fulfills a terrible point at the palms of those he when aided. Reborn a month just before the apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakens along with the electrical power towards control room, as well as he starts a frenzied goal towards hoard items. Experiencing a unfortunate lack? He easily clears a super-mall storage facility well really truly worth billions. Unpleasant lifestyle health conditions? He constructs a fortress-like risk-free home, measuring up to the most effective post-apocalyptic shelters. As the icy apocalypse descends, while others problem in the cold chilly, determined for food items, Zhang Yi stands apart, equipped as well as established, charting a course of survival as well as vengeance, much coming from the saintly body he when was actually. This clutching story of survival as well as improvement will certainly captivate visitors, using an exhilarating quest by means of a icy, treacherous globe.

DaoistY6GWhk · Fantasi
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257 Chs

Chapter 251 - Gotta Go with the Flow

 A day ago.


 Xishan Base.

 The information department received the distress message sent by special combatant Liu Ziyang, and for a moment the department's duty officers were in a state of emergency.

 This was the first time that a special warrior had gone out on a mission and sent a message to the base asking for help.

 After all, the organizational structure within the shelter had just been established less than two months ago, and the duties and communication between the departments were relatively loose.

 So when faced with such a situation for the first time, everyone was at a loss.

 The staff member who received the distress message reported the situation to the minister, requesting for his instructions.

 After seeing it, Information Minister Geng Yilin also frowned deeply.

 "A distress signal?"

 The Ministry of Information did not have the authority to command the troops, and could only continue to report to the leader, Chen Xinian, and then let Chen Xinian make up his mind.

 However, the problem was that it was late at night, Chen Xinian's routine was very regular, and he had already fallen asleep.

 This time to go to disturb, inevitably some bad, in case to make Chen Xining unhappy, he this information minister may be taken off.

 After all, in today's Xishan Base, Chen Xinian's every word was irreversible, and he had absolute power.

 Seeing Geng Yilin's hesitation, the ministry staff, however, said, "If we don't go and report it, in case something goes wrong at that time, won't we be the ones to take the responsibility?"

 Geng Yilin's frown deepened, he had spent decades in the bureaucracy, how could he not understand this?

 Don't ask for credit, but keep your nose clean, you can do nothing, but you must learn to be a non-sticky pot.

 The situation at hand is a bit of a dilemma.

 Geng Yilin pondered for a moment, and his heart suddenly had an idea.

 He wasn't in a position to step forward, but he could report this information to Ling Feng, the captain of the special operations team.

 Originally, those two field officers were members of the special operations team, and Ling Feng was definitely more anxious than him.

 So Geng Yilin hurriedly rushed to the special operations team and woke up Ling Feng through the soldiers on duty in the special operations team.

 Soon enough, a group of murderous Special Warfare Team members came to Geng Yilin's attention.

 The ACE Special Warfare Team, the most elite fighters of the Xishan Base, was basically composed of Special Forces and Inhumans.

 However, most of the Inhumans here were modified humans created by technology and ruthless living.

 At the head of the team was a short, flat-headed officer, he was only about one meter seven, his body wasn't considered to be much of a stout one, but underneath his green short-sleeved shirt, his tanned musculature contained terrifying strength.

 The group of special forces members behind him, who were even taller than him, had to bow their heads beside him, their expressions extraordinarily submissive.

 But when they saw Geng Yilin, that murderous aura spread out from among their eyes.

 "What happened to Liu Ziyan and Xie Huanhuan, the two of them?"

 Ling Feng asked with an open mouth, holding his arms.

 Geng Yilin hurriedly told them the situation, "We received their distress signal five minutes ago. We've currently determined the direction the message came from."

 "But if we want to take action, we must obtain the leader's permission to do so."

 Geng Yilin's this little thought, Ling Feng of course saw through it at a glance.

 But for the sake of his men, he immediately decided to go over to Chen Xinian and request to go to the rescue.

 After the end of the world, many of their comrades had died in the Blizzard and the Reformer experiments.

 There were fewer and fewer people who survived.

 Whether it was Liu Ziyan or Xie Huanhuan, they were all important comrades and brothers of the ACE Special Forces!

 As the captain, Ling Feng of course had to do his best to protect everyone in the special operations team!

 He brought a few of his men and immediately came to the first life warehouse, outside of Chen Xinian's residence.

 However, this was also the most heavily guarded part of the West Mountain Refuge.

 Without Chen Xinian's permission, no one could enter.

 It could even be said that purely in terms of defense level, this place surpassed Zhang Yi's shelter!

 Ling Feng arrived here, but was stopped by Chen Xinian's secretary, Ge Rou.

 "Captain Ling, it's this time of the day, please don't disturb the leader's rest. Come back tomorrow to report anything!"

 Ling Feng immediately said, "Two members of the Special Warfare Team, Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyan, went out on a search mission and are now in danger, and have sent a distress signal to the base."

 "I'm going to report this matter to the Leader immediately!"

 Ge Rou sniffed but only smiled faintly, "Captain Ling, I can understand your feelings. But you have to understand, no matter how hard you special warriors work, can you compare to the Leader's hard work?"

 "The Leader has to labor every day for the survival of the base. Now that he has just gone to bed, for you to wake him up at this time would be irresponsible to the entire base!"

 The few special warriors behind Ling Feng were instantly enraged.

 "Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyan are most likely in a life-threatening situation right now, or else they definitely wouldn't have asked for help so easily. If they go late, they might die!"

 Ge Rou's face still wore a subdued smile.

 "Have faith in your teammates!"

 "Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyan are both excellent special warriors with good combat skills. They are able to take care of themselves."

 A few of the special operations team members looked at the smile on Ge Rou's face and were so angry that their faces were so bruised that they wanted to punch her face!

 Ling Feng remained cold and said to Ge Rou, "Secretary Ge, human lives are at stake, no jokes! I also trouble you to help pass the word."

 Ge Rou smiled brightly, but her tone carried an unquestionable power.

 "Captain Ling Feng, do you think that the safety of the two special warriors is more important than our leader being able to have a good rest?"

 "If the leader doesn't have a good rest, the entire Xishan Base will have problems, and the lives and safety of the thousands of survivors we have here will be affected!"

 "So I hope you can distinguish between the priorities."

 The group of special warriors were enraged.

 "What kind of words are you saying! Are the lives of the special warriors not important?"

 Ge Rou smiled gently, "That's not what I meant. It's just that in the West Mountain Base, the leader is above all else!"

 Ling Feng stretched out his arm and stopped the team members who were about to contain their anger.

 He frowned and inquired, "Can't we really make an exception for once? Each and every special warrior is the most valuable talent of the Xishan Base."

 Ge Rou bowed and said, "I'm really sorry, forgive me for not being able to do anything."

 Ling Feng turned around after a moment of silence.

 "Go, go back!"

 He issued this order from his throat.

 The special warriors were in a hurry.


 They weren't willing to ignore their teammate's plea for help ah!

 Perhaps at this moment, their teammates were facing a life and death crisis!

 "Obey the order! Without permission from our superiors, we can't act without authorization!"

 Ling Feng said with a serious face.

 The group of special warriors around them were filled with pain, yet they had to obey their captain's orders.

 They were all soldiers, and soldiers had a natural duty to obey orders.

 Even if they were reluctant, the discipline engraved in their bones would not allow them to act out of character.

 Ge Rou saw them leave, collected the smile on her face, and stood in front of Chen Xinian's door in a standard ceremonial posture.